Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 524: New brilliance!

More than an hour,

Researchers used the database of this universe to complete the safety investigation of fast-growing species.

The conclusion is that this fast-growing species is completely harmless to humans!

Of course, it is still harmful to the environment. If you do not prepare three times the nutrients in advance, this kind of fast-growing species will directly starve the soil of fertilizer. Planting it several times may require the land to be abandoned for several years.

However, these are all controllable harms and can be completely avoided as long as you prepare in advance!

"Okay, let's go to the fields outside and take a good look at this fast-growing wheat!"

After reaching the conclusion, Mr. Qian was excited and made a decision with a wave of his hand:

"Let the people nearby and journalists from all over the country come over and take a look!"


The big eastern country is in a downturn due to food problems and needs such stimulation.

In this regard, Fang Jing is naturally happy to see the success,

He has already taken out the seeds, what to do next will naturally depend on Qian Lao and others!

"Of course, guards must be in place to prevent our seeds from being stolen by people with bad intentions."

Qian Lao gave Hu Weijian a few detailed instructions.


After hearing this, Hu Weijian also looked excited.

This is going to be a big one!

But he likes it!

The food issue is a country’s primary issue.

Therefore, the importance of this matter was very high, but within half an hour, people from the security office came to report that the place was ready!

"How about it, Colonel Fang, do you want to see the spirit of our people?"

Qian Lao nodded to the guard chief, turned to look at Fang Jing and smiled softly.


Fang Jing nodded sideways and agreed happily.

"Okay then, carry the seeds and let's set off!"

Qian Lao laughed, gently guided Fang Jing with his hand, and walked straight towards the outside of the office building.

At this time, the outside world

In the main station of a large plain production base in Sichuan Province,

The gathered crowd and reporters were looking around curiously.

This place is densely populated with tens of thousands of people!

"What's the point of such a big battle?"

Zhang Xuan, a reporter from a certain newspaper, looked at the dark crowd around him and secretly smacked his tongue.

Something big is going to happen!

"It's probably... the announcement about rice. I traveled to several plains in the middle and lower reaches. The situation of rice is not optimistic. Because there are grain reserves, there will definitely be no problem this year. I just have to consider next year instead!"

On the side, the reporter from the Agriculture News shook his head, keeping his taboo in mind and speaking solemnly.

"This is indeed a big deal."

The matter of rice is not a secret, anyone who pays attention to it will know about it, so Zhang Xuan's expression changed and he nodded.

This is what most of the reporters present thought,

They all expected,

This press conference held by the Minister of the Sichuan Provincial Food Administration is for this matter!

Moreover, the reporter of the Agriculture News has a very keen sense of smell.

He had a strong premonition,

Maybe, a war will break out because of this!

Farming wars have been a major event since ancient times, and the number of wars that broke out for food is even more numerous than the number of books can count. And this reporter has already felt that the world has been unstoppably sliding towards the edge of terror.


Fortunately, this reporter from the Agriculture News clearly knew that

He lives in a big country,

At this moment, to be honest, in a fight, it would be a small country that would be beaten and exploited!

If Fang Jing didn’t come,

The result was indeed similar to what the reporter from the Agriculture News had guessed, but Fang Jing came.

Everything has been changed.

A large number of farmers gathered around this high platform,

Hu Weijian, Qian Lao and Fang Jing walked up together.

"It's Mr. Qian, why did he come in person!"

The reporters around him were all familiar with Mr. Gan, and they all became excited when they saw his face.

Qianlao was very familiar with this kind of scene. He took the microphone and just pressed his hand slightly.

The originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet.

"Fellow folks, I have called you here today to have some good news!"

Mr. Qian didn't talk nonsense, but got straight to the point with a smile and started with good news.

The people below were quiet for a moment, and then started a heated discussion the next moment.

"Good news?"

"Has the Ministry of Science and Technology found a solution?"

"It should be, otherwise how can I say it is good news!"

"It's impossible. I saw yesterday's news that rice and South America have all seen reduced production. There might be a famine next year!"

"I don't think it's possible either!"


Gan Lao's words immediately caused people to talk and speculate.

Some people thought that the problem of blight virus was solved.

But I think more of it is not.

After letting the atmosphere brew for a while, Mr. Qian pressed his hand again, turned around and waved to the guard, and then said with a smile:

"This is good news that is enough to excite everyone, but just saying it is empty. Seeing is believing, so I will show it to everyone myself!"

"Push it up!"

After finishing speaking, the guard pushed up a box containing nutrient soil, a heating lamp and a water tank.

Moreover, people pointed the camera directly around the box,

This allows the structure to be displayed on the huge screen at 360 degrees without blind spots, allowing people as far as a hundred meters away to see clearly.

"What's that?"

"A box filled with soil, a lot of water, and isn't that a bathroom heater and ultraviolet lamp?"

"What's going on?"

"Don't worry about it, just keep watching!"


The scene in front of them made everyone present confused. What kind of trouble is this?

Mr. Zhu ignored everyone's comments and nodded to Hu Weijian.

Hu Weijian took the order and waved to the researchers. Several researchers took out the seeds of fast-growing seeds, gently pushed aside the soil in front of everyone, and planted the seeds.

"Are those wheat seeds?"

"Is this a show about growing food?"

"No way, the people above are finally driven crazy by the food?"

"I can't understand."

There is no way to directly cultivate land like this. Dig a pit, turn on the bathroom heater and ultraviolet lamp, and then pour water vigorously.

The old farmer with rich planting experience under the platform looked disdainful. If he could plant it well like this, I turned into a cow on the spot to plow two acres of land!

Experience tells them that this is not possible;

However, technology will quickly slap them in the face and tell them they fart!

Amidst the doubtful, puzzled, and questioning eyes in the audience,

The newly planted seeds in the box actually sprouted directly!

"It's sprouted. Oh my god, how fast?"

"This is so fucking fake!"

"Holy shit, it's still growing. The seedlings are sprouting and tillering. I'm wrong. They're growing too fast. They're all at joints all of a sudden!"

"Three minutes, the ear has started. Is this still scientific?"

"The ears are heading and the grain is filling."

"It's done. It'll be done in five or six minutes!"

The scene in front of them not only confused the old farmers gathered around, but even the reporters were dumbfounded.

What did they think this was?

The camera is still in the rotation position. Are you mature enough?

No reaction from anyone?

Already familiar?

Of course, after a few seconds of lag, the scene immediately erupted into overwhelming exclamations.

Standing on the stage, Mr. Qian could clearly see everyone's moods, so he put a smile on his lips.

The time has come,

He raised his head slightly and looked at the large field not far away that had been vacated due to harvesting, and his heart was full of pride!

this whole land,

Will regain its new glory!

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