Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 694: An experiment that is bound to fail

Standing in the dark space of consciousness,

Fang Jing carefully recalled the wonderful feeling just now.

Especially when your eyes are closed,

I don't know what happened,

His whole body was emitting a pleasant feeling;

His spirit and body were all joyful at this moment. This feeling was like when Fang Jing was a child, he found a fun thing and played with it endlessly all afternoon.

This is a kind of "joy" from the inside out,

At that moment,

Not just inside the body,

The rhythm in the body seems to secretly conform to a certain rhythm or a certain rule in the universe, since everything around it begins to beat and become active.

That's a kind of

The feeling of unity between body and mind, and unity inside and outside.

"Really, energized?"

Fang Jing's eyes widened,

He didn't feel this way when his body was transformed into a pseudo-trinity and turned into energy.

In addition, when I opened my eyes and saw my own empty and blurry hand,

He could only guess,

At that time, he received a "real energy" experience card.

Don't say,

The effect is really cool!

"The conditions for the opening of the world represented by the big white dot are true energy. This is quite demanding. Let's take a look at the little white dot!"

Not stopping for a moment,

Fang Jing immediately changed his gaze and touched the little white dot with a little awareness.

The surrounding darkness was swept away again.

This time, what appeared in front of Fang Jing was no longer a dazzling white light.

But a dark man,

Fang Jing confirmed that he was a human being, with two arms, two legs, two eyes and one mouth.

Well, that's right.

This man is lying on a platform,

Then, a strange instrument hit him directly.

Then, the man's body began to become transparent and glow with orange light.

"This looks like the process of energizing humans. Are we trying to energize it?"

Fang Jing frowned. Aren't the requirements of the two worlds the same?


Just when he was doubtful,

The scene in front of me changed again,

On the platform, the orange light of the human beings who were being energized suddenly faded away, then became brighter and brighter, and then completely lost control and turned into a ball of energy!

The experiment failed? !

Fang Jing's eyes widened suddenly, not understanding the meaning.

But just at this time,

The picture around him suddenly shattered!

Tip is over!


Fang Jing suddenly opened his eyes!

"Hey, wake up, I just said don't bother!"

Beside the bed, Horos turned to Zhou Yuan and showed a big smile.


In response, Zhou Yuan just smiled and said nothing.

If you force someone to wake them up while they are sleeping, why should you be slapped?

Wait, this scene looks familiar!

Zhou Yuan suddenly realized something was wrong,

According to the order of development of things,

What happened next was not that Horos was whipped, but...

"Oh, Lao He, you are really aggressive!"

He had just woken up and was about to swoop in and hit Horos hard, but he saw Horos suddenly turned his head, and then his head was hammered by his fist, which was bigger than a sandbag.

Holding my head,

Although Fang Jing didn't feel any pain at all, he had to act!

Because of this scene,

Isn't it just a replica of Fang Jing's beating of Horos!


Fang Jing, who knew he was in the wrong, acted, why don't I just follow him?

I'll bear with it this time!

In this universe, on Mars Node Island, in the control room,

Mr. Zhu sat with the expert team, watching the projected images in front of him, and remained silent for a long time.

Stop talking,

I can't tell what kind of world it is at all.

We don’t even know what we want them to do!

"We can really understand this energy, but the world represented by that little white dot is a bit...complex."

Tan Wei frowned and said with some confusion:

"It was supposed to be an energy experiment, but it failed. Failed?"

"This seems to have no connection. Are we going to fail for once?"

Horos said and looked at Fang Jing.


Noticing the look Horos gave me,

Fang Jing quietly gave him a middle finger gesture, and then his body shook violently.

Failed once with him,

That's energy.

He's really going to die!

"Probably not."

Tianhuo shook his head, he was also a little confused,

Does this experiment have to fail once to be useful?

This is so strange!

"Failure, failure, maybe this is asking us to explore the reasons for failure?"

Mr. Zhu thought about it for a while and came up with this possibility that sounded more reliable.

"This might be possible!"

Horos and Tianhuo’s eyes lit up.

They seem to understand something!

In other words, if they start doing this experiment, no matter what they do, they will fail.

This is to let them explore the reasons for failure!

"If that's the case, then the water here is quite deep!"

After thinking for a moment, Cyril took a deep breath.

"How to say?"

Fang Jing looked at Dr. Hillier, somewhat confused.

Mr. Zhu and Zhao Guangyao looked sideways. They had vaguely guessed something and wanted to check what they were thinking.

"...Nothing is guaranteed to fail."

Xireer shook his head slightly and explained with some worry:

"If it is bound to fail, there are only two possibilities: first, there is no way this experiment can succeed; second, there is some kind of force interfering behind it!"


Hearing this, Fang Jing understood.

The first one is definitely impossible, because it is completely energy-enabled, and the machine has already suggested that this is an achievable technology.

Then there is only one situation...

"Someone intervened behind the scenes!"

Fang Jing's eyes widened,

It’s so scary to think about it!

"I'm just guessing now, maybe this is the second lock of the multiverse filter!"

Xi Ruier opened her eyes wide and said solemnly:

"If you want to filter the entire multiverse, the enemies lurking behind cannot only use the subspace erosion body."

"As Horos guessed, true energyization is the integration of the three basic elements, energy, matter and information..."

"Then, if I were them, I would definitely do something about it!"

"Let other civilizations go astray or fail, as long as they deviate from the right path, that's fine!"

This is the simplest method,

Use technology to modify some rules,

Let "energyization" inevitably fail,

If it fails for a long time, the focus of technology will inevitably shift.

"If that's the case, this... is too scary."

Fang Jing took a deep breath, widened his eyes, and felt a chill behind him.

This is scary.

If it's really what Xirel said,

The guy who stands behind the multiverse, like a controller, is simply terrifyingly powerful.

"It could also be just a second lock, that's what the filter should be,"

Relaxing slightly and leaning on the armchair, Cyril said softly:

"It's like layers of filters laid on a funnel. These filters will filter out all the solutions poured down layer by layer, leaving only what the other party needs...or rather,"

"Leave nothing behind!"

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