Probably tens of millions of years ago,

The temperate rainforest of the seventh continent has reached the Antarctic position of the earth due to plate displacement. The land has been frozen, and the Antarctic continent has completely turned into an ice continent.

At this time, the earth was still in the Miocene Epoch,

In the ocean, there are two ferocious predators that are only a handful in the entire history of life on earth!

Megalodon and Leviathan whale!

One is the resurgent figure of an ancient race of sharks, the megalodon; the other is a mammal born from the sea, the destined son of the ocean and the pioneer hunter of cetaceans, the Leviathan whale!

These two new generation monsters,

Even in the Mesozoic dinosaur era of the previous era, it was still a monster that could dominate the ocean!

The earth at this time,

Although mammals on land have stagnated in size due to cooling systems and other reasons, the ocean is a fighting arena that is no less than that of the dinosaur era.

All things are vigorous and vigorous,

No wonder Tarot people feel that intelligent creatures will evolve in this world sooner or later.

And just when the creatures inside the earth are advancing and growing wildly,

At the edge of the solar system at this time,

A disc-shaped spacecraft docked quietly in the Kuiper Belt.

And in the center of the complex spaceship,

The Tarot captain, who was undergoing repairs, was full of complaints:

"Damn, why is there something wrong with the filter element? It's really weird. Did something fall in?"

The filter element of the spacecraft,

It stands to reason that all the redundancies have been made. In the history of the Tarot spaceship, except for someone who actively sabotaged it, there is really no example of it being misused.

This thing is basically tied to the service life of the spacecraft!

Therefore, there are no accessories for this thing on the spacecraft, so now they have to "make one now"!

"Captain, maybe the space shock just now knocked off the loose parts in the pipe."

The crew offered their own guesses.

"How is that possible!"

Captain Ariming rolled his eyes. If he dropped a part at random, such a key structure would be ruined. How many heads were there among the designers of the spaceship? Even ten of them wouldn't be enough to chop off!

"Forget it, that place is a safe area, I'll go check it out!"

The safe area is the power core area of ​​the Tarot spacecraft, and generally only the captain can go there.

Go through the detection area and come to the damaged area of ​​the filter element.

Arimin reached out and started the automatic maintenance system. The equipment opened several cross-protection openings, exposing the damaged structure.

"It's just broken here. Let's see what's going on!"

He stretched out his hand to pull out the damaged part of the filter element, and slowly stretched his head to look at it.

I saw a little blood appearing in the middle part of the multi-filter structure.


Aremin frowned,

The filter is obviously silver-white, so why is it red? !

Opening his eyes wide, he stretched out his neck and took a closer look.

I saw that little bit of blood suddenly swelled into a blood ball. The blood ball was constantly surging, and it was like a heart, constantly expanding and trembling.


His pupils shrank suddenly, and Arimin moved closer to see what it was.

That is at this moment,

The blood ball suddenly exploded!

The light red liquid splashed out and hit Arimin's face directly!

It would be fine if only the solution exploded.

The solution splashed on Aremin's face, and it seemed as if it was alive. It penetrated directly into his shell and skin.

"What the hell is this, ah!"

Aremin fluttered his body crazily, trying to get rid of these ghosts.

But the moment the red solution penetrated his body,

Just a few seconds!

His panic eyes suddenly became blank and empty!

Areming stood there coldly, his head turning stiffly. He reached out and inserted the filter element back in, then turned around and left.

While walking, a small wound suddenly opened on his forehead.

"Captain, what just happened, did we hear your exclamation?"

At the door of the safe area,

Several crew members had arrived, holding weapons and looking at the captain nervously.

They heard it clearly on the communication band just now.

That exclamation was deafening!

"It's okay, something fell into the filter element. When I pulled out the filter element, the thing bounced out of the blocking net and jumped into my face, which shocked me!"

"Aruiming" pointed to the wound on his forehead, smiled faintly, and indicated that he was fine.

"Huh, we were scared to death. We thought something had happened!"

The deputy standing closest to Aremin turned around and said to the other crew members:

"Since there's nothing wrong, let's slow down and search for minerals on nearby planets. First, we can build a barely usable filter."

"Hey, what's your expression?"

The ship's deputy lowered his head and told him his arrangement. He felt his shoulders were itchy. When he looked up, he saw the crew members with shocked faces, squeezing back and retreating wildly. They pointed behind him and opened their mouths. , a look of fear.

Is there something behind me?

The deputy frowned.

Isn't there the captain behind him?

He turned his head doubtfully,

As a result, what I saw was an extremely terrifying scene!

Captain Arimin, who was fine a second ago, suddenly cracked open his hand on his shoulder, and dense white granules sprouted from it. The granules continued to grow and had reached his skin!

And, the reliable and steady captain's head also changed dramatically. Like the mouth of a carnivorous plant, his head actually split in the middle, and the two halves contained a jagged structure that came from nowhere!

What kind of monster is this? !

"Save me!"

The deputy reacted and tried to run, but when he pulled,

the bud clinging to his shoulder exploded directly,

and the disgusting white juice sprayed everywhere,

and several of the crew members who were retreating were sprayed in the face!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss--"

The instinct for survival made the deputy run two steps, but the captain next to him was faster, and the split head stretched out directly and rushed out, and the jagged crack directly bit the deputy into two pieces!

It really became a carnivorous plant!

"Hurry up and get the flamethrower, crazy, what the hell is this!"

The crew members were all mentally collapsed,

the captain turned into a monster,

and then killed the deputy captain?

What the hell is going on!

"Here we go! Take it!"

However, despite the panic, the crew's long-term training quality is still there. The recorder took out the flamethrower from the safety gate and handed it directly to the team member in front of the team.

The man gritted his teeth and pressed the trigger port directly.

A fire snake sprayed out.

The captain, who was slowly walking over and turned into an unknown monster, was directly swallowed by the flames.

After struggling in the fire for a long time,

it fell to the ground and died!

"Put out the flames!"

The well-organized people immediately rushed up and put out the flames with a fire extinguisher to prevent the fire from damaging the shipboard equipment.

When the flames were extinguished,

looking at the two bodies on the ground, one more miserable than the other,

the recorder took a long breath.

"It should be safe now, right?"

"It should be safe!"

A certain traverser standing in front of him carefully wiped off the white solution splashed on his arm, turned back, and smiled gently at the recorder.

But when he turned his head again,

a strange green light flashed in his eyes!

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