The solar wind suddenly exploded!

It really exploded. If a real solar storm erupted according to this value,

the researchers guarding the detector estimated that

the earth's geomagnetic field would be completely pierced!

Without the protection of the magnetic field, the solar wind would rush directly into the earth's atmosphere. At that time, no creature would be able to withstand this level of impact. The entire earth would become a living hell in an instant!

"It's over, it's over, humanity is over, life on earth is completely over!"

"How long do we have?"

"Eight minutes, the super solar storm will be ejected to the earth in eight minutes!"

"It's over, we're over!"


Research institutes in various countries around the world, even the research institute of the University of Tokyo, the researchers in which are desperate,

What can be done in 8 minutes,

It's not enough time to take a shit and fish!

This wave is a real world-destroying natural disaster!

A group of people guarded in front of the detector, desperately waiting for the arrival of the end of the world,

As a result, 8 minutes passed quietly,

the sky was still so blue, the white clouds were leisurely, nothing happened?

"What's going on?"

The researcher, who was already holding his head and waiting for death, stood up in confusion and looked down at the detector.

What surprised him was that

the value that had just surged, after jumping for a while, actually returned to normal.

The value is back again!

? ? ?

Three big question marks appeared in his mind.

How can it go back?

The sun flashed for a moment, and then took the solar storm as a fart and held it back?

Solar wind detectors all over the world had the same error at the same time?

Something is wrong.

This is definitely not right!

"The unsolved mystery of world science?"

The researcher at the European Space Agency's tracking and control station scratched his head. What the hell, are all the solar wind detection points around the world fine again?

This is too much!

Scientists at observatories in other countries were confused.

At Dongda,

the call went directly to Zhang Jingshan.

He was about to communicate with Mr. Zhu who came out of the space gate, and suddenly received this call.

"Old Zhang, just now the whole world thought that the Earth's biosphere was going to be destroyed by the solar storm, but suddenly it was fine. I thought about it and thought that this could only be caused by you!"

The old voice on the other end of the phone was full of expectation.

It's better to know the source of this matter, otherwise they will be unable to sleep and eat!

Or the sun will really go crazy, and they will all be killed while sleeping, and they will have nowhere to complain!


Zhang Jingshan turned his head to look at Zhu Lao, and when he saw him nod, he suddenly realized:

"It's okay, it's indeed the arrangement here, it's not a big deal!"

"Huh! Then I'm relieved, receive them well!"

Hearing Zhang Jingshan's words, the person on the other end of the phone was instantly relieved.

The truth is revealed,

It was the movement made by this universe,

But it's worthy of them, this movement is really earth-shaking,

The researchers at the solar wind observatory were almost scared to death,

Some of those who were weak in tolerance cried on the spot!

"Haha, it's just a small impact. Now we can talk about the aid!"

Old Zhu smiled when he saw Zhang Jingshan hung up the phone.

"Of course!"

Zhang Jingshan respectfully extended his hand and said excitedly:

"Please, let's talk in the conference room!"

The group went to the conference room of the space gate base, and only stayed where they were. The engineers were still reinforcing the space gate base.

This universe,

officially entered the world of ball lightning!


The impact of the joke caused by the solar storm is far from over.

In the White House of the United States,

President Shibul was frowning and checking the secret letter passed by the congressmen.

"Take action against Dongda? Is it too hasty?"

Knocking lightly on the table,

he looked at the world map at hand. The Middle East was already in his pocket, and Russia was also lingering. His plan was to dismember Russia in the north, press troops on the northern border of Dongda,

then rely on the three major island chains, station troops in Liben, Monkey, South Vietnam and other countries,

complete the encirclement in the southeast, northwest and southeast of Dongda, and then slowly wear down this huge country that is gradually recovering.

This was his original plan,

maintaining an ambiguous relationship with Russia, so that there is always a gap between Russia and Dongda!

These two countries are both huge and powerful, but if they are taken out alone, they can't stand up to the United States; but if they unite, the United States will have a great risk of failure!


Shbul, based on Brzezinski's "The Grand Chess Game", will divide Russia and Dongda, the only countries that can resist the hegemony of the United States, and thoroughly consolidate their hegemony in the world!

When Russia and Dongda are completely dismembered,

on this earth,

there will be no country that can threaten the rule of the United States!

That's right, no more!

Africa? Europe with different thoughts? South America's backyard? Dismembered East Asia?

None of these work.

Could it be that Antarctica and the Arctic suddenly have a mechanical god descend?

His plan is perfect, and Brzezinski is also a smart strategist. According to this plan, he might make America a brilliant country comparable to the golden age!

Therefore, after seeing the documents of the speakers of the National Assembly, Shibul frowned.

It's too hasty to act now.

They can completely dismember Da Mao and then deal with it slowly.

"However, what the congressmen said makes sense. Preventing the opponent's claws from becoming sharp before killing the prey can reduce our damage, and all interested parties can benefit. Why not?"

But after thinking about it again and again,

Shibul still signed his name on the document.

Dongda's economic and military power has grown too fast in recent years. It's time to "demilitarize" the other side!

Sign your name,

It has been decided at this time that war will begin soon!

Shibul's heart was filled with burning ambition,

It just so happens that the internal leverage of the United States has been somewhat high recently. This war may be able to directly resolve the potential economic crisis!

But just as he was thinking about it,

The secretary suddenly rushed in. He looked anxious and said loudly:

"Your Excellency, sorry. According to the news from the Solar Wind Detection Institute, a violent magnetic storm suddenly broke out on the sun, and a super solar wind will occur..."

Having said this, the secretary suddenly blinked his eyes, looked down at his watch, then looked like he had seen a ghost, and said with a steady voice:

"The earth's magnetic field will be destroyed three minutes ago, killing us all...?"

"Ahem, it seems that their observation was wrong, hahaha!"

After speaking, the secretary scratched his head, looking embarrassed.


Shibul's heart trembled when he heard the words before, but when the words "three minutes ago" were spoken, he couldn't hold himself any longer.

What the hell are these scientists doing!

"Ahem, new news. Due to inexplicable interference, solar wind detectors around the world are having problems."

The secretary looked down at the communicator and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're here at the right time to do all this nonsense!"

Shibul rolled his eyes and no longer paid attention to this matter. Instead, he looked solemn and said solemnly:

"Give me my order,"

"In the name of God, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, and President of the United States, I order that the U.S. Navy immediately head to the port of Yokosuka. We will launch a just war against Todai!"

"The glory of freedom and freedom will shine on the land of East Asia!"

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