Nearly five days,

A steady stream of materials was delivered to Fang Jing,

And these six production lines he brought over,

It has shocked Li Ze and others to the point of numbness!

Six days of production day and night,

And during the day, batches of equipment flew out on their own and hid in the mountains and forests.

to the entire nearby mountains,

They are all filled with black human-shaped tanks, and Fang Jing’s production work is finally over!

"Ten million units, no more, no less, just right!"

"Is the production finished?"

The numb Li Ze was prepared to overdraft the life of the truck driver and ask him to work overtime to deliver the materials.

After a few seconds, he finally reacted in surprise:

"it's over!"

God knows how these five days came to pass!

All major roads are blocked,

The truck driver delivering supplies drove up to 150 miles on the national highway!

The truck driver was driving with fear, and they were waiting with fear.

The alien spies made them realize that

Paper cannot contain fire;

Sooner or later, the other party will find something is wrong!

Fortunately, it’s finally over!

"Are you going to fly now?"

There was only excitement and expectation in Li Ze's eyes now.

"That's right, just let it fly!"

Fang nodded and reminded Li Ze:

"You can go and inform other countries now. These equipments will only take a few minutes to enter orbit. In addition, I also have to go to the orbital observation point to prevent the opponent's spacecraft from attacking!"

After saying this, Fang Jing left the warehouse,

When Li Ze followed him out, his eyes widened.

right in front of him,

Originally hidden in the mountain forest, they were densely packed like black tank equipment, all suspended in mid-air.

From Li Ze’s perspective,

It was like a black mechanical cloud appeared in the sky,

Ten million units are densely packed together,

A dark place,

It’s very oppressive!

"Take off!"

Following Fang Jing’s cheers,

These devices no longer need to be hidden, they soar into the sky,

In an instant,

The entire base is swallowed up by shadow!

Outside the base, on a large piece of flat land, on a platform where thousands of trucks were parked, many drivers looked at what suddenly appeared in the sky and raised their heads in surprise.

"What's that?"

"It looks like a black gas tank?"

"Are you stupid? Have you ever seen gas cans fly? And there are so many of them flying together!"

"I'm going, I'm still flying, flying into the clouds!!"


Drivers and people are all stupid,

I wonder if my car has driven too much and I am hallucinating.

There are countless gas cans flying in the sky!

And it’s flying higher and higher!

"Let's go. I must have looked at the road too much and saw the afterimage. I'm going to catch up on my sleep first. If anything happens, kick me."

"Pah! I don't feel any pain, I must be dreaming."

"Damn it, you hit me!"

"Oh, that's not a dream, it's real!"


This scene left a deep impression on everyone's hearts.

So much so that after that, there was a legend about the flying gas tank in the local area!

So much fanfare,

It's hard not to draw attention to it,

But Fang Jing thought clearly,

What can be done if it is caused?

Who the hell knows what the purpose of this black jar is? !

war of the worlds,

The United Nations is the same old place. Originally, Mao was still exchanging insults with representatives of the United States.

When the Dongda representative got the document sent by Li Ze, his expression immediately became serious and he suddenly stood up.

"Representative Song, what are you doing?"

The rotating chairman asked the Dongda representative cautiously.

The two parties who were arguing also stopped and looked over with doubtful eyes.

"There is bad news that I want to tell everyone here."

Representative Song took a deep breath and explained to everyone with serious eyes:

"Just five days ago, we discovered... some strange things underground in the hinterland of Dongda."

"We initially speculate that it is some kind of... weapon from an alien civilization!"


Da Mao, who was arguing with the United States just now, was immediately stunned.


What did you say you found?

"Weapons of alien civilization?!"

The representative of the United States also stood up, with some greed and some doubts in his eyes.

This news,

Why would the other party reveal it?

Shouldn't we try our best to conceal such a good thing and then reverse the technology?

"I know everyone has questions, but unfortunately, from this weapon, we learned a very bad news. Our planet is being spied on by aliens!"

Representative Song followed the wording prepared by Li Ze and his tone was extremely serious.

He loudly said:

"And these weapons are the sharp weapons that the other party has buried on the earth to kill us!"

"Everyone, please look!"

As he spoke, he handed the picture of the triangular cone to everyone present.

Just when everyone looked at me and I looked at you, they felt horrified in their hearts.

Representative Song spoke again:

"We don't know how many such weapons there are underground on the earth, but we should be vigilant!"

The words end here,

When Representative Song sat down again, everyone present had different expressions.


This is just a notification to them!

They are not needed on the real battlefield,

This is just a preparation for the next big move.

And tell the aliens,

Humans have discovered them! !


The representatives from various countries present had different thoughts after hearing the words of the Dongda representative.

Are there such alien weapons buried in their country?

If they dig up and reverse,

Will we gain access to certain technologies?

Once this idea arises from the bottom of my heart, it becomes greedy and cannot be put down for a long time.

"I know what you are thinking. Everyone, I solemnly warn you that the technology of these aliens is far superior to ours. If you rashly dig and cause the other party to wake up, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Representative Song's voice was stern and full of warning.


He knew that these warnings were completely useless!

These countries will definitely dig for possible alien technology!

And by that time,

Aliens lurking among human beings will show their flaws!

Just right,

Explore the way to Dongda!

Thinking of the words "A dead Taoist friend will never die a poor Taoist", Representative Song sighed deeply in his heart.

It is said that this is also a helpless move in this universe.

If the space door can be opened,

This universe naturally makes a strong debut, the autumn wind sweeps away the fallen leaves, and forcefully collects all the alien equipment!

But at this moment,

There is only one square view,


These countries need to learn a lesson from themselves.

After a few machines were dug out, the aliens lurking among humans could no longer sit still and possessed them directly.

They know the pain,

Naturally, I will come to Dongda for help!

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