Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 755 It’s finally time to go home

In the Predator's ship,

A white shark suspended in a turbid sulfide-containing solution,

The originally brilliant light on his body was electrocuted into pure white.

This white light is very pure,

Combined with the environment, there is a sense of absurd beauty.

So Fang Jing couldn't help but let this beautiful feeling last for a while longer.


So I can only suffer from the white shark!

However, he never expected that just when he was about to renew the "fee" for this "beauty" for the fifth time, the electric rod hit the white shark's body, and the electric current flowed through,

This time, the other party did not glow with white light!

Those electric currents continuously circulated around the body of the white shark, passed through its body, and suddenly disappeared!


Disappeared into thin air? !


Fang Jing's eyes widened,

Where is his white light and his electric current?

This matter is not recorded in the documents!

Actually, the main reason why there is no record is that no one will be bored and use high-voltage electricity to shock the Raiya people until they faint!

Fang Jing is the first person to do this!

"What's going on?"

Fang Jing's curiosity was aroused. In order to prevent the white shark from being directly electrocuted to death, Fang Jing turned his head sharply and looked at the predator's deputy who was also cowering in the corner!

Practice brings true knowledge, and he wanted to see what was so special about these Laiya people!

King of Thunder, Frankenstein, and Fang Jing are online!

He stretched out his hand to take Zhou Yuan's electric prod, and put the two electric prods together.


The ferocious sound of electric current spread far through the solution.

The electric light reflected Fang Jing's "gentle" face.

Zhou Yuan: What are you doing?

Deputy White Shark looked at Fang Jing's malicious smile and the captain's braids that were so shocked that he was suddenly startled, and he burrowed into the corner with all his strength:

"Don't come over!!!"

Did it ever think about being used as an experimental subject after defeat?

But it never expected that the other party would be so simple and rude. They didn't even get off the spacecraft and started the experiment directly, right?

"Hey hey hey!"

Fang Jing forced his deputy to retreat.

Two electric prods hit it directly!

The white and translucent deputy's ring-shaped body immediately emits brilliant colored light. After being shocked a few times, the colored light turns to white light. After being shocked for a dozen more times, the current flows through the opponent's ring-shaped body.

Fang Jing clearly felt that the current flowed in a circle and finally converged to the center of the ring.

And then it really disappeared!


Sensing this feature, Fang Jing took a breath,

Although I don’t know what the use of this ability is yet, it can make energy disappear out of thin air!

This sounds wrong!

"One or two are exceptions. I'll try again!"

Fang Jing, with bright eyes, decided to try to see if this was a special ability possessed by the Laiya people.

A holy body that is naturally resistant to electricity?


So, from Zhou Yuan's perspective, a rather neurotic scene appeared.

There are 16 crew members in the cockpit of the entire Raiya flagship.

Right in front of him, these 16 crew members, including the captain, were all electrocuted until they turned white!

More than a dozen rings emit white light, and they are placed in a somewhat dim solution environment. Not to mention that it really feels like an alien planet, but what on earth is Fang Jing doing?

Zhou Yuan raised three big question marks.

He didn't dare to ask,

He was afraid that if he asked, Fang Jing, who was in high spirits, would even grab him and call him!

This is something that no one else can do, it’s Fang Jing, it’s really possible!

I was really shocked.

Then who can he talk to to reason with him?

After a few hours,

Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan returned to the flagship of this universe and returned to the cockpit.

No, as soon as I walked in,

Wu Tong stared at Fang Jing with very strange eyes.

Although alien creatures are not protected by prisoner of war laws,

But if you give electric shocks one by one like this, there will still be some problems.

"Ahem, Fang Jing, it's normal to want to vent when you're stressed. I know there's a very good psychiatrist in the base. Sometimes I go to see him when I'm stressed out. What do you think? I recommend it to you."

Wu Tongqing coughed, his words a little tactful.

"Oh, okay...no!"

Fang Jing was putting on the soaking equipment and thinking about the strangeness of the Laiya people. After casually agreeing, he suddenly realized,

I don't have any mental problems.

You have misunderstood!

"Well, when I get back to the base, I will definitely accompany Fang Jing there in person!"

Professor Dong grinned and said,

He reached out and covered his face, his purpose was simply obvious!

Repay kindness with hatred,

These people simply muddied the water, and even if he jumped into the water, he wouldn't be able to clean himself!

"Okay, pack your things, take these prisoners, and we are ready to return!"

The joke is over,

Wu Tong's face became serious.

Even if there were no Raiya marauders, they would still come to this place for transit.

The purpose is to hide the alliance's communicator and isolation suit here!

They don't dare to bring things from other civilizations directly back to the earth and back to the space gate base.

What if the alliance can position itself!

The behavior of marking corrosive bodies on the alliance isolation server has always made Wu Tong very wary.

"It's been a month since I came out, and I can finally go back!"

Fang Jing stretched, gave Professor Dong a middle finger, and ran directly into the immersion chamber.


Professor Dong smiled speechlessly,

This character, he will take revenge immediately, good!

In an unknown star system,

The engineers sealed all the alliance-related equipment on this spacecraft and the Rhaian spacecraft in a simulated asteroid,

"Mark the sealing location and the corresponding orbit, and let the exploration team keep an eye on this place all the time after returning,"

"I guess the alliance will not come to investigate."

"Who can lock it accurately? It's always good to be cautious!"

"Okay, it's done, let's go!"

After completing the work, the space operation personnel returned to the battleship and the hatch slowly closed.

It's time for them to go home!

In the flagship cabin,

Optimus Prime, Ironhide and others tied themselves to the bulkhead helplessly,

They originally came here to see something strange,

but this time, they didn't even show their faces!

"Alliance, the way of peace and fraternity..."

However, Optimus Prime still gained a lot.

He thought,

When they retire from this universe, when they reshape the Cybertron civilization in their own universe,

the Alliance is a good learning object.

They also want to build such a peaceful, fraternal and prosperous star field,

so that thousands of races, regardless of their identity, status, and the level of civilization and technology, can live in the same area in a friendly manner!

"Although this trip has no merit, but... it is enough to see the true face of the Alliance and really see the existence of such a place!"

Optimus Prime comforted himself in his heart.

Just at this time,

the spacecraft started,

after almost two months away, they are finally going home!

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