Exterminating a civilization is never a trivial matter.

In the parallel world, although this universe has also done such things, it was on the secret front.

And this is in our own universe!

Due to certain "characteristics" of human beings, in order to avoid unnecessary infamy from the outside world for those who implement the extermination order, we seek a common decision of the whole people, so that the decision of a few people becomes the choice of all mankind!

This is the purpose of Mr. Zhu!

Below the meeting, Fang Jing and others stood up and applauded excitedly after the meeting.

That's it!

There is no problem in advocating cooperation, contribution, and sharing of destiny among them; but when it comes to the outside world, the rules within these ethnic groups are completely inappropriate, and they must let everyone realize this!

You long to live in peace with the Tona people,

Don't dream!

They will only respond on the surface, eat the technology you give, and then accumulate strength and wait for the opportunity to bite you back!

At most, when they hit you, they will give you a middle finger,

Then while launching a war, they will say thank you for raising me!

In the universe,

there is no way to maintain true peace between races,

unless the Eastern Power completely dominates the entire universe and forcibly promotes this set of values!

So now the Eastern Power can only adapt,

adapt to this cruelty.

Note that it is the entire ethnic group that adapts to this cruelty, not just a few people!

Based on Zhu Lao's observation,

after the Eastern Power entered the interstellar era, the affluent life has made many residents have a serious "universal love consciousness". Some people have unimaginable empathy for animals and pets, and some people are even bored to the point of empathy for certain objects.

In addition, due to the lack of worries about food and clothing and a lot of free time, the cultural atmosphere is also increasingly developing towards "neutrality".

This is a very dangerous signal.

The huge hotbed can only cultivate "waste" that overflows with sympathy and puts their own ethnic group into trouble.


taking this opportunity, it is time to change the whole folk customs.

Internally, it is natural to advocate the spirit of fraternity such as friendliness, harmony, mutual help, etc.; externally, humans must become hunters. On the way forward, they must not only subdue the hunting dogs, but also decisively raise their guns and destroy all enemies without hesitation!

This is the only way to go long-term!

Centaurus, outside Yangcheng Star,

The miners and "gold diggers" who were unloading at the space base suddenly looked up in surprise and looked at their heads.

Over the entire base, the overwhelming warships rushed past with a sharp cold light. The huge fleet passed in front of people. The heavy steel giant ships taller than the mountains filled the field of vision. There was nothing else in sight except steel warships!

All the warships followed the flagship with a red glow. For a moment, the quiet space seemed to sound a dull horn. The dull atmosphere oppressed for no reason, making everyone feel a sense of suffocation.

"What's going on? There are more than a hundred ships, right?"

"Are we going to fight? Who are we going to fight?"

"That warship is so big, probably more than ten kilometers, it's too big!"

"No matter what, triumph!"

"Team, triumph!"


Outside the spaceport, the miners and "gold diggers" were confused at first, and then they waved their hands excitedly.

They didn't know what this huge fleet was going to do or where it was going.

They only knew that

wherever the fleet went, it would become a safe zone for them to pan for gold and mine.

Therefore, they cheered, they shouted,

waiting for these warriors to triumph!


Fleet name: Mediation Fleet

Flagship: Imperial Order

Level: Superstellar

Mission objective: Stop the war between the Totemka and Tona peoples.

The huge fleet sailed in the dark void until it left the Alpha Centauri star system. On the back of a wandering planet that was difficult to observe, the huge fleet was completely wrapped in a tortuous space bubble.

Because there were too many jumping targets and the mass was too large, even the space bubble was stuck for a while.

Then, after several consecutive swings,

the space bubble completed its mission and the fleet disappeared on the spot.

At the same time, a message was sent to the node island of Mars:

Transmission completed, mission begins!

In the Xinggong Xu star system,

the war between the Totemka and the Tona people was in a stalemate,

and the disappearance of the Tora fleet did not affect the Tona people's attack.

The defense line outside Taino Star has been breached. Now, Taino Star controlled by the Totemka people is completely exposed to the sight of the Tona people.

The crisis is brewing quietly.

Outside the third line of defense, looking through the porthole at the broken Totemka asteroid position in the distance, Vala's eyes flashed with relief, but then what surged into his heart was madness and unbridled joy.

"The last shell of the Totemka inferiors has been broken!"

"Collect their fuel, ammunition and corpses, and after a little repair, we will kill Taino and seize the promised rich land!

"Kill all the Totemka inferiors and seize that rich land!"

"Finally, follow me to kill them all!"

As Vala roared wildly, the crew on the ship also roared and reveled excitedly.

They waved their weapons and looked at the location of Taino with their eyes, with unconcealed greed.

After so many years,

they finally approached the "sacred land" dreamed of by countless generations of Tona people.

The war between the Tona people and the Totenka people happened more than once!

This is actually the second war, but due to the great transfer, they failed the last time.

However, the defeated Tona people brought back news of the dream world like the "divine land".

It was a "paradise" with four seasons throughout the year, no eternal volcanic eruptions and hellish volcanic ash covering the entire world, food everywhere, and fuel everywhere.

After receiving this news, the Tona people dreamed of entering that world.

This war has been prepared for millions of years,

They can only succeed, not fail!

"Chief, the Totenka people's fuel, ammunition, corpses and other supplies have been collected."

Vala's side, the quartermaster reminded.

"How much food is there?"

Valla was concerned about this;

The fuel and ammunition were enough for them to rush into the Taino planet. Only food, they didn't carry much.

"The Totenka people know that we are short of supplies. When the position was breached, these bad guys actually destroyed the supplies. Our food reserves are already insufficient!"

The quartermaster sounded very angry.


A trace of anger flashed in Vala's eyes, but he didn't show it openly. He waved his jaws and said calmly:

"It's okay. Let the people from the logistics team collect the body of the Totem Card man."

"I had already guessed this,"

"Prepare the food!"

"Yes, but there are still some Totem Card prisoners?"

The quartermaster looked at Vala hesitantly.


Vala turned her head and glanced at the quartermaster coldly:

"How does Bathory hunt?"

"Use your claws to climb up the prey's body, and then eat the prey bit by bit while the prey is still alive..."

The quartermaster answered immediately, and at the end of the answer, he nodded clearly:

"I already understand!"

"Well, go ahead!"

Vala's expression was cold;

He will use the pain and lamentation of Totemka's inferiors to announce the arrival of the Tona people!

As for where the food comes from?

Vala has made it very clear, and it would be impolite to write it too clearly.

On that day,

A well-fed Tona man,

Get ready for the final assault!

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