Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 693 Ding! A trial card!

In Horos’s vision,

Converting it into energy in ordinary ways creates a huge weakness for your own civilization.

Although not as fragile as aliens from the New World,

But it’s easy to be targeted!

As far as he knows,

The previous engineer civilization had a weapon specifically designed to target energized creatures.

This kind of weapon can cause chaos and dislocation of energy in the area by vibrating gravitational waves.

That is to say,

Under attack from this weapon,

Creatures with physical entities have nothing to do with them; on the contrary, they are energy-based creatures that can be swept away in a large area!

It’s simply a special attack on energy-based creatures!


This is also a very important reason why engineers still maintain their physical bodies.

Although the physical body is not as good as the energy body and can survive in space,

But for engineers, it is undoubtedly the most suitable.

These days,

Specialization means partiality, and partiality is a dead end.

And Horos is on Fang Jing,

On the way to explore along the prompts of the machine, new discoveries were made.

The Celestial Being of Cybertron, a trinity of beings, eh, turns out to exist in a physical form.


That's because he can transform at any time!

He is not limited to a single life form;

He is the synthesis of all life forms, energy, matter and information!

This kind of complex

This is what Horos is pursuing, the real "energization", or the real evolution!

Do whatever you want!

He even felt that

This is in their universe, in addition to the dimensionality of life,

The only perfect life form!

"Perhaps, this is what the machine is trying to remind us. Next, it is time for this universe to expand its technology in terms of energy!"

Horos's eyes lit up,

At this moment, his hand holding an instrument shook slightly.

In those flesh-colored roots,

There were shimmering particles under the microscope, and he picked them out directly!

"Finally found this damn thing!"

See this thing,

Horos took a deep breath,

After twenty-five days, it’s finally over!

"It's great if you find it. This kind of particle and consciousness can be nested. It is probably the carrier used by this civilization to energize consciousness."

Dino immediately tilted his head and observed roughly for a few seconds.

His eyes also lit up.


Regarding energyization, he and Horos had similar views.

Simply energizing is certainly refreshing for a while;

But afterwards, there is a high probability that it will go directly to the crematorium!

"We'll talk about energyization later. Let's collect these particles first and check their safety before we talk!"

Energization certainly attracts Horus;

But the gravity of the new world is also not small!

What's more, compared to the former, the latter is more attractive to him!

new world,

Different scenery, completely different technology,

These are all things he seeks tirelessly!

Half an hour later,

Horos took out a small glass tube from the detector.

Looking at the glass tube that seems to be empty,

He grinned widely.

"The safety test passed, Fang Jing, where are the others?!"

"I heard he is sleeping and resting."

"Why should you sleep? It's time for Lao Deng to get up!"

These words came from the mouth of Horos,

It’s really against Tiangang!

Disinfection Room No. 12, in the specially set up rest area,

Fang Jing slept very comfortably on the big soft bed.

Relaxing all of a sudden made him feel that his whole soul had been sublimated.

There is an indescribable feeling of comfort.

At this time he was dreaming,

I dreamed that I was on the planet Pandora, riding an aircraft, searching for a beast called "Anduodu".


Why Andodu? Isn't this a kind of Pandora dog that I raised to death? ?

Fang Jing, who was stepping on the aircraft, suddenly woke up because of this sense of dissonance.

Something is wrong, something is so wrong!

Wasn't he dreaming? Why did he suddenly regain consciousness?

Just wondering,

Under his feet, the aircraft he was originally stepping on suddenly turned into a black hole, sucking it directly in.

When I opened my eyes again,

He has come to that familiar dark space,

In the center of the huge dark space,

The machine, emitting pure white light, stood in mid-air, overlooking the scene.

"Why did I come here??"

"Am I not sleeping?"

"It must be Lao He who is out of stock. He is taking revenge on me!"

Moment of doubt,

Fang Jing came to the conscious space from his dream and immediately identified the culprit.

Except Horos,

There is no one else!

This Lao Deng!

You have exploited yourself as a worker, and now you want to exploit him, a gold medal employee? !

Not a son of man!

While thinking about how to "teach this guy a lesson", Fang Jing turned his attention to the machine.

no way,

Now that everyone has been brought in, let’s get started!

at this time,

The pure white machine still stood there quietly, and the white light behind it gave people an inexplicable sense of warmth and comfort.

The dark point below the main vein has no tendency to change at all.

But under the branches,

As the silver-white lines extended, two white dots, one large and one small, appeared next to the red dots of The Thing and War of the Worlds.

This is,

New world!

Fang Jing, who was very familiar with him, locked his consciousness on the two white spots without hesitation.

A light touch,

The darkness around Fang Jing suddenly disappeared,

It was replaced by a vast expanse of white,

The white glare made Fang Jing unable to open his eyes at all.

He couldn't see clearly at all!

"Hey, I can't see clearly how to receive the prompt?!"

Fang Jing was completely stunned. What did he want to do with this prompt, to quickly go through it while he couldn't see it?


There must be a secret hidden in it!

His eyes were still silvery white, so he simply closed his eyes.

Anyway, I can't see clearly.

As a result, when he closed his eyes, he felt something else!

That's a wonderful feeling,

Fang Jing felt like a silkworm, emerging from its cocoon and ushering in a new life.

At this moment,

His whole body was emitting the emotion of "joy\

,"Life seems to be following a certain rhythm, jumping and sublimating,

He seems to be...transforming!

When this feeling reaches its peak,

Fang Jing had a vague feeling in his heart,

It was at this time that he could open his eyes!

Following the feeling in his heart, he suddenly opened his eyes,

Enter the eyes,

In the vast whiteness, he looked down and saw his body, his...hand!

His hands!

Translucent, just like when an energy weapon is activated, it emits a steady stream of orange light...

"What am I?"

Fang Jing gently grasped it twice.

Except it looks different,

His own feelings were no different from before.


It's obvious,

The scene at this moment has been completely transformed into energy!

Just when Fang Jing was intoxicated with this feeling,

Suddenly, the prompt ends,

All illusions and feelings dissipated in an instant,


Back to that dark space of consciousness again!

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