Ball lightning,

Three-phase bomb research base.

The helicopter landed on the tarmac, but Fang Jing parted ways with everyone.

He had already come into contact with the quantum ghost,

so he had to return to the universe immediately to try it out!

On the other side, Zhang Jingshan took Lin Yun and the other two to the shooting range first.

"Mr. Zhang, why are we here?"

Dr. Chen was a little confused. Isn't this a shooting range?

"I know that Lin Yun has a lot of resentment towards me for banning the Morning Light Force and prohibiting you from continuing your research. Now, let me show you the reason!"

Zhang Jingshan glanced at Lin Yun.

She just stood there, like a small tree standing firm in a storm, regardless of the wind and rain, tough and tenacious.

Without answering, her eyes were already on the silver-white pistol in Zhang Jingshan's hand.

This pistol is very similar to an ordinary gun.

Except that the gun has a complex structure and layers, and it doesn't look like it fires bullets, she can't see any difference.

Is there anything special about this pistol?

"... Come and see its power. This... is just the tip of the iceberg. After reading this, you will know that our 'enemy' target has changed!"

Zhang Jingshan suppressed his excitement and slowly picked up the small silver-white pistol.

He casually stretched out his hand, not caring about the grip at all, pointed the muzzle at the "Old 59" tank dragged over the shooting range, and gently pulled the trigger.

Old 59, I'm sorry!

A cold light shot out from the muzzle, and in an instant, it flew past and hit the target!


Hit the tank body, and an astonishing explosion sounded.

Just in front of the three people, the old tank with five pairs of road wheels was suddenly wrapped in the bursting white light.

The earth was shaken violently!

The tank was placed in place and exploded directly. The scattered metal became molten directly, emitting dark red sparks, and exploded into a group of shining fireworks in the air!

In an instant,

the sparks dissipated, the smoke dissipated,

where was the tank? Only a huge pit was left, the tank, along with the bunkers built around it, were all blown to ashes!

One shot,

this pistol, which was about the size of a revolver, just one shot,

made Lin Yun and the other two stare with their eyes wide open, and fell into deep shock.

But this is not the end,

Zhang Jingshan slowly put down the gun, turned his head and looked at Lin Yun helplessly, and whispered:

"This is just a pistol. A real naval gun can completely destroy the opponent's aircraft carrier, including the nuclear fission reactor in it, without pollution."

"The situation has changed. Non-traditional means of warfare are our helpless move under the weak situation,"

"And now, conspiracy and trickery are vulnerable in the face of absolute power!"

"Let's go, let's go to the preparation room to take a look!"

This is a strong medicine, and the next is the real visual impact!

When Lin Yun, Dr. Chen and the other two came to the preparation room, they stared at the production machine that spit out hundreds of cone detectors in one second. They were speechless!

Because according to General Zhang,

that pistol was produced by this machine,

that is to say, if they wanted,

they could have one of these pistols each!

Every soldier has this kind of firepower, what land naval guns? !

If this is concentrated fire, fortifications, tank clusters, all will be reduced to dust!


I am hiding in a trench alone, sneak attacking, one shot and one tank, the other side can't do anything!

Even if they only have this kind of weapon,

the form of war has quietly changed, not to mention that Zhang Jingshan showed the catalog of this production machine to the three of them,

seeing the series of equipment that can be put together to allow them to directly colonize Mars,

Lin Yun's heart finally died!


In this universe, in the No. 13 disinfection room,

the silver-white armor instantly appeared in the center of the disinfection room.

The moment Fang Jing was teleported back, he tilted his head and fell asleep!

At this moment, the silver-white armor directly turned into a medical cabin, allowing him to lie flat in it and start a detailed examination.

"Fang Jing is back, he has fainted, the examination is complete, no abnormalities!"

The hygienist Sun Wang has long been accustomed to it. After he checked it correctly, he took a few steps back.

"It should be contact with the quantum ghost, the space door can be opened!"

In the monitoring room, receiving the file sent by the intelligent assistant,

Zhu Lao and others' eyes lit up.

"Quantum ghost, perfect is an example, just being hit by spherical lightning, it changes the basic form of life!"

Holos kept rubbing his hands, looking forward to the abnormality.

Just being hit by spherical lightning can change the form of life and become this quantum ghost that is close to the energy form.

You must know that this state is

what the alliance has dreamed of for thousands of years!

These two people didn't want to become this state, but the result was that others could not achieve it even if they studied hard for thousands of lifetimes!

There is no useless world.

The harvest of this world will not be low just from the sample of this quantum ghost!

"Also pay attention to that malicious gaze, observer..."

Old Zhu nodded and said cautiously:

"After rushing over, immediately clean up the nearby space, set up a planetary defense system, and silence the communication within the solar system!"

This is a world consistent with the Three-Body Worldview,

Maybe the universe here is also in a state of "dark forest", so this time, the moment they break through the space gate, the first thing they have to do is to hide the solar system!

The technology of this universe is not yet at the level of being the only one in the universe.

At this moment of hiding, we must immediately follow our heart!

"You can directly use a high-power star device to twist a solar wind barrier outside the solar system, so that from the outside world's point of view, this star system is a zone that is always in the solar wind explosion."

"It is impossible for civilization to be born in such a place!"

The extremely active solar wind and the regularly distributed star system result in the fact that it is impossible for civilization to be born.

Tianhuo is very familiar with this set.

"Let's follow this plan. After all, we can't really make a "cosmic security statement."

Old Zhu thought about it carefully and nodded in agreement.

After all, they are just following their hearts and hiding, not really turning into pigs.

If they really make that cosmic safety life, the life and death of the solar system in the ball lightning world will be in the hands of others!

Anyway, the sun is in a desolate area of ​​the Milky Way,

so just cover it up.

As long as it doesn't make too much noise and get discovered, or someone broadcasts directly to outer space, nothing will happen!

It's fine!

"Okay, Mr. Zhu, I'll tell Captain Wu Tong right away!"

Zhao Guangyao nodded.

This time, the impact on the space gate should be safe, quiet, and quickly blockade the solar system!

In one word,


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