Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 85 America has its own national conditions. Hey, why don’t we give it another kick?

Texas is an important energy production base in the United States.

It is precisely because of this transcendent resource advantage that this state has always been a bit rebellious.

Whenever something happens to the federal government, it almost always brings out the word "independence".

In the past, this was just a means to gain benefits.

But the past is the past.

Now, the situation is a bit weird.

The five mining tycoons in Texas secretly bought off the severely damaged Second Fleet. This information made Zhu Lao smell something unusual.

Isn't the Second Fleet the fleet that was prepared to support when East Asia abused the United States?

This fleet later retreated to the coast of the United States.

Now it has been bought off by the tycoons in Texas.

And the tycoons in Texas are ready to restart the trade between petrochemicals and China!

It's really that China's recent momentum is too aggressive.

Texas is not going to go all the way with the federal government.

I still have to make money, and I will go all the way with you?

Don't be funny.

Do you have such a large market and production capacity for me in your federal government and the remaining states?

When the power was cut off due to heavy snow, other states were still standing here watching the joke.

The animal protection department came to protect the turtles at the speed of light? !

When the power was cut off due to heavy snow, people really froze to death!

So the people of Texas are not interested in the federal government, and are also very disappointed with the United States in recent years.

In addition, the huge profits brought by oil energy.

It’s better not to stay in this federation!

With such a basic situation, Texas has great potential!

No, even the entire East Coast states have great potential.

After all, China is their important sales market.

Since the United States was defeated in East Asia, the trade volume between the two sides has plummeted due to various reasons, and the eastern coastal states of the United States are also a bit difficult.

At this time, if...

"Great potential!"

In the Bauhinia Pavilion, No. 1 gently put down the intelligence in his hand, and his laughter was not obvious.

But Mr. Zhu, who was familiar with him, knew that he was very happy now, and was very excited!

"Yes, there is a lot to be done here."

"Although we are not worried about the technological threats from other countries with the help of the Wandering Earth Universe, adopting a balance of power strategy on Earth and other countries can indeed maintain world peace."

Mr. Zhu looked up at the attic in the distance and murmured softly: "Just regard it as a great gift from our kindness as human beings to the Earth and our kind."


For humans, it is really out of reach.

But if the countries on Earth can achieve a state of balance, at least there will be no large-scale hot wars.

"North Korea occupies the peninsula and balances with Liben, Europe and Russia balance, if the United States is divided into two halves, the East Coast will definitely not let Europe go, and when the three parties are out, the balance will be firmly locked."

"Go south and use financial means to drain India's industry..."

No. 1 poured himself a cup of tea lightly, with a light tone.

By then, China will be completely out of the vortex, and can rest assured!

Seeing that the western coast of the United States was in a trend of making trouble, No. 1 simply pushed forward part of the story.

The result was gratifying.

"Haha, it seems that we still have to help with the things on the west coast."

Mr. Zhu heard what No. 1 meant, smiled lightly, and said with his arms around his shoulders:

"Leave this matter to me. I will immediately notify the Ministry of Commerce and put on a show for them."

"Well, Mr. Zhu, I'm relieved to leave it to you, but you should also take care of your health."

"Okay, as an old man, I have no regrets in my lifetime to see the United States go down to accompany the big brother, hahaha, let's go!"

Mr. Zhu thought of the happy things, laughed up to the sky, and walked out of the door.


In early June, the Minister of Commerce of China called the Secretary of Commerce of the United States.

The content of the call expressed China's goodwill.

The Secretary of Commerce of the United States also responded politely and expressed his intention to cooperate.

But saying one thing and doing another is an old tradition in the United States.

The Secretary of Commerce of the United States said so.

But he can't be in charge!

Less than an hour after the two sides talked, the US Medical Complex announced that it would stop selling various patented special-effect drugs to China.

This is obviously a joint operation by the big capitalists on the East Coast to let the government put pressure on the Eastern power.

After all, although you are strong now, you can't really ignore any international order.

If you don't give in, I won't sell you any medicine!

If this happened in the past, the Eastern power would at least have to take action to ease the other party's emotions if it didn't give in.

But now, the situation is completely different.

China has released goodwill and expressed its intention to cooperate, but this is not the real purpose of the wine!

Some red states in the central and eastern coasts are originally white men, mainly engaged in agriculture, so you don't have to worry. Those new industrial parks on the west coast will die violently without a market!

When the Eastern power released goodwill, the West Coast was so happy that it almost jumped up. The market came and the money came back!

As a result, it was blocked by its own federal government.

As the saying goes, cutting off someone's money is like killing their parents.

When the profit reaches 300%, capital dares to trample on all laws and morals in the world!

This is no longer a question of how much profit there is, it is a question of life and death!

Deeply disappointed, some capital tycoons from the West Coast states quietly gathered in Texas.

Several tycoons, in the name of a party, met at a club in Texas.

"Fred has gone crazy, he wants to drag us into hell, my iron ore mine in Australia is losing money!"

"Oil extraction in our state has stopped, and we are no match for the low-priced oil in the Middle East!"

"We must sell the backlog of goods, my factory is losing money every day!"

"We must do something, we can't go on like this!"

Since the tension with the Eastern powers reached the freezing point, these big capitalists have lost the largest market, and they are miserable.

These guys, after seeing the profits, will really do whatever they want.

During the Pacific War in World War II, when the United States and Liben were fighting, the fathers of these people dared to take risks and trade arms to Liben!

What's more, now? !

"Everyone, everyone!"

Finally, Manton stood up.

As a Texas oil tycoon, he waved his hand and shouted loudly:

"Everyone, Fred is dragging us to death!"

"Our factories, our companies, our money, are shrinking rapidly!"

"Fuck the federal government, fuck the glory of the United States."

"We just want money, just money!"

Manton's voice was angry and hysterical.

They just want money, but Fred, that idiot, broke their hope.

"Since Fred broke our hope, then we don't have to give him face."

"The federal government has no help for us!"

"The Eastern power is already building a prototype of controlled nuclear fusion."

"We don't have their market, and technology is also being caught up. What hope is there?"

Hope, Manton didn't see a trace.

He deliberately threw the topic out and looked around at all the tycoons present.

No one could see the hope of the United States.

"One year, we only give Fred one year!"

"If the Eastern power really succeeds, friends, admit it, this country is no longer worthy of our support, and the federal government cannot complete his mission."

Manton's voice was cold.

A US government that cannot serve big capitalists.

Why do they need it? !

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