Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 648: Your philosophy!

strange world,

It has been a month since the sun shelter plan was deployed.

Today is a very important moment,

After traveling at high speed for a full month, the fatal blow was delivered by the Tarot Third Fleet.

Focused beam light particles,

We are almost reaching the solar system!

This is the first time in this universe to intercept a strike of this level.

Therefore, the Space Force system pays special attention to

In the flagship command room of the Space Force, Pang Hai has already issued the slogan "Serious and foolproof"!

"The light particles are approaching. We are still 10 light years away from the solar system. There is already a reaction from the space distortion device!"

"The aberrator is excited, the predicted position of the light particles is calibrated and locked!"

"Didi dididi——"

On the command podium, a red box was directly locked in an open area 1 light-year outside the solar system.

The assistant speculated,

This is the best place to intercept focused beam light particles!

"The position information has been uploaded, the aberration is calibrated in real time, and the target is determined!"

"Every system has been prepared, waiting for the other party to reach the interception location!"

The preparations for the fleet have been completed.

space distortion control console,

The controllers also immediately started working based on the calibrated data.

"We are ready here, the space distortion device, start it!"


This buzzing sound is not a regular sound. It is the ionizing radiation formed when space expands one light-year outside the solar system. It is emitted after being interpreted by a nearby receiver!

The sound of space deflection!

One light-year outside the solar system,

In an empty void,

With the activation of the distortion device, the spatial structure here has undergone great changes.

From an unknown distance, a beam of light flew in and hit the range affected by the distortion device.


In the void, a magical scene appeared.

The light that originally flew straight suddenly seemed to be pulled around in a circle by something. From the moment it entered this area, it flew around a certain core position, and then...

A big turn, directly forming a big right angle with the original flight path!

its flight path,

The space that was directly distorted was deflected!

"Ninety degrees, continue to deflect and give our Tarot 'friends' something in return!"

The controller of the aberration device curled his lips with a sneer on his face.

It is rude to come and not reciprocate!

You are so polite, I will give you a concentrated beam of light particles when I come up.

We don’t have any specialties here, so we can only return the things you gave us!

"The deflection is in a spiral shape, already 360 degrees!"

"very good!"

The controller leader nodded,

Three hundred and sixty degrees,

Where did these energy-gathering light particles come from? Get the hell back there!

Transform strength,

They used Huajin!

"The estimated impact time is ten minutes!"

"The other party is so fast."

"The seven backup interception areas are also ready, and there is enough redundancy!"

"Okay, let's see what each other is like!"

Their preparations are complete,

There are a total of eight interception zones. Unless the opponent's light particles can perform Z-shaped continuous sharp angle maneuvers, they will not be able to escape at all!

And if the opponent's light particles can continuously make Z-shaped sharp angle turns!

That universe is still a hairy book.

This is too scary!

There is one month left,

Get ready, run away!

After the distortion team is ready,

The entire solar system fell into silence,

Everyone, including the representatives from all over the world who were invited to observe, held their breath.

Because according to reports, the thing they want to intercept now can blow up half the solar system with ease!

"Can you stop it?"

"Is this just a small thing that can destroy the entire human race?"

"The light changed and was deflected back!"

"Control space, this technical ability!"


The observation groups from various countries who were invited to witness this moment looked at the scene in front of them,

Cold sweat dripped from my back.

Until now,

They have completely believed what Dongda said.

In the picture, the fleet standing in the void, the light that rotated in a full circle, everything refreshed their understanding.

"Coming, coming!"

They are sharp-eyed,

Outside the red frame interception area, a light spot that was so condensed that it seemed to have materialized appeared on the screen.

With its appearance,

Everyone held their breath!

The protagonist has already appeared on the stage and the stage has been set. Next, it’s time to see how the scene will turn out!

"We're ready, come on!"

The leader of the aberration controller gritted his back molars, clenched his fists, and veins popped out on his forehead.

His eyes gradually became fierce,

bring it on!

In the boundless void,

The bright stars come into view,

Among the stars that were as numerous as grains of sand, a small dot suddenly flickered.

It blinked gently!

Then, a deep orange light burst out!

This is the concentrated beam of light particles inspired by Tarot's third fleet!

It galloped past, creating faint ripples in the void.

The ripples spread out slowly, very far away, leaving a ripple in place...

Focused beam light particles,

Carrying a force that can make space twist and ripple, it flew over silently!

There was no explosion, no earth-shaking, no gorgeous and beautiful light,

it was just a point of light,

this small point of light in the background of the universe was so small that it would be ignored without special attention,

but it contained a terrifying force that could destroy the world!

Flying in silence,

those who could not stop it would be turned into nothingness by it.

And its target,

was right in front of it!

It would bring unparalleled power to make any creature hit by it feel desperate!

It was getting closer,

it was already very close to the target!

But at this moment,

it was still one light year away from the target star system,

the space on both sides of the light spot, for some reason, was not knocked open by it,

it was like being stuck in a muddy swamp, and its original invincibility was broken in an instant!

In the void,

an unnamed place,

the space solidified into a spiral on the spot,

it was this small spiral,

it actually became the imprisonment of the light spot!

It couldn't get away at all, and could only rely on its original power to keep rushing forward.

However, the definition of the front has already changed in this distorted space!

The light spot kept moving forward in the distorted space,

but in fact it just turned in a circle in place!

Three hundred and sixty degrees,

turned in a circle,

where it came from, where it finally flew to!

The thick wall of the distorted space is not something that its own energy level can shake!

Unable to shake the space distortion layer,

it can only let the other party manipulate it!

"The interception was successful, now it's the turn of the Tarot Third Fleet to eat the attack it made!"

"According to speculation, at most half a month, the Third Fleet will collide with the focused beam light particles, hehe, I hope they can find a way to deal with it!"

The distorter controller looked at the result in front of him and waved his hands excitedly.

At the same time, he sneered in his heart,

Tarot Third Fleet,

I hope you have the means to intercept your attack,

otherwise, taste the light particles you made!

If you can't stop it, you'll die.

That's your philosophy!

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