Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 551 I am an emotionless killer

For the new world "Black Hole Surface\

,"Because it involves things that can pollute or confuse the mind,

This universe pays more attention than ever before.

In the expert group's plan, hundreds of thousands of words were written just about the biotech defense in various areas of Fang Jing's brain.

Finally, the plan presented to Mr. Zhu made Fang Jing smack his lips.

Simply put,

In order to prevent Fang Jing from being deceived and contaminated by that weird spaceship,

Scientists need to make some changes to the landscape.

Use existing biotechnology to seal and strip away most of Fang Jing's memories and emotions, so that his brain can only make absolutely rational logical judgments.


Aren't you able to confuse people?

I have no fucking heart or emotions, and you are still trying to trick me!


It is to prevent this kind of influence from remaining in the body and affecting Fang Jing’s preparations in the future.

To put it simply, it was awesome and made Fang Jing stunned.

"After I come into contact with that gravity-driven gravitational source, the science team will directly destroy my body and only keep the brain. After carefully scanning the brain, they will rebuild my body?"

Seeing the last step of the plan,

Fang Jing said it was awesome.

"Not only that, but also a detailed test of your spirit and will, in order to prevent that kind of pollution from sneaking into your subconscious."

Horos said with a solemn expression:

"We already have a clear understanding of the composition of human consciousness, because in this world, and in the future, all members of the entire 237 Project will need consciousness checks every day."

Although this universe doesn’t quite understand the principles of mental pollution,

But they understand the spirit!

In this way, penetration can be avoided to a large extent.

After reading the plan and listening to Horos’s additions,

This universe is indeed deeply inherited from Gou Dao.

Seeing how cautious everyone is,

Fang Jing was completely relieved.

Next, you just need to wait for the technical team to complete the technical construction, and then modify it.

Mental immunity warrior, Fang Jing will be online soon!

A spaceship that sailed at super-light speed and entered subspace, and was eventually contaminated and came back to life!

Are you ready to welcome your guests!

Thinking of the first page at the beginning of the plan,

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Fang Jing's mouth,

The ship that came back alive must have a faint consciousness, right?

Interesting, then the next scene will be even more interesting!

The scene was already playing out in his mind.

That is to say, during this period of time,

The technical team completed the construction of the transformation technology, and Fang Jing lay on the transformation table.

"After the transformation, apart from your basic logical thinking ability, other emotions will be forcibly blocked. You need to get used to it, but don't worry, this is only temporary and will be lifted after the task is completed."

He nodded towards Fang Ding, who was lying on the transformation table.

Dr. Hillel personally operated the console and began the transformation work.

The transformation process went very smoothly.

Two hours later,

Fang Jing, who was lying on the operating table with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

The pupils shrank suddenly,

He stood up directly from the operating table.

Standing there quietly, Fang Jing squinted his eyes because he had his eyes closed for a long time. It took him a while to get used to the dazzling light in the operating room.

at this time,

He felt more wonderful than ever before,

His mind was very clear, as if he had entered synesthesia mode, and at the same time he could not feel his emotions. He felt like a mechanical watch. After being wound up, it immediately began to move like a machine.

"How does it feel?"

Xi Ruier came to Fang Jing, stretched out his hand to open his eyelids, and carefully observed his pupils.

"I feel great, better than ever."

The expressionless Fang Jing also spoke a little stiffly.

"This is an illusion. Relying on technology to enter the rational mode will indeed make you feel like you are in control of everything...Forget it, when you come back and release this mode, you won't feel this way."

Cyril originally wanted to refute,

But thinking that Fang Jing was like a robot now, he shrugged and continued to explain.

What's there to talk about with someone who has an iron head?

What's more, Fang Jing's mind is really strong now!

"The operation has been completed. Let's go back to the sterilization room No. 9."

He patted Fang Jing on the shoulder,

Xirel looked at his slowly leaving back, a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes.

But soon, this hope was suppressed by him.


He really wanted to ask Fang Jing to capture someone who was contaminated by that spaceship and let him study it.

After all, that thing is now much more interesting than other biology laboratory projects!

But he didn't speak,


Let’s wait until everything is safe!

"Okay, it's time to complete this mission."

Fang Jing's voice was indifferent and he spoke quietly,

This state of affairs makes even Dr. Hillel, who often stays in the laboratory, a little unbearable.

Erha has become a border shepherd.


I can't stand it, I really can't stand it!

Xi Ruier still prefers the noisy Fang Jing,

Well, young people just need to be a little noisy, so that old men like them can also feel the vitality of youth and the vitality of life!


I’m afraid I won’t be able to see you during this time!

Follow Fang Jing,

Xi Ruier came to the sterilization room No. 9.

In the disinfection room, Zhou Yuan, Horos and Mr. Zhu looked at Fang Jing coming out of the joint airlock cabin, their eyes fixed.

At this time, Fang Jing came out of the airlock and stopped. His back was straight. He was not at all careless. Instead, he had a hint of determination and sharpness of a soldier, especially those eyes. Zhou Yuan looked at him. , but it is discovered,

Those eyes are as bright as an eagle,

He didn't see any emotion in it!

"Mr. Zhu, I'm ready!"

Fang Jing's voice was dull and uncomfortable to listen to, like a smart assistant with a physical body.

"Well, everything will be done according to the plan. If you encounter danger, don't hesitate and leave directly."

Mr. Zhu frowned, gave some instructions, and nodded towards him.


At this time, Fang Jing didn't talk as much as usual, or even live. He just turned around decisively, walked to the teleportation location, and then immediately used his consciousness to communicate with the machine in that space.

call out--

He disappeared directly on the spot.

Throughout the process, he was like a puppet on clockwork, efficient, but without any sense of vitality.

"I don't like this very much. This technology will be moved to the highest-level security agency in the future. It must not be leaked out and cannot be used unless necessary. Even if it is used in the future, it will be more convenient."

Seeing Fang Jing disappear, Mr. Zhu shook his head.

What he needs is a warrior with a strong will and his own thinking.

Letting Fang Jing temporarily change now is out of helplessness.

But sooner or later one day,

his people,

Even if you maintain your emotions, you can definitely be strong-willed enough not to be affected by anything!


Even if the soldiers can't do it, they can still do it with more advanced and reasonable technology!

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