Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 505: Building momentum

What is the highest level of publicity?

Use the most authentic materials to achieve the effect you want, nothing more.

The introduction of the Totenka people is true, the Tona people’s war for survival is true, and the Tona people’s atrocities against the Totenka people are also true.

None of the news is false,

There is no bias in the content of the promotional introduction.

It just faithfully writes about the situation of the Totemka people, the situation of the Tona people, and the true situation of the war between the two civilizations.


These contents are enough to make people angry.

After all, people have an emotional side.

Compared to each other, the Tona people are just a pile of shit!

Under this news,

Many netizens who read the entire article were also surprisingly indignant.

"The Tona people are really nothing. How dare you speak like this?"

"That is to say, this Tona man is so warlike, and he is just 600 light years away from us. Will he be a threat in the future?"

"What do you think about the one upstairs? I guess this Tona guy is an interstellar little Liben, and he will definitely be very ambitious!"

"You can't say that. After all, the environment they live in is too harsh. If they were given the living conditions of the Totemka people, they would probably change, right?"

"Should? Change? The people upstairs have less experience. As the saying goes, bad places breed unruly people. Most people who come out of this kind of environment are very paranoid!"

"I'm from Qiongshan. Who are you talking about? You're also on Mars, right? You have the guts to challenge me!"

"Look, you've got the right seat?"


It's only the first stage now,

As a result, the response on the Internet has been biased, and the public has a bad impression of the Tona people.

This impression fell to the bottom with the following reports!

Mars Daily and Starfield Daily released major news one after another!

"The Tona people flatly refused help and still insisted on starting a war!" 》

"What is the war about?" Why do the Tona refuse our help in building a new world? 》

"Two Negotiations, the Tona People's Decision!" 》

Three pieces of news were released at noon that day,

These news details the reconciliation of the two civilizations in this universe, as well as the process of promising to help the Tona people rebuild their homeland but being flatly rejected.

This news also wrote down the content of the negotiations between the representatives of this universe and the Tona people word for word.

What did the Tona say, curse, attack,

Clear as day!

"This is shameless!"

"The people who said before that they would change if they were given the Totem Card environment, stand up and get beaten!"

"Damn it, it's so intrusive that it dares to attack our warships. This is already an act of war!"

"This kind of race cannot be retained!"

"We must not raise tigers to cause trouble!"


This fire directly ignited public opinion completely.

From both an emotional and rational perspective, people increasingly feel that there is no need to keep the Tona civilization.

From an emotional point of view, the other party is too cruel and paranoid, and will not let go of the totem card people; from a rational point of view, such an extremely invasive civilization is not far away from human beings. This is a big landmine that will explode sooner or later.

And it was humans themselves who were injured!

The general public is not stupid.

Isn't this the same as funding a small business and then waiting for the other party to become stronger and bite you in turn?

"It's so close, but...it feels more peaceful if it's destroyed."

"600 light-years is not very close, and it is too rough to be destroyed like this."

"The person upstairs didn't read the plan for the star system defense position that was released a month ago. The range from one thousand light years to five hundred light years will be used as a buffer zone for the core of human civilization in the future. We are going to set up defensive positions. Yes, this Tona guy is stuck right in the middle!”

"You're right, you are offending me, so it's better to kill him and then beg for it!"

"I vote for it!"

"This is not intrahuman, I agree!"


Soon, as more information was revealed, the decision was made in the minds of the vast majority of people.

And even those who disagree feel sad in their hearts at this time.

For the first time, they felt the long darkness under the gorgeous appearance of the universe.

These people, under the education of the interstellar era, are just a little too sympathetic, but they are not really stupid.

Seeing the stunned look of the Tona people,

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is just a huge threat!

Also because of this,

At this time, the people of the great eastern country have made some determination in their hearts!

"It's been brewed and ready to be announced!"

Mr. Zhu, who was in the command room of Node Island, suddenly opened his eyes, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The time has come,

The response from the public has been fierce. The effect has been achieved. It’s time to give it a try!

"Yes, I'll make arrangements right away."

Zhao Guangyao nodded and called the staff of the Propaganda Department on the spot.

As a result, the entire public immediately spread wildly...the "gossip" about this universe's order to exterminate the Tona civilization.

There is also a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"I heard that the military has issued an extermination order?"

"Where did the news come from upstairs? It's news from the army. Check the water meter for warning!"

"I heard it too, it's from the government!"

"Holy shit, it's fake, are you really going to do it?"

"Quick, look at the official website of Mars Daily!"

Following the gossip that spread everywhere, Mars Daily published a very important news on its official website!

"Decision on holding a meeting to discuss the handling of Tona and Totemka civilizations"

Mr. Zhu said that this extermination order will not be a decision made by a few people, but a decision made by all mankind. It is not a joke!

At this meeting,

all representatives of all mankind will be present.

The expert group will give data, list evidence, answer questions from representatives and the general public at the meeting, and hold a public hearing throughout the process.

Finally, a decision will be made!

At the same time as the document was released, even the representatives of the countries that were still left on Earth received an invitation to Yongri City on Mars.

"Can we vote too?"

The representative of the European Space Agency looked at the invitation letter in his hand and the spacecraft that had been prepared long ago, and raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that the Eastern power is serious. We have also received an invitation."

The representatives of Lao Mi and the German Alliance looked at each other and took out the invitation letters they received.

"In that case, let's go and see... Mars, the Eastern Power!"

Da Mao's eyes were complicated.

It felt like only a few years had passed, and it wasn't actually that many years. How could they develop so fast?

"Mars, the prosperous city..."

Xiao Liben's eyes flashed with longing.

If they could get such a vast land, they would definitely develop a more prosperous civilization. Unfortunately, they can no longer leave the Earth.

Outside the Earth,

it is already the world of the Eastern Power!

"Go, go and see the miracle city built by the people of the Eastern Power, that magical planet!"

In the conference room, representatives of various countries nodded slowly.

This time,

it will be good to brag when you come back!

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