Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 525: We'll take care of this dinner!

The entire Sichuan Province scene,

Everyone was shocked by the sight of the fast-growing species growing in front of them.

Even if the person standing on the stage is an old man,

This kind of image that violates self-consciousness still makes many people simply not believe it?

Is this a technology that human science can achieve now?

Is this technology possible?

The scene was filled with exclamations and an uproar at the same time.

"This, is this fake?"

"But it was demonstrated by Mr. Qian himself!"

"It's not scientific anymore. How can you grow up so fast?"


In the audience, everyone was shocked, followed by doubts.

After all, this is really scary.

Even in this universe more than ten years ago, if you said that ripe wheat could grow quickly in five minutes, no one would believe it, let alone here.

"Folks, I know everyone doesn't believe it, I won't say too much, seeing is believing!"

Qianlao laughed loudly, pointed at the empty farmland in the distance, and shocked everyone with his words.

"There is an open space not far away from the harvest. We will directly plant the seeds and plant them on the spot! I need some experts who can operate the machine. Is anyone willing?"

After talking,

The scene was quiet for a moment, and then suddenly exploded with people shouting.

"I, I have obtained the rice transplanting expert certificate from the General Food Administration!"

"You fucking start driving. This is wheat. I have a wheat harvester labor certificate. Choose me!"

"I have planting experience, I'll do it!"

"Me me!"


What doubts, what doubts,

After Qianlao asked people to personally take the seeds to the field for planting practice, everything turned into excitement and excitement.

How dare you do this?

They had to personally handle the land that had been vacated by grabbing it, so they definitely couldn't do anything about it.

They had a strong premonition,

It can’t be fake!

Thanks to the enthusiasm of everyone present, the staff immediately selected twenty-five people.

Qian Lao personally led the team and walked towards the cultivated land in a huge crowd.


Looking at the huge crowd,

In particular, some old farmers who had been convinced from the beginning started singing chants excitedly.

Fang Jing just kept smiling,

This unyielding and joyful spirit made him feel a little throbbing in his heart.

It's like coming home!

There is no doubt that the people from the Eastern countries here can share the same journey!

"Put up the moon and bask in the sun; straighten your waist and lengthen your neck..."

"Wear a hat and shrink your legs, go to the ground and yow oh oh oh!"

Although Fang Jing listened to the chant with a strong flavor of the southwestern dialect, he could not help but roar when he saw the lively atmosphere of people carrying farm tools along the road cheering continuously, and Mr. Gan and Hu Weijian also shouting a few words. Two voices.


It's just that the voice of this voice is a bit too loud.

Coupled with the steel armor Fang Jing was wearing, it really scared the people around him and suddenly trembled.

"Oh my god, there really is a person inside that iron shell!"

The person at the front of the team suddenly exclaimed and looked at Fang Jing curiously.

It wasn't until Qian Lao explained a few words that everyone stopped paying attention and the team continued to move forward.

At this time,

Listening to Fang Jing, who continued to follow the crowd and shout "crappy" chants,

Qian Lao and Hu Weijian looked at each other and laughed heartily.


While laughing,

They also had some recognition of Fang Jing.

The Book of Songs says that fire flows in the seventh month and clothes are given in the ninth month.

The time has come for the great Eastern country in the interstellar world!

Although the weather is getting cooler,

However, people's hearts are extremely hot.

On the cultivated land not far away from the General Food Administration, half of the twenty-five selected people were shirtless, revealing their skin that had been tanned by the sun. They were sweating and adding certain nutrients to the ground.

The other half,

He even personally received the seeds from Mr. Qian and added them to the seed box of the spreader.

all around,

Some of the people gathered around helped deliver things, and some helped carry water. They were organized in an orderly manner by the guards.

This scene is extremely lively!

"Things are ready, nutrients, water, and booster lights!"

The leading farmer brother led the people to Gan Lao, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and straightened his back slightly.

It requires about three times the nutrients.

They are all experienced hands, and their hands are rulers. When it comes to three times, it’s not more, not less!

"Okay, let's get started!"

Qian Lao nodded towards his other half who was a master in this field.


These people can't wait!

After receiving a positive answer, I immediately rushed to the spreader and pressed the start button.

The spreader made a "clang, clunk, clunk" engine sound and started!


There was a scene that made everyone feel quite magical.

Many people couldn't help but rub their eyes with their hands when they saw this scene.

In front of me, the spreader kept moving forward, but because there were a lot of acres to be cultivated, it took less than one-tenth of the distance to reach, and five minutes passed!

And everyone knows that the fast-growing species demonstrated by Gan Lao are almost mature in five minutes!


The seeder is running in front, and it is still sowing seeds. The seeds sown at the head of the field have already grown!

This scene,

Who is looking at it, who is dazzled, who is looking at it, and who is confused!

Although this kind of seed was taken from this universe, even Fang Jing has never seen such a scene!

The seeder runs in front, and the wheat is chasing after it to ripen.

Now if someone shouts that this is magic, no one would dare to refute it!

At this moment,

The whole place was silent and silent.

A second later, a burst of cheers broke out!

Some are ecstatic, some are laughing, some are looking forward to it,

Everyone is happy from the bottom of their hearts,

With this fast-growing crop, you don’t have to worry about food!

And just when people are paying attention to the wonders of Tanaka,

Gan Lao suddenly whispered to the guards and asked the guards to cut a few crops of wheat and thresh them on the spot.

After that, even the staff brought cooking equipment - a rice cooker!

The wheat was cooked directly on the spot!

In front of the crowd, reporter Zhang Xuan noticed this scene and realized something. He hurriedly asked the cameraman to move the camera and record the scene truthfully.

Half an hour later,


With a pleasant sound, a burst of fragrance floated around,

Because of this fragrance, more people paid attention to this place.

"Everyone, seeing is believing. Everyone has seen the magic of this fast-growing wheat, but I think some people still have a hidden worry, that is, can people eat this stuff that grows so fast?"

Qianlao also took this opportunity to speak, attracting everyone's attention. He glanced around, chuckled, took out a bowl, opened the rice cooker and filled it with a spoonful of hot wheat rice.

After finishing this, he held up the bowl of rice and laughed:

"Now, I want to tell you that after detailed testing by the Academy of Sciences, this kind of fast-growing wheat is edible! It's healthy!"

"What I have in my hand is the fast-growing wheat that was just harvested. Hahaha, I'm not polite!"

It is better to say ten thousand words than to do one thing.

This is one of Qian Lao's principles in certain aspects, so after saying this, he took the chopsticks and started enjoying them without hesitation.

"Well, it's just so authentic and fragrant! It's even better when made into porridge!"

"Hey, give me a bowl too!"

At this time, Fang Jing also walked over, conjuring a metal lunch box in his hand, stretched out one hand, and smiled at the guard.

This time, it was a start.

"Haha, Gan Lao's food tastes so delicious, give me a bowl too!"

"I want it too!"

"You're here, why don't you worry about dinner?"


The people in the underground also started laughing loudly.

"Okay, but these first batches are for growing grains, so everyone may have to wait a while!"

Gan Lao laughed loudly and shared the remaining rice in the rice cooker with others.

Then he simply waved his hand,

Someone brought up a rice cooker as big as the stove!

Everyone present for this dinner today,

The government is in charge!

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