Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 497 This will not be a decision made by a few people

In an airtight isolation room,

Mr. Zhu didn't say anything more. After cutting off the communication, he just shook his head and turned into a smart panel and entered a string of text on it.

"The danger is very high. After questioning all 143 people on the ship, they all disagreed with the compromise conditions proposed by this universe and stated that the Totemka people must be exterminated. Neither threats nor inducements can bring about effective changes. It is not recommended to accept this species as a subsidiary. civilization."

It’s not just Mr. Zhu who is typing text,

On the smart panel, text is constantly appearing.


This is a lot of people interrogating different Tona people at the same time,

And the conclusions these people came to were almost the same!

That is——

Due to their racial characteristics, the Tona people are difficult to conquer as a subordinate civilization. If they are forcibly conquered, there is even a 75% risk of rebellion in the future!

In addition, the technology of this universe must be able to use genetic technology to control the Tona people.

But is it worth it?

Spending a lot of money just to acquire a subsidiary civilization that can only be controlled with technology?

It would be better to melt the planet and decompose the resources to produce Transformers!

"The Totemka people are worth conquering. Their personalities are very suitable. As for the Totemka people..."

Mr. Zhu shook his head, said hello to Fang Jing and the others, and left slowly.

However, when he left, Fang Jing vaguely heard a little sound remaining in the air.

"If you want to blame it, blame them for being too close to humans."

Hearing this sentence,

Fang Jing already understood Mr. Zhu's choice.

"The Tona people are going to be finished. They are completely finished. Even if this universe does not directly exterminate them, all their armed forces in Xinggongxu will certainly not be saved."

Horos shook his head.

He seemed to have seen the end of the Tona people.


It's not the end yet, at least the Tona people still have a chance.

Fang Jing, Zhou Yuan and Horos looked at each other, their eyes looking at Tuo Luo full of pity.

What a pity,

This guy with a bad mouth will probably not be able to cry in the future!


Although Tuoluo, who was behind the glass cover, couldn't hear the sounds outside, he was still a little confused when he looked at the three people in front of him with weird expressions of "You're finished."

What is happening outside?

How long are these bastards going to keep him locked up? !

He wants to go back to fight, follow the tribe into Taino Star, massacre the Totenka people and occupy their territory!


And these damn two-legged Lou Lous,

After they have established a foothold in the fertile land and developed stronger,

He will definitely take revenge!

When the time comes, I will electrocute all these bastard residents to death, and then eat the flesh of their young children!

Thinking of these pictures,

Tuoluo felt extremely happy in his heart, and his jaws kept swinging, as if he was really eating something!

"These guys really deserve to die!"

Outside, Fang Jing looked at the reflected scene in Tuoluo's imagination, and his face suddenly turned cold.

Suddenly he no longer pitied the Tona people,

These Tona people are in the records, but there are really records of the Totemka people!

Although Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan joked that Ibrahimovic could be eaten cold,

But that was just a joke,

Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan couldn't really "eat" a totem card person with human intelligence and self-awareness, and they couldn't eat it at all!

Here, Fang Jing does not evaluate whether the Tona people are correct in using the Totem Card people.

Different races, different civilizations, have different definitions of what is right.

However, the only thing Fang Jing can be sure of is that,

It is absolutely impossible for him to let the Tona people repeat what they did to the Totemka people to humans!

This group of Tona people, who have barbaric habits in the eyes of humans,

Or else I will submit to weakness and be suppressed forever,


Go to hell!

Unconsciously, half a month has passed since the capture of Totemka and Tona.

In the past half month, after many interrogations and consultations,

Finally on the node island of Mars,

The final meeting to decide how to respond to the emergency began.

"The reference conclusion of our detailed interrogation and analysis is that we can try to transform the Totemka people into our affiliated civilization."

"But Tona people, I'm sorry, we gave an inhumane suggestion, either blockade or...extermination!"

At the meeting chair, Mr. Zhu lowered his head and spoke in a very indifferent tone.

"Extinction, direct annihilation of a civilization?"

"This is not a parallel universe. If the truth is known to the people, it will cause an uproar. Is this against human morality and ethics?"

"What time has it been? This is the interstellar world, this is the universe!"

"I agree with Mr. Zhu's decision!"

"Yes, the threat is too high. We showed the power of this universe to half of the hundreds of interrogation subjects and promised to transform their home planet so that they could live a better life. In the end, no one agreed. If you want to destroy the Totemka people, this is no longer a fight for survival!"

"This is a civilization obsessed with territory and expansion. It is simply an enhanced version of the interstellar era."

"I don't agree. This is too hasty. Even if it is to be exterminated, there must be detailed evidence!"


At the meeting, everyone had a unanimous opinion on how to deal with the Totem Card civilization, but when it came to the Tona people, everyone encountered difficulties.


Don't get me wrong, it's not a dilemma about whether to destroy or not.

Everyone actually prefers to nip the danger in the bud.

After all, after reading the materials in detail, the people who attended the meeting clearly realized that the Tona people are ambitious. If they are not solved now, they will definitely bite when they grow stronger.

The key issue now is how to destroy?

"Since everyone is arguing about how to implement the extermination order, then we might as well force the other side to stop the war, and then contact the two sides. If the Tona people can understand the current situation, then we can spend some time to control them; if the other side is stubborn, then we can only apologize."

Next to them, the people from the Ministry of Aerospace came to act as a peacemaker and made a moderate suggestion.

People on both sides,

One side is more conservative, believing that there should be reason and evidence, contact first, and then deal with the other side if the negotiation fails; the other side is radical. Since they have determined that the other side is a threat, they should directly take ruthless action and not give the other side any chance!

However, in the end, after listening to the moderate suggestion of the Ministry of Aerospace,

both sides nodded and agreed for the time being.

"Okay, the plan is officially approved. We will immediately send a fleet to mediate the war, contact the two civilizations, and read out our ceasefire conditions."

Old Zhu nodded, and finally finalized the final version, saying loudly:

"Now everyone, take action immediately. If it is really time to issue an extermination order, we must immediately publicize it throughout the territory."

"This is what happened in this world. The people have the right to know. At the same time, the crime of exterminating a civilization cannot be borne by a few people. We will explain to all mankind. This-"

"It will be a common decision of all mankind!"

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