The ancient Cybertronian civilization,

It can only be described as powerful and extraordinary.

Powerful because of their technology and war potential; extraordinary origin because of the universe and the Earth and Yuanshi Tianzun.


In any case, the weapons arsenal left behind by ancient Cybertron deserves Mr. Zhu's attention.

The fact is that people from the Secret Service have been watching here.

"I thought that Fang Jing was about to go to the branch and enter a new world without prompts, so we came up with these technologies that can ensure his safety!"

Tianhuo's eyes lit up and he said in an excited and proud tone:

"We discovered the nature of part of Unicron's energy during our research!"

"Their energy does not communicate with dark matter or antimatter fields. Instead, it is very ordinary fire source energy. However, the power is indeed different from ordinary fire source energy. It is not on the same level at all."

“The reason is rules and information!”

"Rules and information?"

Mr. Zhu sounded a little confused.

"Yes, traditional research believes that the universe is composed of three sources: matter, energy, and information, and the energy of the Unicron involves information and rules!"

Tianhuo's voice became more and more excited as he spoke, and he whispered:

"We can't figure out the rules at this stage, but we already have a clue about the information!"

"Our previous decision to forcibly cut off the machine's ability to absorb energy from the Emperor of the Universe and Yuanshi Tianzun was correct!"

"Those energies are themselves the 'consciousness' of these two beings!"


The energy emerging from the fragments of the Emperor of the Universe and Yuanshi Tianzun itself contains information, and is itself part of the structure of these two consciousnesses!


Zhu Lao understood now, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt lucky.

Fortunately, I didn't rush into quick success and quick gain. Instead, I paid attention to Fang Jing's own safety and didn't let him try to absorb the energy rashly.


The resurrection of Yuanshi Tianzun and the Emperor of the Universe is really a pill.

After exhaling, Mr. Zhu calmed down. He looked at Tianhuo and said quietly:

"So, this is the safety measure you have prepared for Fang Jing?"

"That's right!"

Seeing Mr. Zhu react instantly, Tianhuo couldn't help but sigh at his calmness. He nodded solemnly, and then explained:

"According to our experiments, the Emperor of the Universe and Yuanshi Tianzun were close to the Trinity at their peak, that is, they were natural 'gods' whose sources of energy, matter and information were almost integrated into one. In our Cybertronian terms, they were close to the 'Creator' It’s fruitful!”

"God of Nature, True Creator..."

Mr. Zhu hated these titles, but he had to admit it realistically,

What Tianhuo said is very likely true.

And the most important thing is that those two beings really have the power of nature gods and close to the creator!


They only have the strength to be close to the Creator,

Because there is only one true creator of Transformers, and that is the creator who created the Emperor of the Universe and Yuanshi Tianzun—the Supreme Emperor!

"Forget it, the more you talk, the farther you go. You should just talk about the results!"

Zhu Lao thought very far for a moment, and then he realized that he should focus on the present, so he immediately came back to his senses, and at the same time interrupted Tian Huo who was starting to drive a car, and let him return to the topic.

"Ahem, yes, the security guarantee I want to give Fang Jing is to allow him to achieve the pseudo-energy transformation of matter and information, the two-in-one effect!"

Tianhuo coughed, brought back the topic that had wandered for an unknown distance, and explained in a solemn voice.

"What do you mean, it's us!"

At this time, Horos was not happy anymore.

What do you call me?

You just completed the energization of pseudo matter, and the energization of pseudo information was completed by our engineers!

"Yes, yes, we can do this thanks to Horos and the others!"

After his little idea was discovered, Tianhuo could only add Horos.

"To put it simply, it turns Fang Jing into a... very strange thing?"

Tianhuo searched for words for a long time, but found that he was short of words.


How strange.

Probably the kind where the body and consciousness can be energized and then escape.

In short, it's amazing and strange.

"But you also said it was a pseudo-two-in-one, so what's the price?"

Mr. Zhu raised his eyebrows and directly asked the key to the problem.

"That is, if it is used too often, Fang Jing's body may become energized."

Tianhuo answered this question cautiously and solemnly.

"Moreover, Fang Jing's situation cannot be replicated. This is just one example, because we used the few remaining energies of ancient Cybertron to create it."

This energy is higher than the fire source level,

It can blur the boundaries between matter and energy, leaving only 7 copies.

Three parts are used for experiments, and three parts are used for experiments on mice, primates and volunteers.

After the security test is completed,

This is the only one for Fang Jing to use.

"A side effect of the body's tendency to become energized..., how many times can Fang Jing safely use it?"

Mr. Zhu's expression became more solemn than ever before, and he asked solemnly.

"The current number of observations is twenty. This is an absolutely safe number. If it is exceeded, the body's materials will tend to be energized."

Tianhuo answered truthfully without hiding anything.

"Well, I will convey this news to Fang Jing. It concerns him personally. This matter will be left to him to make his own choice."

Although Fang Jing would most likely agree, Mr. Zhu still left the choice to himself.


Skyfire nodded.

"Well, you continue to test the security issues, and then I have to deal with the issue of the interstellar space gate."

I have seen this and understand the situation.

Mr. Zhu decided to leave.

Don’t forget, the space gate for interstellar travel can already be opened!

Although the technology in this world is ordinary, the world itself is not simple at all!

A logic that is easy to understand,

Why would "they", that is, humans in the future, place the location of the prompt in the interstellar world instead of other worlds?

This question itself deserves careful consideration.


There must be some hidden secret in interstellar travel,

And this secret,

You need to discover and search this universe yourself!

Mars, in the sterilization room,

Not only did Mr. Zhu come, he also brought many, many seeds for fast-growing food.

Fang Jing came over from training and saw large and small containers piled up in the sterilization room, and his lips twitched.

Look at Mr. Zhu’s posture,

This is to directly make up for the starvation of the people of the Eastern countries in the interstellar world for more than ten years!

This is the rhythm to hold the opponent to death!

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