Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 62 Let me show you what a

Robert stuck his head out of the trench and looked at the scene in front of him, his heart trembling with shock.

Aren't they fighting against the Eastern powers?

But who can tell him what these things are? !

On the sea, dense landing craft are heading towards the beach.

On the beach, there are already landing crafts rushing up.


What came down from the landing craft were not soldiers, but...

Countless mechanical dogs!

The four-legged mechanical dog was transformed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences using the Class C technology of the Wandering Earth World, neural mechanical arms + AI technology.

It has an extremely advanced enemy identification system, can advance in all terrains, and can reach a maximum speed of 50 kilometers per hour.

Most importantly, it is equipped with a 5.8mm assault rifle and two thermobaric bombs.

This is a magic weapon for beaching and street fighting!

In the past, beaching and street fighting were basically the army's meat grinder.

But now, China is taking action to tell the United States.

My lord, times have changed!

Are you still using the traditional way of beaching?

This sucks!

The hatch of the hovercraft that landed on the beach opened, and in an instant, dense mechanical dogs rushed out of it.

Without any hesitation, they rushed towards the trenches and fortifications with all their strength.

"Shoot, quick, come out and shoot!"

Robert was so scared when he saw this scene.

Damn it.

Has the higher-ups confirmed that we are fighting against the Eastern power, not aliens?


Robert picked up the machine gun and didn't care so much, just shoot!

However, the next moment, something even more terrifying happened to him.

In the past, in his impression, the mechanical dogs were slow and stiff.

This time, it was like taking drugs.

The speed was so fast that he couldn't hit them at all!

The entire battlefield was dark, and each mechanical dog rushed towards the front line at the speed of a hound.

They were wearing bulletproof special steel, moving through the rain of bullets and advancing continuously!

Buzz buzz buzz --

In the sky, the engine humming sound like the roar of the god of death sounded again.

Robert held a machine gun in his hand, and his face showed endless despair.

That was the enemy's ground attack aircraft!

Using the robot dog to rush to the beach, there is no need to worry about accidentally injuring friendly forces. The air-to-ground is integrated, and it can be directly bombed.

How can Robert defend against this?

Use your head to defend?

Or use the precious lives of soldiers to exchange for a mechanical dog that can be produced on the assembly line in a few minutes?


The ground-to-ground missiles landed, and Robert panicked and asked his soldiers to hide in the anti-gun pit quickly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Outside the pit, artillery fire and missiles were tilting.

The pit was shaking, and mud and sand were flying.

"Help me, help me!"

In the anti-gun pit, there was a young man whose legs were crushed by the collapsed wooden beams.

He screamed desperately, and took this opportunity to vent his despair and confusion.

"FXXK, what are we fighting against?"

"We can't win at all if we keep going like this, ah, it hurts!!!"

Because of his desperate scream, the despair in the anti-gun pit immediately exploded.

Thinking of the densely packed mechanical dogs rushing outside.

When Robert was guarding the hole with a gun in fear, he also felt endless fear in his heart.

He still remembered that he saw the amphibious assault ship of the Eastern power on the sea.

The other side had landed, and he thought of the radar and electronic equipment that had inexplicably lost their function.

He was sure that their fleet was probably finished.

So, they were really just fighting hard!

"Or, let's surrender?"

Amid the many trembling voices of fear, Robert's voice gradually became firm.

The enemy's combat power was crushing them.

And they had no support at sea at all. Trapped on an isolated island without support, what was there to fight!

As soon as he said this, there was a moment of silence in the anti-artillery pit.

"Surrender... Surrender!"


The soldiers who no longer had any will to fight immediately agreed with both hands.

So, at the same time when many mechanical dogs almost rushed into the trench, a long wooden pole stretched out from the anti-artillery pit.

On the wooden pole, a piece of white cloth was hung.

Robert raised his hands high and held a white flag.

He walked out of the pit with the soldiers who raised their hands high in surrender.

There were hundreds of mechanical dogs in front of him.

Robert's forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat. Damn, he forgot to consider whether these iron lumps would surrender!

But what reassured him was that fortunately, these iron lumps did surrender.

Hundreds of mechanical dogs just pointed their cold guns at them.

Then, they made way for a small path.

Robert could only bite the bullet and lead his men out.


It was already December 28th.

It had only been three days since the Eastern Power declared war on the Three Kingdoms.

The results of the wars in various places were remarkable.

First is the main battlefield in East Asia.

Liben is completely powerless to resist, and Liuqiu has also been taken back.

The second is South Korea.

Although North Korea's equipment is not the most advanced, the peninsula is so small that without the help of the US military, the Koreans are just a bunch of losers.

Now they have been pushed back 100 miles, and more than half of them have been occupied.

Then in the north, Russia, taking advantage of the fact that he was not being noticed, launched a major counterattack and broke through hundreds of miles!

The sudden strength of Belarus also confused the entire Western world.

Because the United States was beaten so badly and the Eastern powers had not yet expressed their views, the NATO countries did not dare to move at all and just watched Poland being beaten.

They almost broke through to the capital of Poland in three days!

Finally, it was the Middle East.

Without the US warships, who would be the opponent of the Arc of Resistance in this area? !

Just the six-pointed star, that loser.

The Arc of Resistance, the Pearl Party, a hundred thousand troops went directly south; the Syrian militia and armed forces rushed to the Golan Heights; the Yemeni armed forces frantically bombarded the six-pointed star and US merchant ships.

This siege directly stunned the six-pointed star.

Even the richest camel kept showing goodwill to the Eastern powers.

For a time, the power of the United States actually had a tendency to be directly swept out of the Eurasian continent because of the surprise attack in the South China Sea!

The United States, a maritime power, hangs outside the center of world civilization-Eurasia, sucking the blood of the whole world.

However, when his navy is abolished, he will immediately become an isolated island!

And it seems that the United States has also noticed this, and it has begun to go crazy.

On the 29th, the United States made a speech, implying that it threatened a certain Eastern power with nuclear threats.

In response, the Eastern power and the big Russia joined forces and directly stepped up the pace of attack.

What a joke, who does not have nuclear bombs?

You have such a high urban population, you should be afraid of nuclear strikes!

If you want to admit your weakness, just speak nicely!

If you don’t speak nicely, you are still so arrogant and domineering, and you will be beaten until you accept it!

Seeing that the nuclear threat is useless at all, Fred can only speed up the dispatch of troops to Western Europe while urgently conveying his willingness to negotiate.

After all, he can’t be really stupid enough to start a nuclear war.

Please, there are two nuclear powers on the opposite side.

Why are you hitting me?

He should be hit.

He Fred wants to go to Hawaii for vacation next summer!

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