Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 63 The talks were useful, but they had nothing to do with dogs

On the afternoon of December 31st.

US President Fred quelled the riots in Washington, expressed goodwill and expressed hope for peace talks as soon as possible.

The location for the peace talks was Tachimoto Tokyo.

The United States will send Secretary of Defense Fanno to come in person, together with the Minister of Defense of the Eastern Powers Lei Yunshan.

The Eastern powers readily accepted this.

After all, no matter what, the United States is a nuclear power, and it just needs to drive people out of East Asia.

It is important to note that you should not chase after a poor enemy, as a dog will jump over the wall if it becomes anxious.

We should not push the United States too far. It is more practical to get enough benefits and stop as soon as possible.

The peace talks were scheduled for January 1st, the first day of the 24th year!

This day is destined to be remembered in history.

Because, East Asia has welcomed their "Emperor" again!

"According to information released by the Ministry of National Defense, Tokyo has urgently restored communications. Tomorrow, the defense ministers of the two countries will hold peace talks at the Diet Building in Japan."

The dispatched reporter stood on the street in Liben, holding a microphone and introducing the building behind him with excitement.

"This peace negotiation is not only about the armistice, but more importantly, our minister will renegotiate the legality of the San Francisco Contract with the American representatives!"

"This treaty is an agreement signed by the United States unilaterally with Britain, France and Germany to resolve issues against the defeated countries, regardless of my country's status as the victor in World War II."

"Our government refuses to recognize it!"

The foreign reporter got some inside information and sounded excited and excited!

In fact, judging from the laws after the end of World War II, the Eastern powers actually found that Liben was not a sovereign country at all now.

Because China did not recognize the "San Francisco Contract"!

The San Francisco Peace Treaty contains many contents, of which two are the most worthy of attention: first, the establishment of the United States Trusteeship; second, the issue of garrisoning troops in Okinawa.

The first of these things can be discussed, but the second, the problem must be solved!

This is non-negotiable!

According to the Cairo Conference and the Potsdam Proclamation, the issue of Southeast Sulfur Island must be resolved.

As one of the victorious countries in World War II, whatever the United States manages, China also manages!

Moreover, even if they agree to the first article, the Eastern powers still have conditions.

That is, China must enjoy the same rights as the United States to station troops and delimit its airspace in Liben!

In fact, until now, the United States still enjoys air rights over Tokyo.

Even for the Tokyo Olympics, it was only after this government applied to the United States many times that it secured the control of the American military’s airspace by allowing civilian airliners to fly over Tokyo!

Since you, the United States, did it, we, China, did it too.

A simple sentence.

The United States should abide by the United Nations agreement, and at the same time, the Eastern powers demand the restoration of the right to station troops in Japan granted by the United Nations!

This is the basic requirement for negotiation!

Seeing on the news that the San Francisco Peace Treaty was to be renegotiated, the country suddenly became excited.

In the past, because we were not strong enough, everything was left to you and the United States to take care of. Now, I can go wherever the enemy goes! ! !

I also want to occupy a place in Liben.

The news quickly became a hot search topic on a certain blog and sparked a lot of discussion.

“We must highlight the first island chain!”

"After leaving the first island chain, the United States will completely leave East Asia!"

"Hahaha, this way, we will no longer have any shackles!"

"The focus of this negotiation must be here!"

"What if the United States doesn't agree?"

"Yes, what should I do if Liben doesn't agree?"

"The two people upstairs are overthinking. How dare the United States disagree? He lost so miserably on the battlefield. If he doesn't agree, beat him until he agrees! As for Li Ben, who will listen to his opinion? When big countries fight, small countries will stay for me. Go aside, no, it’s an insult to the small country, dogs can’t be served!”

"Hahaha, the people upstairs are so vicious. Dogs are not allowed on the table. In one word, absolutely!"

"Awesome, there are so many talented people online!"


Moreover, as the Eastern powers and the United States announced the start of peace talks.

All over the world, in all counter-hegemonic battlefields.

In the Middle East, the Arc of Resistance, the Pearl Party, the Syrian militia, the Yemeni armed forces, Iraq, and even the minibus bullied by the six-pointed star stopped attacking in an instant.

In South America, the small committees also stopped and began to wait silently.

The war in the entire world stopped in an instant.

The world seems to have returned to a harmonious, peaceful and peaceful appearance.

However, everyone knows that everyone is waiting for the final result.

Waiting for the outcome of the peace talks!

Whether this world will continue to move towards war or maintain peace depends on the day of the Tokyo peace talks on January 1st!

The world's attention is focused on this.

January 1st, Tokyo, Rihon Diet Building.

Fannuo arrived here by car. He looked up at the drones of the great Eastern country that were constantly hovering in the sky, and he was a little confused:

“What are these drones for?”

His deputy immediately responded softly:

"Minister, China launched an electromagnetic pulse missile in Tokyo, paralyzing all of Tokyo. This is a communication drone that was released urgently for peace talks."

"Electromagnetic pulse missile!"

At the mention of this name, Fannuo's face turned pale and he felt a little unwilling.

If it weren't for this kind of weapon, during this negotiation, he might have been able to reach the capital of China with great pride!

Instead of coming to Liben in disgrace like now.


Hitting the armrest hard, Fannuo took a deep breath.

He kept trying to persuade himself.

Be patient, be patient.

The situation is stronger than people. The United States still has a technological advantage. The United States still has 6 aircraft carriers. As long as they find a way to crack the electromagnetic pulse weapon, they can make a comeback!

With this hope, the convoy arrived at the Liben Congress Building.

This is a closed-door meeting, and reporters are not allowed to enter.

Fannuo stepped into the negotiation meeting room and saw Lei Yunshan sitting upright at a glance.

There was a negotiation table in the meeting room.

There were three sides of the table. Lei Yunshan sat upright on one side, opposite the United States.

It is worth mentioning that the Prime Minister of Liben was sitting in the third side with some fear, which was located between China and the United States.

"Admiral Fannuo, welcome to you!"

Lei Yunshan said this welcome word expressionlessly.

Obviously, he was just being polite, smiling with his face but not his heart.


Lei Yunshan's words made Fannuo speechless.

Damn it.

We are the two warring parties, okay?

What are you doing? I came here to have a tea party with you.

However, the situation was stronger than the person. Although Fannuo was speechless, he had to smile back and then sat down in his own seat.

The three parties are all here.

Oh, wait.

Aren’t there four warring countries?

Oh, South Korea has been beaten to the capital and is in danger.

Then don’t worry about it.

The peace talks that have attracted the attention of the world have officially begun!

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