Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 790 What, humanity is going to be finished?

If it was a few minutes ago,

Knowing that the American fleet was gathering in the West Pacific, Zhang Jingshan would be very nervous.

But now!

Looking at the space battleship that has completely come out of the space door and is flying towards the preparation room,

He was so nervous!

This wave,

The opponent seemed to have hit the muzzle of the gun!

"Quick, quick, quick!"

The space gate, the emergency response force of this universe rushed out of it,

Under the leadership of Zhou Yuan, a strange giant ring device was shrouded in front of the space door, and the two fit together extremely closely.

And the moment the arrangement was completed, a light cyan energy film appeared in the middle of the ring equipment.

"The particle masks have been arranged, one on each side. Now the detectors at the proton level, and even the detectors at the quark level, cannot pass through the space gate and enter this universe!"

Zhou Yuan breathed out,

Not only the space door, but the entire disinfection room No. 13 is wrapped in this film.

The purpose is to avoid encountering civilizations like the "Three-Body" that use dimensional technology very well, transform these basic particles into detectors, and sneak into this universe secretly.

"Clear the position, Captain Wu Tong, please summon the fleet to take off immediately and act as planned!"

Zhou Yuan led the action team to Fang Jing,

Others are commanding various transforming robots to reinforce and transform the maintenance room.

The requirements of this universe are very high;

The maintenance room not only prevents biological invasion, but also uses various strange methods such as energy life, particle detectors, and space jumps. The space gate base must make it impossible for the other party to enter!


The transformation methods of this universe really shocked Zhang Jingshan.

This is to the point where you can’t even see it, and you can’t even do it!

This method has reached a level that they are completely unable to understand!

I saw that while the space gate was still flying out of the battleship, a stream of metal particles poured in directly along the gap.

Then, a gust of black wind blew through the entire maintenance room. The walls of the maintenance room, which were originally made of cement, were instantly replaced with a silver-white metal, and it was also covered with a light cyan energy film.


In addition, there was the sound of drilling holes constantly.

Unknowingly, the entire maintenance room, from the inside out, including the building itself, was replaced!

at the same time,

The 24 spaceships also completed their assembly outside the maintenance room.

The three-phase bomb research base is located in a valley. The flat ground of the valley is a square. Several hills are hollowed out and filled with reinforced concrete. The maintenance room is in the peak on one side.

At this moment, Wu Tong's fleet came out of the maintenance room,

Twenty-four spaceships specially designed for attacking the space gate lie above the valley.

It is now noon, and the sun can only shine into the valley through the gaps between the spaceships.

The researchers who knew about it in the valley raised their heads in shock and looked at the extremely oppressive scene in the sky. The spaceship stood across the sky, blocking the sky and the sun. The cold and murderous aura made people feel frightened.

They couldn't imagine that once this fleet started to move,

What kind of amazing power will it unleash!

I'm afraid the world will collapse and the enemy will be wiped out!

Originally, the researchers in this institute were engaged in scientific research with an urgency to be faster than the United States. But at this moment, when they saw this fleet in the sky,

They felt relaxed immediately,

Damn it, what else could this compare to?

Just this fleet alone can sweep through thousands of armies!

Wu Tong's fleet set off,

Their task is very heavy. With 23 warships, they must first determine whether there are any alien civilizations in the surrounding area that are eyeing them.

But luckily,

When the fleet quietly ascended into Earth orbit and then teleported to the Kuiper Belt,

Through the natural gravity narrow tube, the entire nearby star system and wandering planets within the ten-ray plane were scanned, and there was no trace of any civilization!

"Reporting to the space gate, it has been confirmed. The observers are observing randomly and without distinction. No deliberate targeting of the earth has been found for the time being. Please dispatch the forbidden air tower and solar wind shield equipment immediately!"

Looking at the results of the detection, Wu Tong took a deep breath,

After the briefing was completed, he pressed the trigger button expressionlessly.

On the virtual screen in front of him, there were three red targets, which were particularly conspicuous.

Voyager, Pioneer, New Horizons!

These three spacecraft carrying human information launched by the United States have all been targeted by their fleet!

"Kill it. This world cannot tolerate this kind of spacecraft flying around."

Captain Wu Tong’s voice was cold and stern,

Even their fleets have to be careful in this universe. Is it reasonable for your three fucking spacecrafts to fly around arrogantly carrying human information?

According to his experience in the alliance, some aliens who like to be naturalists like to collect these things. When one of these things hits the narrow tube of natural space, they are directly thrown thousands of light-years away, and then Picked up by this kind of alien,

Some humans cry!

Therefore, it is better to deal with this disaster as soon as possible!

"The attack has been launched."

"The spacecraft was destroyed!"

The potential threat has been eliminated, and at the same time, the space gate has responded.

"The forbidden air tower and solar wind barrier equipment are ready and are heading to the predetermined location. Please cooperate with the flagship host to calculate... The calculation is completed and the equipment is in place..."

"Forbidden air, solar wind barrier, unfold!"

With this announcement,

Thousands of forbidden air towers poured out from the space gate and were arranged near the Kuiper Belt. The machine shook violently, and a turbulence instantly spread under the surface space throughout the entire solar system.

At the same time, tens of millions of solar wind barrier devices also dispersed throughout the interstellar space.

A huge mechanical sphere appeared near the sun, the theoretical center of the solar system!

Facing the impact of the sun,

It was fearless and withstood the impact of the sun. All the solar wind barrier equipment was vaguely connected by it, and in an instant, a complex barrier covering the entire solar system was formed!

With this,

Looking from the outside in, the solar system is basically a barren and violent star system where life is impossible!

"The bunker has been constructed, and the fleet will continue to cruise around the edge. The process is smooth and there are no obstacles. All fleets are on alert!"

Seeing that all the arrangements were completed according to the plan,

Wu Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, he was completely relieved!


This universe is relieved,

Scientists from other countries on earth want to die at this moment!

Because at the moment when the forbidden air and solar wind barriers were set up,

Solar wind detectors around the world shook violently, and their values ​​suddenly jumped by tens of thousands of points, just like jumping off a cliff in reverse!

"Is the equipment broken?"

This is the first thought of all scholars,

But when they called their peers and learned that the conditions were basically the same all over the world,

The hearts of these scholars trembled violently,

The largest solar wind in history is coming?

The earth, no, humanity is going to be finished? !

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