Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 756: A rare calm after the rush

war of the worlds,

At the base of the space gate,

Received the signal that the fleet entered the Kuiper Belt,

Mr. Zhu and others had been waiting at the door early.

This time the fleet enters the alliance alone, which is an extremely dangerous task!

Especially when he received Wu Tong's process report and saw the ambush of Kai Dis, the battle in the Broken Star Territory, and the surprise attack on his return, Mr. Zhu also broke into a cold sweat for them.

Especially the battle of the subspace alliance,

This is even more dangerous!

If Fang Jing hadn't noticed in advance that Will was looming in front of him,

A lot of people will be hit by this spaceship!

In the Earth Orbital Shipyard,

Zhu Lao shook the hands of Wu Tong, Fang Jing and others heavily, glanced at the Laiya spaceship hanging behind, and said with some emotion:

"Welcome back!"

"But just come back, and you brought so many 'gifts', you're so polite!"

Behind him, Zhao Guangyao, Horos and others looked at each other and all raised their heads and laughed.

This "gift" is well said!

"Old He, you will be busy next time. You must have asked a lot of energy questions from the Alliance people!"

Fang Jing had a clear purpose. After saying hello,

A piece of machinery stretched out from his legs so that his back was at the same height as Horos.

Then she hugged his shoulders with a smile on her face.

This big braised egg has a bald head. I haven’t seen him for a month, and I still miss him a little!

"I've asked a lot of questions. I already have the basic idea. I'm just waiting for you to come back!"

I'm back safe and sound,

The experiment can begin!

For Horos, this is simply a double blessing!

"This is not the place to talk. Come on, I'll treat you to dinner!"

Horos looked around,

The matter of reporting fell on Wu Tong and others. For Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan, it was really okay now!

Then why not hurry up and have a meal!

"A treat for you?"

Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan were shocked.

Horos actually treats guests, it’s like the sun is falling from the sky!

"Of course, I'll take care of you. Just let General Wu Tong handle the reporting and explanation process. You are special personnel. Do you know what special personnel are?"

Smash it, slap your mouth, but you still look down on me and someone else?

However, his loud voice left Wu Tong on the side speechless.

Hey, hey, hey, I'm still next to you, think of me as air, right?

"Okay, you can go if you want. Wu Tong, this is not the place to talk. Let's go to the office."

Mr. Zhu just smiled and waved his hand, smiled slightly, and left with Wu Tong and many spacecraft personnel.

Here, only Fang Jing, Zhou Yuan and Horos were left.

"Let's go!"

Fang Jing was in a good mood and waved his hand to let Horos lead the way.

"Hey hey hey!"

Horos just smiled softly and led the two of them in one direction.

As a result, Fang Jing discovered that the further he went, the more he went wrong.

This direction,

Why does it seem to be the way to the cafeteria? ?

Sensing something was wrong, he and Zhou Yuan looked at each other and said in shock:

"Lao He, you're not going to treat us to dinner in the cafeteria, are you?"


Horos looked innocent;

What's wrong with this?

It has never been anywhere except the Mars Node Island and various space gate bases in this universe.

What can I do if I don’t invite you to the canteen?

Seeing the other party's confused face, Fang Jing grinned.


For the first meal when you come back, you can definitely eat in the cafeteria!

"Brother Zhou, beef soup?"

"That's right!"

Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan nodded at the same time and clamped their hands on Horos's shoulders like pliers.

A huge force dragged him running wildly.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing, not going to the cafeteria?"

this universe,

Mr. Zhu, Wu Tong and others were discussing the details of this operation.

And Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan, after going through complicated disinfection tests, directly dragged Horos to the world of Kyushu!

Kyushu world!

This is now almost the back of the entire multiverse.

Coming out of the space door, the two of them took Horos directly out of Kyushu University!

There has never been an engineer before!

In fact, many engineers teach at Kyushu University.

However, due to some restrictions, these engineers basically live in underground laboratories. Therefore, although people around the university know that there are aliens in the school, they appear so arrogantly on the streets.

It’s the first time!

"Is it really okay for me to come out like this?"

Looking at the densely populated streets with countless eager and curious eyes, Horos, who stood out from the crowd, was a little nervous.

"It's okay, just follow us!"

Fang Jing waved his hand indifferently,

We took him straight into a noodle shop.

The noodle shop owner looked up and saw Fang Jing. He smiled and was about to speak.

Finally, he opened his mouth and looked up,

He was immediately stunned, but what followed was ecstasy.

Without saying a word, he rushed directly to Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan who were sitting down, and with great foresight pushed out a large chair so that Horos could sit down.

"Xiao Fang, here you come with a guest. This is... a guest from which planet or civilization?"

The noodle shop owner took the order and looked at Fang Jing eagerly.

Although this question made him a little nervous, but,

How can you open a store near Kyushu University without some skills?

"Oh, engineers are civilized, they don't have any contagious viruses, and they don't have any dietary restrictions, just like us people,"

"Three bowls of beef noodles!"

Fang Jing was very satisfied with this uncle's attitude.

That’s what it’s like, what’s so surprising about aliens?

If the enemy is killed, the friendly relationship between friends will end!


The noodle shop uncle heard that he was just like other people and had no infectious diseases, so he felt relieved.

At the same time, I was also ecstatic.

After the customers left, he even thought about the advertisement!

Beef soup, all my alien friends say it’s good after eating it!

His noodle shop must be so hot!

He is such a business genius!

Soon, the noodles arrived.

Horos took a bite, his eyes lit up, and he skillfully mixed the buns with chopsticks and ate it.

"Well, let me tell you, don't worry about your canteen. Lao Tao's craftsmanship is good, but he should forget about making noodles!"

Fang Jing ate heavily,

He muttered, looking satisfied.

The food here is delicious, and the crowd watching the excitement outside the store took out their mobile phones to take photos.

People always like to see novelty and excitement,

What a big alien,

There were three or four circles of people in front of the store within a few minutes!

In this regard,

Ordinary merchants will definitely not do anything like this.

But are noodle shop owners ordinary people?

An idea struck him, and he rushed out and shouted loudly to drive people away:

"What are you looking at? There are friends in aliens. Don't scare them. I'll leave those who don't eat!"

"Hey, Old Tang, your noodles are so delicious that they even attract aliens? Give me a bowl!"

"Eat, I want to go into the store to eat!"

"Give me a bowl!"

Under the shouts of the noodle shop owner, the crowd dispersed.

But the store became more popular.

Fang Jing doesn’t care.

Horos just needs to get used to this kind of thing!

The most intoxicating smoke is the smoke.

Looking at this picture of lively and short-lived life,

He felt more comforted,

The originally impetuous heart finally became down to earth and stable.

And Horos, who was surrounded by everyone,

He was a little nervous at first, but in the end, he let go and even started chatting with the people at the next table!

Said with enthusiasm,

From talking about astronomy to geography, the store was also very lively.

Until then,

Horos suddenly realized that he had naturally integrated into this place without knowing it?

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