Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 647 Solar System: I...

The explanation given by this cosmologist is simple and crude enough.

Even Zhou Yuan and Fang Jing understood it.


It is simply impossible for the Tarot fleet to survive an explosion of this energy level!

"However, if the opponent forms a battle formation, maybe the last few ships can survive."

The weapons experts paused and gave exceptions.

"Yes, the battle formation is spread out, and the ships guarding the rear wing of the opponent will not enter the solar system. This is the only thing we have to worry about in this plan."

Horos who attended the meeting nodded,

As a pilot, he is very familiar with the situation of space war.

Although he used to be a bad guy, the battle formation of the fleet was really stretched, it was really long!

Especially a fleet of one thousand ships!

"Can we increase the scale of the explosion, radiate it out of the solar system, and try to wipe out the opponent in one fell swoop?!"

Chen Yumin asked tentatively.

"No, blowing up the solar system is the upper limit of its power. If you increase the power, it will cause too much noise, and it might attract some 'ghosts, demons, and snakes'!"

The weapons expert in this universe shook his head,

The power of the explosion cannot be greater,

They must be controlled within a safe range!

"It's okay. It's enough if you can do this step. Leave the rest to our space force!"

After hearing this, Mr. Zhu set the tone for this matter. After speaking, he smiled softly:

"There is no such thing as a perfect plan,"

"Although I would rather let our space force come out to wash the floor last, but since that is not possible, then the final finishing work will be left to them!"

"We have to believe them!"

"What Mr. Zhu said is that we must believe in our soldiers!"

Chen Yumin nodded accordingly.

"In this case, we have finalized this plan. Next, we will start discussing the specific details around the plan proposed by Lao Chen!"

We just made a rough outline, now comes the specific details of this plan.

Fang Jing listened briefly from behind,

Mr. Zhu named this plan the "Solar System Bunker Project."

This name is straightforward enough,

The entire solar system is a shelter for the earth!

The plan is simple;

There is a sense of simplicity.

The enemy came and entered the solar system, the unmanned fleet defended it, the earth teleported away, the solar system exploded, and the Panghai fleet came out to take care of the remaining enemies who were still alive.


Of course, it sounds simple, but the specific implementation details are also extremely complicated.

Including the control of transmission time, the layout of the unmanned fleet,

The way to lure the Tarot fleet in...wait,

These must be controlled in place.

But these are things that Mr. Zhu and others should worry about.

After hearing the long list of data at the end, Fang Jing dozed off, and Zhou Yuan next to him was already getting nervous.

For a long time, the two people, who were so sleepy that their upper and lower eyelids were fighting, looked at each other.

The two nodded in agreement,

Agitated, he looked around.

Well, no one is paying attention to us!


Taking advantage of the intermission, they crouched down and quietly slipped out of the conference room!

in the conference room,

Mr. Zhu, who was drinking water and resting with everyone, just shook his head slightly and smiled.

These two guys!

strange world,

The battle plan has been finalized!

Pang Hai looked at the plan with a surprised expression.

He knew it,

The expert team of their 237 Project is not vegetarian!

This "solar system bunker plan" is amazing!

It suits him very well!

"According to the plan, the earth will be equipped with an artificial sun. Is the space bridge in place?"

Pang Hai put away the plan and started arranging it quickly.

"Captain, we have artificial suns in stock in this universe. We can just transfer them over and use them. We have about ten small ones. The space bridge is already in place. Please give the order!"

The intelligence adjutant shouted back.

The best thing about this plan is that the things he uses are basically in stock in this universe!

Artificial suns, space bridges, unmanned fleets, and even weapons that can blow up the solar system are all available at your fingertips!

"Deploy the space bridge and keep it in a semi-activated state!"

Pang Hai gave the order without hesitation.

"Space bridge activated!"

As the order is issued,

The rear cabin of the battleship suspended in the earth-lunar orbit is opened directly.

One hundred thousand large cone bodies made of dense cone-shaped metal, their whole bodies covered with a cold metallic light, flew directly up and galloped to the outer reaches of the earth.

These large cones are the energy pillars of the space bridge!

Autobot technology!

Originally, this space bridge only needed tens of thousands to teleport to the planet Cybertron.

But the transmission was too slow,

In Transformers, the spellcasting was interrupted because it was too slow.

This universe learned this lesson and chose to directly pile up!

Ten thousand is too slow,

That’s one hundred thousand!

One hundred thousand is not enough, just one million!

The energy pillars spread out above the earth, forming a configuration similar to a satellite network, forming rectangles across it.

After the dispersion is completed,

The centers of these metal pillars suddenly emitted a dazzling blue light.

The blue light shines on each other,

A looming transparent barrier gradually covers the entire earth!

"The space bridge is already in a semi-activated state, and the transmission start progress is: 70%"

In addition to the space bridge,

Ten huge metal spheres were also ejected by the spacecraft.

These metal spheres quickly entered orbits of corresponding degrees,

They will become the source of light and heat after the earth leaves the solar system!

One is transmission, the other is light and heat source,

After these two most important pieces of equipment were delivered,

Pang Hai's mission is almost complete.

The trap weapon was deployed by another fleet, and their remaining task is to find a good place for the earth!

After the war,

The original solar system cannot stay anymore.

They need to find a new solar system!

"How is the fleet going to the Tianyuan Four Star System 10 light years away?"

In the cab, Pang Hai no longer paid attention to the situation in the earth's orbit.

"It's already being transformed. From now on, there will be a new solar system!"

"Well, good, keep paying attention!"

Solar System Bunker Project,

Progress is rapid.

Set traps faster!

The fleet just flies in the direction of the sun from Kuiper Belt, and just throws detonators along the way!

Wait until the opponent's fleet arrives,

The entire solar system will explode inward starting from the Kuiper Belt.

Until the sun is blown up,

This is a bit of a tease. The collapse and explosion of the star will completely annihilate the entire solar system!

Coupled with the fanning of various high-energy particle beam bombs,

The entire star system will be completely wiped out!

Hey, blow up the solar system,

Don't say it,

The group of people who arranged the bombs still felt a strange excitement in their hearts.

It's like,

After graduation, it feels like going back and blowing up my alma mater.

This wonderful feeling even made everyone feel faintly excited!


Man, what a strange species!

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