Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 635 Location Determination

strange world,

The whole earth is quiet now,

Since the US fleet was "taught" a lesson in Antarctica,

These countries did not dare to make the same mistake again, but the curiosity in their hearts lingered for a long time.

They are all waiting for Dongda's answer.

But Dongdong University didn't have them at all at this time.

They are fully cooperating with this universe and arranging fleets to defend the solar system.

As for playing house with other countries,

Haha, let them play by themselves!

space door,

remote control console,

Horos stood on the command platform, looking at the data board in front of him with a serious face.

data board,

The data package transformed by the assistant is so fast that it is flying, and it is constantly attacking the database in the unknown spacecraft.

Just after unlocking the outer firewall,

The original cracking progress was directly slowed down!

The original two hours turned into four hours now.

And it hasn’t been cracked yet!

"... Damn it, the other party's encryption system is not inferior to ours at all. Every time we attack them, the data disk will be transferred immediately. The assistant is like being hit on cotton and can't enter the core area at all. What's wrong with their defense system? thing?!"

Below, Tianhuo, who was pulled over to help, also had his head pressed straight, with doubts on his face.

They're in trouble with their crack,

The assistant has so much computing power that he can't even attack?

"The other party is also a quantum computer, and the defense system will jump the data flow. We are in big trouble!"

The computer scientists in this universe went from being confident four hours ago to being livid two hours ago, and now they are sweating profusely!

What the hell is going on? !

I'm already sweating profusely!

"Optimus Prime, you are a mechanical life form. Do you see what's going on?"

Horos even began to become seriously ill and seek medical treatment.


In response, Optimus Prime's mouth twitched and he was speechless.

I'm a mechanical being and can see why the assistant can't attack?

What a truth!

"Horos, don't worry. While the assistant is attacking, he is checking himself to find the other party's problem."

Tianhuo, who rushed back, let out a breath, and there were also many doubts in his head.

Logically speaking,

Even the other party uses quantum computer technology, and its information technology strength is equivalent to that of this universe.

If we really fight with real swords and guns,

The assistant can also rely on powerful computing power to brute force break the opponent's defense?

"Problem found, problem result has been displayed..."

At this moment, the assistant, who had been unable to attack for a long time, reported the results of the test.

Horos opened the file and took a look. After reading it, he immediately laughed out loud.

"What's going on?"

Tianhuo accepted the data, and after going through the data, he was speechless for a while.

It turned out that they were blocked by such a small thing for four hours!

There is a voiceprint recognition structure in the data disk of the unknown spacecraft!

With this structure,

If the data entering from the outside world does not have a voiceprint that can be recognized, it will be jumped to the backup database, and then the attack will be lonely!

Moreover, the spare data disk is also covered up,

Looking at the outer shell, you would just think that the spare data disk is a real disk!

Just relying on this simple physical structure,

The other party actually stopped the assistant for four hours!

The computer experts who learned the truth were already numb.

What does this equate to?

It is equivalent to you holding the most advanced computer cracking technology and confidently preparing to crack a lock.

It took me a long time to do it.

This lock is essentially a mechanical lock with an electronic cover!

No wonder the assistant failed to crack it for so long.

The physical and mechanical structure, if you don’t get rid of the physical structure, it will be weird if you can crack it!

I found out that this was the result,

The sweaty researchers at the scene were more or less speechless.

Tianhuo even covered his head, and after a few seconds he said:

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? Why don't you send a robot to dismantle that thing for me!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Some confused researchers immediately ran out to make arrangements.

This is simply a big mistake!

In fact, there is nothing we can do about it.

There is no separate self-interpretation system on the unknown spacecraft. This universe cannot guess the other party's communication system.

Therefore, you need to crack the underlying code while the other party's computer is intact!

Although the languages ​​and cultures of the two sides are different,

But computer technology is the same!

By comparing the underlying code, this universe can reverse-engineer part of the other party's text!

And with this part of the text,

They have a breakthrough and can reversely deduce many things.

And it was precisely this situation that could only be cracked by the whole machine that made them ignore the above structure.

Linked together, they finally led to this result.

But four hours is not too late!

Antarctica, in the spacecraft research institute,

After receiving the order, the robot walked into the airlock with an indifferent expression.

After passing through the three-layer airlock disinfecting device, he came to the door of the alien spacecraft.

He walked in expressionlessly,

He Shi Shiran went directly to the data room of the control center.

After entering here, he reached out in front of the computer team,

Carefully remove the casing of the computer set.

The sophisticated internal structure was completely exposed in front of him.

And in this extremely familiar computer structure, a spherical voiceprint identifier was very discordant.

This is it!

It wasted two hours of time in this universe!

The robot dismantled the small ball without hesitation.

And at this moment,

the assistant went straight into the opponent's database!

The comparison reading began!

Just when the spacecraft's cracking program entered the normal stage,

at the edge of the solar system,

the slender probe on the supernova-class battleship where Pang Hai was located, light was slightly flowing.

"Captain, there is a response, something received the signal!"

The intelligence adjutant suddenly opened his eyes, his face serious.

"Continue to locate, find the other party's position for me!"

Pang Hai nodded, his eyes fixed,

is the tribe behind the aliens on the Antarctic spacecraft?


The locator is constantly locking the range.

There are more than 10 million stars in the area where the opponent's signal flies.

It is not an easy task to lock the opponent's signal in the radiation of many stars.

If the opponent's technology is reliable, it can even detect this lock.

This is a very dangerous thing.

So they need to hide extremely secretly!

The red frame keeps jumping on the star map.

Below the star map are densely packed stars like spread sand.

One thing that can be confirmed now is that

this civilization should come from the edge of the core star cluster area of ​​the Milky Way.

There is one of the most prosperous places for stars in the Milky Way!

Prosperous stars, huge resources,

the other party should have been an extremely prosperous civilization,

but the monster sneaked into it!

Perhaps, they have already fallen and destroyed!


Finally, the red frame finally stopped on the star map.

The intelligence adjutant glanced at it and immediately confirmed the report loudly:

"The location has been determined, and it is 13,000 light years away from the solar system!"

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