Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 686 This, this is impossible?

Under the ground of the earth, there are weapons used by aliens to invade the earth!

The news spread,

All countries are very nervous, and they are desperately searching for traces in their own lands.

Want to master this uncertainty.

This movement is too big,

Sure enough, it also attracted the attention of the spacecraft far away in the interstellar dust area.

interstellar dust region,

In the very bright sleeping cabin of the spacecraft, Halwei, a purple light group, has entered a short sleep.

His purple light seemed to have solidified, and the light could not be scattered, so that the edges gathered together and turned into black.

"Deep ♦ drip ♦ drip ♦!"

In the center of the dormant cabin, the spacecraft's brain suddenly made a melodic startup sound, and Halway was forcibly awakened immediately.

"Sir, bad news, humans have discovered that there are more than one pilot buried underground, and they are searching intensively!"


Halwe was stunned for a while, until the purple light began to move, and then he asked seriously with a solemn tone:

"How many have been discovered so far?"

Hearing Zhinao’s warning,

He was immediately frightened and woke up!

This is a critical moment, so don’t make any mistakes!

"One, according to reliable data, it is still one."

"It's just that the 'country' that discovered Pilot before actually announced the news."

This is something beyond Zhinao's expectation.

According to his prediction,

Based on the relationship between human countries, even if some countries discover one or two Pilots, they will only hide them and study them secretly, and then find ways to reverse the technology on them.

But the country we discovered this time actually took an unusual path.

Did you choose to announce it directly?

This is... you can't open the outer shell of Pilot, so you are angry?


Hearing this data, Halwe was speechless.

Only one was found,

Are you nervous?

Even if the other party is searching globally now,

Pilot is buried thousands of meters underground and has more than twenty Earth days left.

How many more can the other party discover?

He doesn't care at all if he loses a million Pilots!

It's a big deal,

I'm so nervous!

"Notify Slor and ask him to lead people to pay close attention."

"Also, aim the detector at the ground and see how many of these human ones we can find!"

After giving this order, Halwei stopped talking and chose to continue sleeping.

This is the reason why this universe asked General Dongda to announce the news to all countries, but did not give detailed maps!

One million units,

It would be innocuous for humans to discover a few of them;

This move

Just let the other party's focus shift from the extraterrestrial space to the ground!

When the other party's focus shifts to the ground,

in space,

Fang Jing has already struck hard,

Disguised as a meteorite, it approached the Kuiper Belt from the other side of the sun!

In the deep universe,

The mimic armor turned into an irregular metal sphere. After several small jumps, it quietly arrived at the edge of the solar system.

This is silent,

He is using a secret detector to carefully search for the alien spacecraft hidden in the dark!

above the earth,

The filter has been installed,

The biggest threat to the entire plan is the opponent's spaceship!

If the invasion of consciousness fails,

The alien spacecraft directly bombards the earth, and the filter is not an energy shield!

This shot goes down,

Wherever it hits, there will be earth-shaking changes!

Therefore, Fang Jing must find the opponent's position in advance and give the opponent a fatal blow at the critical moment!


There is no need to worry too much about Fang Jing's safety.

Because he uses a detection method that will never be discovered by the other party,

Optical detection!

According to the dating of the excavated alien machines, these aliens have been lying in wait for at least hundreds of years.

And the alien spacecraft cannot be hidden five hundred light years away, right?

So in theory, using optical detection, you can find traces of the other party!


I won’t burn you with radar and detectors,

I'm looking directly at you!

Look how you find me!

If Fang Jing can't be found, how can the other party pose a threat to him!

"Dip, beep, beep..."

In the silent universe,

Inside a high-speed moving metal meteorite in the Kuiper belt, the scene in front of Fang Jing is simply colorful.

The picture he saw at this moment was the picture seen by the Phalanx optical detector simulated by the entire mimic armor.

What you see are various light waves traveling directly through the universe!

The surface of a metallic meteorite is densely packed with point-like optical detectors.

This kind of detector is extremely sensitive.

Theoretically, images from hundreds of light-years away can also be clearly analyzed.

"Meteorite, meteorite, unknown planet, unknown planet..."

Looking at the various objects flying past my "eyes\

,"After searching for Fangjing for nearly twenty days, I was almost numb.

His face was expressionless, as if he was just doing it.


He also returned to this universe,

As a result, there was a big problem on Horos' side. The other party had already studied that book all over, but they couldn't find a way to extract a certain particle!

To be precise,

They have no idea where to extract it from!

This is a rare setback for Horus in biotechnology!

Also frustrated were the various biological gods who came to help.

Shirelle also went to see,

and he was powerless.

So, at this moment, in the world of World War, he could only rely on the package plan prepared in advance by the expert group and himself!

"Continue scanning, meteorites, meteorites, unknown stars, unknown stars, triangular cones with strange copper-colored objects, meteorites, meteorites..."

Numbly repeating the action of searching, Fang Jing squinted his eyes and suddenly froze.

Wait, something seems to have flashed by? ? ?

"Triangular cone, brass color, long cone shape, spaceship!"

Moving his "gaze" back, seeing the clear presentation of the optical detector in front of him, and the triangular cone-shaped spaceship in the image,

Fang Jing's eyes suddenly widened.

Finally found this plant!

"Damn, it turns out to be hidden in the interstellar dust area, it's really easy for me to find it!"

Biting his back teeth, Fang Jing's tone became stern.

Not only did he want to destroy humanity, but he also took him so long to find it.

Do you know,

Looking for your spaceship is really a pain in the ass!

"Look around to see if there are any other goods!"

After finding the location of the first ship, the next job will be easy.

When the fleet is hiding, it usually doesn't go too far away, especially in front of a civilization that didn't know anything hundreds of years ago, there is no need to hide.


I thought so,

When Fang Jing really looked everywhere,

After searching for a long time, he didn't find the second one?

"You are so brave, you dare to go to the universe with only one spaceship?!"

After getting this result,

Fang Jing was dumbfounded.

There is only one spaceship, this, this is impossible? !

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