Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 523: Staple food alone is not enough, meat, eggs and milk are also needed

this universe,

As the space vibration detector issued an alarm,

The members of the logistics team of Project 237 stood on their backs, with many of the equipment in their hands ready.

"Disinfection preparation, biochemical team preparation!"

Zhou Yuan looked serious and nodded to King Sun.

call out--

With a sound of metal collision, Fang Jing appeared on the spot.

The moment he appeared,

Logistics troops wearing heavy chemical protective suits immediately rushed over dragging long tubes.

Fang Jing also knew what was going to happen, and stood still without moving, letting the support staff surround him and raise their spray guns, spraying white smoke wildly.

"Chemical disinfection is over!"

"Evacuate, the Fangjing armor is confirmed to be undamaged, and the internal constant temperature mode has been activated."

After spraying several rounds of disinfectant, the chemical defense personnel evacuated, followed by a group of soldiers wearing power armor and holding iron shields who rushed forward.

Polished to the point of being like a mirror and an iron shield surrounding the scene in a circle,

Until there was no gap left up, down, left, or right, a high-temperature jet rushed in,

In an instant, all the gaps on the surface of the mimic armor were heated to over 100,000 degrees!

High temperature sterilization, eternal god!

After such operations, it is completed.

When the soldiers retreated, white smoke came out of the mimic armor worn by Fang Jing.

At the same time, taking advantage of this time,

Mr. Zhu and others in the monitoring room also determined the information about the new world through the data uploaded by the armor.

“This is really the world of Interstellar, so let’s go as planned!”

Mr. Zhu breathed out, looked at Yang Mingzhong who was holding Fang Jing and begging in the picture in front of him. He was silent for a moment, then turned to Zhao Guangyao and asked:

"Where are the seeds prepared by the biology team?"

"Mr. Zhu, we are ready. The number of seeds can be cultivated repeatedly in Sichuan Province in the picture. In one month, it is enough to produce the country's food for three years."

Zhao Guangyao nodded affirmatively and gave orders to the pager.

The order is given,

In the disinfection room, several fully armed soldiers walked in from the airlock pushing a square box.

At the same time,

Fang Jing's mimic armor smart terminal also received the full genome information of fast-growing wheat.

Everything is so tacit, so smooth,

Everyone in Project 237 accomplished everything in an instant.

"Fang Jing, we already understand the situation over there, let's act according to the plan!"

Mr. Zhu's voice rang in Fang Jing's ears.


Fang Jing was already familiar with all this. He gestured to the monitor, took the box of just the right size and disappeared.

This box contains precious crop seeds.

Fang Jing just wants to go faster, and faster.

If only the seeds could be brought earlier and planted earlier,

There will be fewer people going hungry and more people having enough to eat!

"This batch of seeds can produce seeds, but there is only one generation, and the number of seeds produced is enough!"

In the monitoring room, Zhao Guangyao breathed out,

There are enough grain seeds to feed billions of people for three years. How long would it take for Fang Jing to carry them through the conveyor belt alone?

So these first batch of fast-growing seeds,

They are the only seeds that can cultivate fast-growing seeds!

The purpose is to produce enough seeds as soon as possible!

"Haha, our compatriots, there is no reason to be hungry."

Mr. Zhu thought that if he had enough rice, he would have to get some meat no matter how hard he looked for it, right?

So he waved his hand and told Zhao Guangyao:

"The seeds of feed crops such as soybeans should also be shipped over quickly. Once things stabilize over there, they will be sent over immediately!"

"It has been prepared, including a small fusion platform with a built-in chemical photosynthesizer, which is enough to use carbon dioxide to produce starch as a feed supplement."

Originally, according to the wishes of the Academy of Sciences, due to the opponent's situation, it was better to build a few such chemical photosynthesizers and directly use carbon dioxide to produce Peak.

However, considering the taste of artificial starch,

Zhao Guangyao refused directly.

How can their people eat something that tastes so bad!

This big country in the East is a country with great food!

Interstellar travel across the world,

Fang Jing reappeared in the laboratory with a huge box.

Just showed up,

What he was carrying attracted everyone's attention.

"This is?"

Qian Lao's eyes lit up slightly, and he already had some guesses in his mind when he asked.

"This is a breeding seed, and it is also fast-growing. The seeds produced are enough to grow enough food for the whole country for three years!"

Fang Jing laughed and patted the box at his hand. He seemed to have remembered something and deliberately said:

"By the way, I met an old man when I first came to your world. I promised to let him grow a hundred acres of food that will not wither. I need Mr. Qian's help to pay attention to this."

"No problem, isn't it just to plant a hundred acres? I will grant it to him personally!"

Boss Qian was happy to know that if this kind of seed was sown, the country's staple food for three years could be quickly collected.

Hu Weijian was also very happy, but he still moved his lips slightly, as if he wanted to ask something.

"Also, this is the genome information of these fast-growing wheats, and it even includes the safety experiments we conducted."

Fang Jing saw Minister Hu's worry, smiled and stretched out his hand, and a silver-white USB flash drive protruded from his outer armor.

"Thank you!"

Hu Weijian took a few steps forward with a look of surprise on his face, took the USB flash drive, and took the research team to the data desk to check it out in anticipation.

Look at this, it’s okay!

"The entire genome is clearly arranged, and it doesn't look like it has been edited at all. The original wheat genes are almost the same, and the safety tests are also very comprehensive. From gene stability to the health of the results, the entire process is tested!"

The team leader of the research room widened his eyes.

These data are completely complete. If you trust the source of the data, you can use it directly!

"It's better to do a security test and randomly check the data integrity."

But for safety reasons,

Hu Weijian decided that they would conduct another test alone.

Because the genetic data of fast-growing wheat is very complete,

Testing doesn’t take much time,

It was not a problem for Fang Jing and the others to stay in the laboratory all the time, so at the invitation of Mr. Qian, they left and returned to the office.

"Thank you so much this time!"

After Mr. Qian added his official seal to Fang Jing's document, he sent out his sincere thanks.

"Hahaha, it's a small matter. Since we have the ability to travel through parallel universes, we naturally have to shoulder the responsibility of rescuing our compatriots."

Fang Jing shook his head,

We’ll talk about other things later,

The most urgent task now is to solve the food problem.

Let the people in the big eastern countries be full first!

"As soon as we complete the verification, we will immediately arrange for large-scale planting, and then use the railway system to immediately distribute it across the country!"

"Railway systems at all levels have already started dispatching."

Gan Lao looked excited,

Now I finally don’t have to dig and search, I can transport food quietly!

This time he will make a big fanfare, publicly transport the amount of grain, and then transport it to all parts of the country in trains!

Let all the people take a good look at it and feel at ease.

From now on, you don’t have to go hungry anymore!

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