Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 788 Let’s get started!

Ball Lightning World,

On the islands of the Pacific Ocean, a cruise ship carrying the leaders of the Garden of Eden, big and small, set off.

Their destination is Liben,

especially the leader of this organization, the priest with a cross pendant, who personally went out.

"We will use Liben as a springboard to remotely control the actions of the Asian branch of the Garden of Eden,"

"These lost lambs obsessed with science will accept the wrath we give them on behalf of nature!"

Standing on the cruise ship,

He looked down at the sea level, his hands on his chest, his eyes full of indifference.

The once clear blue sea has disappeared. The sea has been polluted by oil leaks, nuclear waste water leaks, various human garbage, and water containing a lot of nutrients for irrigating the land.

The whole world is no longer pure because of technology.

They will save this world and pull the human beings who have been blinded by technology back to the right path!

"Pastor, the lost lambs will return to the Garden of Eden under your leadership!"

"Please give the order!"

Beside the pastor, several guardians had fanatical eyes, and the red pills faintly emerging in their arms made them look even more crazy, as if they would sacrifice their lives for their "great cause" at any time.

"Let the lecturer take action and let them see the harm that technology brings to mankind,"

"Only after seeing this kind of fear, those who are stubborn will turn back from their mistakes!"

The people in the Garden of Eden believe that

the reason why people are obsessed with technology is just because they see its good side with prejudice and directly ignore its "evil" side.

So this also explains why the members of the Garden of Eden who are close to nature and want to embrace nature would choose to attack nuclear power plants, which will seriously pollute the natural environment!


they want people to take a good look at the "evil" of technology that they have always turned a blind eye to!

That's right,

they believe that the mainstream of all countries is promoting the good of technology and avoiding talking about the "evil".

Since you avoid talking about it, then they will force you to talk!

How to force,

The nuclear power plant exploded, causing serious pollution to the environment, can you still turn a blind eye?

The war broke out, and the various destructive weapons brought by technological progress killed countless people, can you still avoid talking about it!

That's it,

They just want to let people see the destructive impact of technology on mankind and the world in this way!

And now that the former has failed, it's time for them to taste the bitter fruit of technology!

"Yes, we have sent a message to the lecturer, he will take action, and the war will start!"

"After tasting the benefits of technology for so long, people should also taste the disadvantages!"

Beside him, several guardians raised their heads and laughed a few times,

That's it,

Don't these people like to enjoy the benefits of technology?

When this bitter fruit falls, let's see if they can still look down on all living beings from such a high position!

Returning to nature is the ultimate destination of mankind,

The great power of nature cannot be used in war!


In the Pentagon, the United States,

A man in a formal suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses stood up slowly with a document in his hand. Behind him, followed a middle-aged man with a gloomy face.

The two walked out of the conference room and went directly to General Micah's office.

"Frode, Nott, what are you doing?"

Micah was sitting at his desk, thinking about organizing a military exercise around the East University, but these two people walked in directly.

Extremely rude!

But he still had to pay attention to these two people, because they represented...the military-industrial complex of the United States, and those oil consortiums!

It's ironic, isn't it?

These environmental extremists are actually funded by the oil consortium!

In fact, the logic behind this is somewhat contrary to common sense.

Extreme environmentalists launch attacks, ordinary people feel disgusted, and real environmental protection actions will be more or less stigmatized. Environmental protection is stigmatized, and these oil consortiums benefit instead!

Tian Gang!

It is by this anti-logical approach that they are quietly changing the image of "environmental protection" in people's minds!

"General Micah, it's time!"

Nott smiled slightly, and when he looked at Micah, he gently gestured.

"Who is the target?"

Seeing this gesture, Micah's face changed drastically, and he stood up suddenly, and his breathing became a little rapid.

"Across the ocean, Dongda!"

Nott narrowed his eyes.

In his opinion, with the current strength of the United States, the navy pressed on and destroyed Dongda's navy. Wouldn't it be easy?

So he didn't feel any pressure at all!

"I know, but if I'm the only one, I can't mobilize the army."

Hearing that the target is Dongda, Micah narrowed his eyes.

You can fight,

Block the Malacca Strait, cut off the opponent's oil and shipping, and then destroy the opponent's navy, blow up the opponent's coastal ports and shipyards, wander and ambush the opponent's transport ships and fishing boats, bombard the opponent's coastal industrial cities, and finally leave,

This is possible,

As for landing? He would never let his soldiers fight those lunatics on the ground!

"Just agree with us, we will 'convince' the congressmen!"

Nott smiled softly.

As for the reason for the war?

What, they need a reason to go to war in America?

Just make up an excuse,

As long as the interest groups behind it can make a lot of money, nothing else matters!

And their Eden Organization can also use this to achieve their own goals!

"Okay, I will support it secretly, but in the end, everything is based on the president's orders. After all, he is the nominal commander-in-chief of the armed forces!"

After hearing Nott's words, Micah breathed out,

All he had to do was respond with a few words. It was mainly the congressmen who suggested it. If something went wrong, it would not be his responsibility!

Great, the blame can be thrown away, and he doesn't have to charge into battle.

Then why are you worrying so much?

Just hit it and that's it!

Moreover, he doesn't think anything will happen to this operation now. After all, Asia's first navy is now their first stationed fleet!


Now their fleet is simply not enough in front of the powerful US Navy!

"That's good. Thank you very much, General Micah. I wish you great military exploits!"

Nott smiled slightly and left with his people.

People on the military side can talk things through, and on the Congress side, it's even easier to talk about it in the face of interests.


Their Eden organization can even launch attacks on both sides to fan the flames and make this battle more intense!

"The show is about to begin,"

"Feel the pain!"

A strange light flashed in Nott's eyes,

He was even thinking about whether to involve other countries and start a complete war!

To this world tainted by technology,

Completely smashed, smashed!

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