Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 86 It doesn’t matter, I will take action!

The big capitalists on the east coast of the United States took action decisively for their own interests!

The political world is originally controlled by them.

Effortless and easy to control.

The army, the navy of the Second Fleet, was originally captured by the Texas people. Now that they see signs of forming an alliance along the entire east coast, they are even more in agreement.

Army, that's even less of a problem.

Originally, the United States did not regard retired Army soldiers as human beings.

Many places even deduct benefits from retired soldiers.

Several big capitalists promised that benefits would be provided directly.

The Army, which was stationed near several states, agreed without a word.

As for the final air force, it is a bit difficult to deal with.

On weekdays, they have the best welfare benefits. If we only talk about benefits, it will be difficult to win over them.

This can only be done slowly.

Fortunately, it only needs to be done within this year!

“My friends, I see untold riches waiting for us in the lands to the east.”

“Fred seemed to be so caught up in our fabrication of ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ that he left us alone.”

Manton stood in the center. He was wearing a very gentleman's suit. He looked like a middle-world aristocrat. He bowed slightly and politely, then sneered and looked around:

"Obviously, he was wrong."


"If I remember correctly, this thing is our victory over the big red country."

“This country, after all, is our world.”

"Now, we want to take back the profits that belong to us, our country, and save our assets!"

"Do whatever it takes!!!"

Capital is a monster that knows no country, no race, no nation, no religion.

When something blocks his path to profit, he dares to defy everything in the world!

In the United States, it will reveal its fangs that have been hidden for decades and show its madness.

This time, it will definitely shock the world.

Huaguo, Xishan Base, underground part.

At this point, Fang Jing's class was over.

Take turns being taught by the world's top professors and scientists.

His head is about to explode!

"Huh, sometimes I'm really helpless."

Leaning against the corner with Zhou Yuan, Fang Jing looked helpless.

"Suddenly I felt that Devil Zhou was just like that, at least he didn't have to use his brain."

"Mathematics is the master, if you can't do it, you can't do it!"

"...If you are too tired, just take a few days off and rest."

Zhou Yuan also saw Fang Jing's frustration at this time.

That feeling that you can’t learn no matter how hard you learn.

He knew it deeply when he was in high school.

"Take a vacation, no, the entire base, even the mechanical dog is working hard, how can I stop?"

Fang Jing is a person with strong self-esteem.

Although he has plenty of vacation time, he rarely takes any leave.

Mr. Zhu is eighty years old and still running around.

He's just a young man, and he's just asking for leave under a little bit of pressure?

No matter what others do, Fang Jing will not allow himself to be like this.

Sometimes if you don't push yourself, you won't know where your limits are!

"That's right. What have you learned recently?"

"Talking about the parallel world hypothesis of quantum physics."

Fang Jing rubbed his head.

I used to play tricks, being indecisive when faced with problems, and quantum mechanics.

Now I am learning quantum mechanics.

Fang Jing wanted to die after learning it!

"Now the expert group is very interested in the hypothesis of parallel worlds. They seem to think that there should be many parallel worlds."

The experts and professors were talking, but Fang Jing couldn't get a word in at all.

He knew every Chinese character, but when they were all put together, he was blinded.

"Forget it, I can't explain clearly."

Fang Jing rolled his eyes.

I learned it, but not completely.

Still don’t even understand a thing.


At this moment, in the distance, several researchers in white coats were hurriedly clearing the way ahead.

Behind them, there were several soldiers holding a large black box solemnly.

"What's this?"

Zhou Yuan was confused, what was he doing in front of him?

"It's the first wall of the Golden Crow. It uses the technology of Wandering Earth. Only the Xishan Base can produce it now."

Fang Jing glanced at it and saw the symbols on the big box.

The sun bird pattern is the equipment of the Golden Crow's controllable nuclear fusion prototype.

"Is this equipment critical?"

What first wall?

Zhou Yuan didn't know much about this and asked in confusion.

"More than just important, the materials provided by Wandering Earth solve two important problems on the first wall, which can be said to be the key to the success of controllable nuclear fusion."

Fang Jing smiled softly and explained:

"Let me tell you this, it is because of this material that we can start building the prototype smoothly!"

This material is what completes the final puzzle piece of China's controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Extremely important, extremely critical.

Therefore, there is no room for error.

After being sent out of Xishan Base.

There will be a special team to escort you all the way!

"I see, no wonder it's so important."

Zhou Yuan also gained experience and was amazed again and again.

Does he know about controllable nuclear fusion?

With it, electricity bills will only be cheaper in the future.

From now on, everyone only needs to pay for fuel purification, equipment operation control, and power transportation.

Sounds like a lot, right?

But if it were spread equally among everyone, at least it would be much cheaper than the current electricity bill.

Apart from combat experience and some scientific knowledge, the great Han Zhou Yuan didn't know much.

From the perspective of the most basic people's livelihood, this is a big benefit.

After all, modern people use electricity in many places in their lives.

Just use an electric car.

If you spend 6 yuan in the future, you can fully charge the electric car and have a range of 2,000 kilometers.

The cost of living is unimaginable!

Of course, the benefits are definitely more than these, but just what Zhou Yuan thought about can make many people excited.

"Yeah, this year at most."

Fang Jing curled his lips, this was a big event.

A major event that could change human history!

Fang Jing took advantage of the class break to chat with Zhou Yuan all afternoon.

In the evening, suddenly, he unconsciously focused his consciousness on his mind.


That machine suddenly moved!

in his attention.

The machine in my consciousness originally had only a small red dot in the sky.

Suddenly, a dot of the same size appeared above the small dot.

That small dot, Fang Jing estimated, was when he came into contact with the "new universe" after arriving in Jupiter's orbit.

And what surprised him was.

The anomalies continue.

It turns out that in addition to the two equally large dots, one red and one white, there is a smaller and smaller white dot along the lighted red dot, like where the branches extend!

This white dot is obviously smaller than the other two dots.

Fang Jing stared blankly at the sudden appearance, full of astonishment.

If the lit red dot represents the wandering earth world, that is, the world that has been visited, the unlit white dot represents the world to be opened.

However, there is only one task.

Go to Jupiter orbit.

Why are there two white spots here? !

Two universes to be opened? !

Fang Jing's eyes widened, and his consciousness was incredibly attached to the big white spot.

"Go ahead and come to Jupiter's orbit."

A familiar prompt appears.

"There are hints, so this little guy is stupid."

Can this prompt be listened to repeatedly?

Fang Jing was excited, things have changed! .

It would be nice if there were changes, that would mean he would discover more.

Without hesitation, he immediately focused his awareness on the smaller white dot.

Sure enough, at the moment when consciousness is invested.

An inexplicable reminder appeared in Fang Jing's mind.


"What's this?!"

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