Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 543 No way, deducting my salary?

In an interstellar world, in an underground civil defense project,

Elder Qian has received the news and is waiting here with the researchers.

The researchers he brought this time were all very young.

Because according to the agreement, these researchers will be sent directly to the so-called "Kyushu United University" for further studies!

"You must study hard wherever you go!"

Until this moment, Mr. Qian was still giving serious instructions to his people.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gan, we won't let you down!"

Lin Yuantian, the leader, nodded fiercely and responded to Qian Lao with a smile.

According to the agreement,

Some of them will come back to build in the future, and some will stay in the talent pool of several worlds in Kyushu.

And he, Lin Yuantian, was the one who had decided to come back early.

"Well, their technology is very strong, and they even have alien friends. When you go there, please pay attention to etiquette and don't ruin the reputation of our world."

After Qian Lao said this, he said nothing more.

But it was this sentence about "alien friends" that made all the "prospective students"'s eyes light up.


Even the great Eastern countries in the parallel universe!

They can't wait to see it!


Not long after he finished speaking, the agreed time arrived. Qian Lao raised his head without hesitation and stared at the designated space door with his eyes wide open.

He believed that the other party would not break the appointment easily. If he said he would come now, he would not miss a minute!

And remembering the demerits was just as he thought,

On a big plus sign marked in the underground space, a dark sphere with shining starlight suddenly appeared, and continued to expand from the size it just appeared until it reached a certain limit. Finish.

Then, the dark and watery surface of the space door shook for a while,


The assault troops wearing power armor rushed out, quickly occupied the vicinity of the space gate, and set up a simple defensive position.

Since the space gate is opened this time, the interstellar world has been determined to be a friendly force.

So in addition to the chemical defense troops responsible for disinfecting, the assault troops also rushed out.

in addition,

Horos, Optimus Prime and others also followed Mr. Zhu and joined in the fun.

Especially Horos, he has regarded this behavior as some kind of ritual or check-in. For this reason, he even competed with Tianhuo. The two declared that in every new world in the future, except for Fang Jing, they would be the first to enter. people!

Then, people who wanted to see aliens met the aliens directly!

Lin Yuantian and others looked at Horos and Optimus Prime coming out of the space gate, especially Horus, their eyes widened.

They thought they could see aliens,

But I didn’t expect to see aliens directly as soon as I opened the door!

"You are the boss!"

Zhu Lao said "Laogan" to express his attitude, and then smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Hahaha, then I have to call you Lao Zhu!"

Qian Lao also understood instantly, stretched out his hand to hold Zhu Lao's hand, raised his head and laughed twice.

The relationship between the two people,

Because this claim has brought us closer,

The atmosphere at the scene became harmonious instantly.

The next time is the meeting between Mr. Zhu and Mr. Qian, as well as the detailed plan of how this universe will arrange and assist the great Eastern countries in the interstellar world.

Anyway, as far as Fang Jing knows,

In addition to food, according to standards, various production lines are provided.

Moreover, because of the special nature of the interstellar world,

Mr. Zhu attaches great importance to this place.

Anyway, when Mr. Qian came out of the office,

Fang Jing almost burst out laughing when he saw him!

"Hehe, things here are over, it's your turn next!"

Zhou Yuan followed Fang Jing and leaned outside, watching Qian Lao leaving, glanced at Fang Jing, and grinned.

"Two in one, who knows what you will become!"

"Tch, I'm still me."

Facing Zhou Yuan's teasing, Fang Jing curled his lips and said extremely harshly:

"You are still making the same old opposite. As the boundaries of science continue to be explored by us, and as we continue to move towards the starry sky, the weak human body will become a burden sooner or later. I am trying to figure out the direction of evolution for mankind in advance. You know a hammer!"

"Yes, yes, we can't let you play online with others in the future, lest you get excited and really follow the network cable to beat them up!"

Zhou Yuan seemed to have thought of something funny, and chuckled a few times.

That scene must be funny,

Someone was quarreling with Fang Jing on the Internet, and at the end he suddenly said, "Do you have the guts to follow the Internet cable and hit me?"


Fang Jing was so angry that he immediately turned his whole body into energy, followed the network cable to find it, and hit the opponent head-on with the "Great Memory Restoration Technique".


"I'm not so impulsive and stingy!"

Fang Jing rolled his eyes, his words were righteous and his image was even more upright.

"Haha, who scolded others on the Internet for not being able to win, and then asked Brother Chen Limin to locate and unplug their network cables?"

Zhou Yuan laughed disdainfully at Fang Jing's behavior.

Who it is, he won't say.

"What, that was Brother Chen who took the initiative to help me do it!"

Fang Jing's eyes rolled, he was very unconvinced when he was exposed.

"Okay, okay, things are done here, it's time for us to see how you can use the two-in-one method."

Zhou Yuan shook his head,

Fang Jing's childish behavior expresses the brother's unique contempt.

Especially this guy, who repeatedly sent photos of his life on Mars and Yangcheng to his best friend Lin Xi, just to show off.

"Yes, it's time to go see what Lao He and Tianhuo have created."

Fang Jing breathed out,

I have to go see it sooner or later.

Since you can't escape, let's go head-on!

It’s impossible to really kill yourself anyway, right?


From now on, he will be different from ordinary people.

However, he was so big-hearted that he quickly figured it out.

Had he lived like an ordinary person before?

He has such a big mimic armor inside him, and he can withstand the explosion of a hydrogen bomb from the front,

He has long been different from ordinary people!

And the reason why he didn't create any barriers with other people was that he had an ordinary heart.

He's not high and mighty because of strength and stuff!

This is the most important thing!

"Let's go, if Lao He doesn't finish things, I'll deduct his salary!"

I figured this out,

Fang Jing turned into an optimistic person again and grinned at Horos.

Dude, I still remember what you did to me!

Beside him, Mr. Zhu, who had just come out of the conference room, grinned lightly when he saw his careless look.

This is one of the characteristics of his appreciation of scenery.

And Horos was confused.

No, why are you deducting my salary again? ?

Hey, no, I have a salary, and you just deduct my salary? !

I'm owed wages, right?

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