Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 531: Call, keep calling until the call is connected!

Interstellar travel across the world,

Outside the General Food Administration, it was very lively.

When Mr. Qian asked someone to carry out several super large rice cookers,

Fang Jing was obviously moved.

"Lao Gan, there must be tens of thousands of people here. Your few pots are not enough. Why don't I come and help you!"

Grinning, Fang Jing had a good idea.


Qianlao raised his eyebrows,

What, can you still help me cook?

"Hey, Minister Hu, come with me!"

Faced with Qian Lao's doubts, Fang Jing just smiled slightly, then pulled Minister Hu and disappeared.

There were three big question marks on Mr. Qian's head.

What is going on?

Could it be that Fang Jing can still build a super big pot that can cook for ten thousand people?


Don't tell me, Mr. Gan really guessed it right!

Half an hour later,

Hu Weijian came back with a surprised look on his face.

"What did Colonel Fang take you to do?"

Qian Lao asked in a low voice.

"It's unbelievable. That mecha actually turned into a one-story building that's bigger than several trucks—a rice cooker?!"

After Hu Weijian came back, his mouth never closed, and his whole outlook exploded in surprise.

"What did you say?"

Gan Lao was confused when he heard this.

What, a mecha turns into a rice cooker?

What is this?

However, Qian Lao was confused for a moment, and then he was stunned when he saw the crowd behind him slowly giving way and the huge, no, magnificent rice cooker being pushed towards him.

It was a silver-white, huge metal cylinder with long wheels.

It's moving on its own,

Fang Jing and several guards were walking in front.

Seeing Fang Jing take off his mecha,

Qian Lao realized something and opened his mouth,

Shocked in my heart.

Holy shit!

His mecha can also transform!

This really turned into a giant rice cooker with long wheels!

The people around didn't know what it was.

But three hours later, after the second batch of specially grown grain was threshed, the police officers poured the grain into the giant steel tank and added water to it.

Only then did people suddenly realize.

"It turns out to be...a rice cooker!"

"This is the first time I've seen such a big rice cooker, it's too big!"

"This can steam an elephant!"


The people understood,

Zhang Xuan and other reporters were so excited that their hands were shaking.

Big news, I really came to the right place today, everything that happened just now is big news!

Even this huge rice cooker can wait until it makes the headlines on the small page!

Excited heart and trembling hands,

The cameraman's hand was almost shaking, and he refused to put it down at all!

After cooking this "big" pot of rice for more than an hour, it is finally ready!


The onlookers here all got a bowl of hot wheat rice for free.

Although there is no condiment,

But for them who have been short of food for a long time,

This meal feels safer and more delicious than ever before!

Because this meal is so meaningful,

He represents,

From now on, there will no longer be a food crisis in the big eastern countries!

Across the ocean, the United States,

President Wall sat at his desk, put his hands on his chin, and asked in a calm voice with doubts:

"Mr. Consultant, why didn't the big eastern country answer my call, and they found such a lame excuse!"

"Well, maybe it's a difficult decision for them to make."

The presidential adviser shook his head and said confidently:

"If their food supply cannot support them, they will definitely agree to take action."

"It better be this way!"

Wall breathed out,

Even Lao Mi wouldn't dare to do it openly by himself when it comes to grabbing food. He would have to recruit an accomplice.


His abacus... computer made a mistake.


Just when the two of them were worried about the big Eastern country not answering the phone, the security minister rushed in quickly. He was covered in sweat, his voice was full of surprise and a little nervous, and he gasped:

"Your Excellency, hurry up, watch the news!"


Wall picked it up, opened the smart device at hand, and opened the news software.

Then, his eyes widened instantly!

This time, since it was public information, it was rare that Lao Mi’s intelligence department did not outperform the news.

However, this had no impact, because the moment Wall saw the news, he popped out the classic American quintessence:


All I saw was the headline on the front page of the news. It was a reprint of news from a great Eastern country. The title was:

"Fast-growing wheat, you can enjoy the fruits of cultivation in five minutes"

"The blight virus is over!" 》

"The mysterious power from the East, fast-growing wheat, the new future of mankind"

"Is this true?"

Seeing these exaggerated news headlines, and the even more exaggerated content within them,

He got it!

No wonder you don't answer my call,

It turns out that I was holding something back!

Wall suddenly raised his head and looked at the head of the security department.

"Yes, at least that's what you see from the satellite images!"

The security minister swallowed his saliva and felt extremely incredible.

"No wonder the other party is not in a hurry. It turns out they are waiting for us here!"

Wall gritted his teeth and laughed twice, and suddenly shouted to the consultant beside him:

"Call, call the big country in the East, and keep calling me!"


The activities outside Sichuan Province and the experimental field have been completed.

After packing up, Fang Jing followed Gan Lao and others back to the office building of the General Administration.

"Thank you, Colonel Fang, if it weren't for you, we would be in trouble!"

When he came to the office building, Gan expressed his sincere gratitude to Fang Jing.

"These are all trivial matters. Compared with other projects in the cooperation, they are just more urgent."

Fang Jing shook his head.

The two chatted for a few more sentences.

Just then, Gan Lao's secretary walked over quickly and whispered:

"Gan Lao, look, what about the delayed video conference on the US President?"

"The other party has been calling us irregularly since three minutes ago, and there are also calls from other countries."

"Haha, it must be for fast-growing wheat!"

Gan Lao checked the time and saw at a glance the purpose of the country calling now!

"I'll send them away now!"

"Wait, Gan Lao, we just have a request."

At this moment, Fang Jing suddenly spoke, he walked slowly to Gan Lao's side, whispered a few words in his ear.

"I understand, leave this matter to me!"

Gan Lao nodded, indicating that there was no problem, and then left with the secretary.

The purpose of this universe is also very simple,

Fang Jing went to the Kagantua black hole, even if he had to tie the protagonist up, he had to tie him up in the car!

It just so happened that Gan Lao wanted to talk to the other party,

so why not take out some benefits in exchange,

and let the United States cooperate!

As for the preparations?

The technology and seeds of fast-growing seeds must not be given to the other party,

at most, the Eastern power can sell unlimited food to the other party in the future,


before solving the withering virus, let them have no worries about food, this is already a huge gift package!

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