Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 552: A ruthless man who doesn’t talk much, let’s have a blast first!

The surface world of a black hole,

Or in Neptune,

A dark world, extremely fast winds, and temperatures so cold that a person can freeze instantly make up this magical planet.

Of course, the most amazing thing is the New Territory hovering in the planet's atmosphere at this time!

This... living spaceship!

At this time, the Lewis and Clark spacecraft had discovered the New Territory. The rescue spacecraft, which was only a few tenths of the size of the New Territory, docked a hundred meters away from the New Territory due to the superb skills of the pilot.

"We are docked on the truss." The operator looked at the entrance of the New Territory and moved the rescue spacecraft.

"Oh, it may be unstable there. The frame cannot bear the weight of this spacecraft..." Dr. Weir hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop it.

However, unexpectedly, the operator had actually driven the spacecraft and docked it firmly on the extended truss outside the New Territory. There was no shaking during the whole process, and the truss directly and perfectly caught the Lewis and Clark spacecraft. .

"What did you say, doctor?" The operator was concentrating on operating the spacecraft just now, so he didn't quite hear what Dr. Will said. After it stopped, he turned back and looked at Will in confusion.

What did the doctor just say?

"Oh, nothing, nothing."

Will Billy touched his nose in embarrassment and laughed, as if he hadn't said anything just now.

Although no one cares about this,

But the captain of the rescue ship, Colonel Miller, had always focused his keen eyes on the doctor.

He gritted his molars and looked thoughtful.

This Dr. Weir claims to have designed the New Territory.

As a result, the load-bearing capacity of the spacecraft truss is not clear?

Would a bridge designer not know the load-bearing capacity of his favorite bridge?

What's more, this is a spaceship!

A spaceship that is said to be able to travel faster than light!

For a spacecraft of this level, he should be very aware of the structural strength, load-bearing capacity and impact resistance of any structure on it.

But why do misjudgments still occur?

Can this truss support their rescue spacecraft?

Miller thought a lot, but due to limited intelligence, he couldn't figure it out anyway.

And it was at this time,

Dr. Will suddenly looked stunned. He turned his head and looked through the porthole at the New Territory, which was not far away.

A strange expression appeared on his face for an instant, as if he was deeply attracted by something.


Just then,

From somewhere in the darkness far away from Neptune, a dazzling orange light flashed quickly and slammed into the New Territory.

This ray of orange light was so solid, approaching from far away, and its speed was so fast that the Lewis and Clark spacecraft didn't even react. It slammed into the corridors of the New Territory's bow and hull.


A violent fireball exploded instantly, covering the vision of everyone in the rescue spacecraft.

This sudden attack,

Miller's eyes widened with a look of horror on his face.

"What's going on? Who launched the attack!"

"The radar is searching for high-energy rays. We suspect there is a warship!"

"Quick, conceal the signal, don't be discovered by the other party!"

"Stabilize the ship, stabilize the ship!"

The violent explosion was beyond everyone's expectations. They who were leaning on the frame of the New Territory were immediately affected, and the spacecraft began to shake crazily.

"Damn it, who on earth actually launched a direct attack on this New Territory!"

When many crew members were panicking, Dr. Weir, who came back to his senses, was even more dizzy.

The New Domain spaceship was a masterpiece of his design, and he treated it like his own child.


Who is it? !

How dare he give the order to attack this spaceship!

Will vowed that after finding the murderer, he would bring that person to court! !

No tolerance!

The person who took action was none other than Fang Jing.

Returning to the surface world of the black hole,

Fang Jing operated the Mimic Armor and fired a dozen small positioning satellites toward Neptune's synchronous orbit. Through the satellites, he found the location of the New Territory and the Lewis and Clark spacecraft.


Then he discovered that the Clark spacecraft was already approaching the New Territory!

"These unfortunate kids."

Fang Jing said expressionlessly, then waved his hand, and the silver-white deformed metal in his hand immediately began to surge, instantly transforming into a huge energy "cannon".

Aiming the muzzle at a certain range, he gave the order to fire without hesitation.

"call out--"

A flash of orange light sped past.

This universe’s gift to the New Territory spacecraft has been officially shipped!

"The attack will arrive in five milliseconds, the action begins!"

At the moment when the attack was launched,

The ferocious giant energy cannon changed back, and Fang Jing suddenly raised his back.

The huge pulse nozzle shoots out a very long tail spray!

With a swish sound, Fang Jing turned into a stream of light, easily breaking the sound barrier, carrying the strong wind against the current, and speeding towards the direction of the spacecraft!

Without any unnecessary actions,

Fang Jing felt very strange now. He didn't even have the emotions of worry and fear.

As he was traveling at high speed, there was only one thing on his mind.

That’s every step in the solid execution plan!

And in the other direction,

After staying in the chaotic subspace for seven years, the New Territory came back to life. It finally lured the humans it wanted over and was about to feast on it.

What is ushered in is not human beings who are exploring.

It's a concentrated high-pressure energy bomb!

New field number:? ? ?

This time,

It hit the corridor connecting the bow of the spacecraft to the hull.

The violent explosion caused the entire spacecraft to split into two halves.

It even felt "frightened" when it came back to life, because the "it" that was parasitic on the spacecraft was broken off as its only material entity in the manifest universe.

it can feel,

If this parasitic material entity is destroyed,

Then "it", in a sense, will also "die"!

And what's more serious is,

If he wants to replace the parasitic entity, he needs to use that device to return to the subspace!

The subspace in which it is located will activate all non-living objects,

So it urgently needs to find the "crew"!

"Buzz buzz-"

Just seconds after the New Territory exploded,

Aboard the Lewis and Clark,

Will Beanie, who was originally frightened awake by the explosion and showed great malice towards the attacker, suddenly became weird again in his eyes.

He took advantage of the fact that the people on the rescue spacecraft were nervous,

Suddenly he took a big step, walked to the console, and pressed a button hard.

"What are you doing, Doctor!"

Miller was the first to notice something was wrong;

Dr. Will opened the porthole of the rescue ship, and the porthole was connecting to the New Domain!

"I want to get back to my ship, and I want it to be safe from harm!"

As a result, Miller only heard Will's somewhat bewildered answer,

What made Miller's pupils shrink even more and his eyes widened was,

Dr. Will slowly raised his head, his eyes...

She actually shed tears of blood!

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