Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 636 Something sneaked in!

Thirteen thousand light years,

This distance is not short!

Pang Hai squinted his eyes, quietly stared at the locked signal receiving area, and ordered to the intelligence adjutant:

"Immediately transmit the message back to headquarters and share it with various ships,"

"Also, let the surveillance ship keep an eye on this location. If the other party makes any changes, let us know immediately!"

The location of the "enemy" has been determined!

Next we have to see how the other party will react!

Various data show that

The level of technological development of this alien civilization is not low.

Pang Hai did not want to go to war with them directly.

But as far as the weird situation is concerned,

This war seems inevitable!

The only problem now is,

After all, they are a bunch of monsters,

Or the opponent's fleet controlled by the monster!

The difference between the two is huge!

"Keep the communications in the solar system silent and let the unmanned spacecraft intercept the radio signals for me!"

Pang Hai took a deep breath and ordered to his deputy:

"The space jump prohibition tower is erected, the star system defense system is activated, and the distortion power is maximized for me!"

"The order has been issued, all defense systems have been deployed, and the command tower asked, is it too big a move to turn on the distortion device?"

The intelligence adjutant relayed the defense's doubts.

"No, it is very necessary. The other party was at least similar to our strength a few years ago. We must be wary of the other party's inter-star system strikes!"

Pang Hai shook his head and dismissed the defense department's doubts.

Distorter, the full name is space distortion,

This is equipment specially designed to prevent cross-star system attacks.

The reason why Pang Hai pulled it out was because

I am just afraid that the unknown civilization will throw a weapon similar to light particles directly towards the solar system without respecting martial ethics.

Or a long-range strike similar to a giant Star Destroyer!

Their level of confrontation,

That's really a world-destroying level!


Absolutely no flaws should be exposed!

If you reveal your flaws, you will die!

"The captain's message has been conveyed!"

The intelligence adjutant nodded and asked:

"Are we going to send out probes and create false targets?"

"Follow it. The false target is hanging in a star system 10 light-years away. That star is in line with the sun, which can confuse the enemy!"

"Already done!"

This time, Pang Hai took a deep breath. While he felt extremely troubled, he was also a little excited.

Because this time,

Could be a real encounter!

The generation gap between the two sides is not big enough to crush each other!

This is not a war on food.

Pang Hai needs to be very energetic and take it seriously.

The worst case scenario is,

The quality of the opponent's fleet is not bad.

In addition to super-light travel,

Maybe this time they will experience a serious space war!

Seriousness is a key word!

Because since this universe entered space,

In each parallel universe, they either make a surprise attack or make a time difference.

What stands out is the unexpectedness.

And now,

A head-on confrontation may be coming!

Pang Hai was looking forward to it, nervous, but at the same time he also paid great attention to it.

bring it on,

Let's see what you want to do!

Inside the space door base,

In the remote control laboratory,

As the voiceprint physical lock of the Antarctic spacecraft was ruthlessly taken out by the robot,

The firewall on this spaceship finally couldn't stop it!

If there is a war confrontation and they rush to destroy the opponent's control system, it is okay for the assistant to use some tricks, but the key is to retain the data!

This task may not seem simple, but it is indeed difficult!

Until this moment,

The assistant artificial intelligence has truly completed the comparison and deciphering!

"The language system has been deciphered, please check it!"

A cold mechanical sound sounded from the console,

Horos, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, rushed over with a quick step and started to check.

"There isn't much data in the spacecraft. There are a few letters and the most important voyage log!"

It wasn't until he saw the voyage log that Horos's eyes lit up and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

It's just a spaceship!

Horos did not expect that the entire history of civilization would be recorded in the database of a single spaceship!

It’s strange to think about this scene,

You are a spaceship used for navigation. Why are you recording the history of civilization on it?

Let me ask you what exactly is this boat going to do?

If so, that would be really weird!

To give a simple analogy,

That is, this universe has packed the entire history of human civilization into a battleship.

If this happens,

It can only mean that civilization is about to end, so the last "Spark" spacecraft is released!

It's that serious!


The most important thing on a ship is actually the log that records the flight path and navigation area!

"The voyage log records that their starting point was a star system 13,000 light-years away, and their destination was the E3 star system. The mission goal was to mine. In this area, they found an abundance of a certain mineral. This mineral It is essential for their kind of life and civilization."

A voyage log is equivalent to a diary;

Of course, when writing a diary, you don’t start by writing, who am I, where do I come from, and which civilization do I belong to?

However, Horus still found some evidence between the lines:

"This civilization calls itself Tarot people. They have developed to an extremely prosperous level. The spacecraft can already travel at superluminal speeds. They have ruled over thousands of light-years of territory. They also have a variety of energy utilization, including controlled nuclear fusion and antimatter."

Learn some basic information about this civilization.

Next, a blank area appeared in the content.

During this period, the spacecraft entered superluminal travel and the crew began to sleep.


the blank area did not last long.

After sailing for thousands of earth hours,

due to some faults, the spacecraft exited the superluminal state and slowed down to stop at the periphery of the solar system.

It turned out that the gas circulator on the spacecraft was broken.

The spacecraft underwent emergency repairs.

At the same time, this civilization also discovered the Earth, a planet of life.

In the navigation log,

these aliens who call themselves Tarot people, after careful observation, wrote in the log:

"This is a stable world. Life grows wantonly on the planet. The internal environment is stable enough. In time, intelligent civilization will surely be born here!"


Stable, plain, like a logbook of a scientific expedition, it ends here!

Horus looked down, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The original logbook suddenly changed its tone at this point, and the recorder told Horus and others in horrified words that the accident of the spacecraft happened here!

"No! Something has mixed in with us, a parasite? A mimic creature?"

"The captain turned into a monster, we burned him to death, but it was too late, damn it!"

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