Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 870 The Ape Army Attacks


Outskirts of the desert,

General Said rode a tall horse and bravely led the army across the last river that separated the forest and the desert, and entered this desolate and ruined Gobi.

"General, I heard that this place is extremely desolate. I'm afraid the humans hiding here can only make a living by eating rats, right?"

On the left, the lieutenant raised his head and laughed,

Watching the wind blowing and blowing up the dust in front of you,

He was already thinking in his mind about how he would torture and kill those human rebels later!

"I will dig out their eyes, pick out their hand veins and foot meridians, and cut open their stomachs to show them the consequences of betraying us ape-men!"

He's making harsh words,

An eagle crowed from the sky, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"Bushu noticed the traces!"

The right lieutenant raised his head suddenly and saw the falcon hovering above them, grinning fiercely.

Found traces of humans!

"Break camp and keep up!"

Said looked indifferent;

It's just a defense force against humans,

A group of escaped mining slaves don't even have any decent weapons. With a single cavalry charge, they can disperse this ragtag group of people and make them become turtles in the urn!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Ling Yuan, who had a snare drum on his waist, immediately drove his horse and galloped wildly, and at the same time, he kept beating the snare drum to make a dull sound.

The ape-man cavalry who heard the sound received the order and immediately started to move.

Thousands of ape-man cavalry galloped over the Gobi with great momentum, moving in the direction of unrelenting flight.

Such a proud and powerful general,

If it is really good for humans to prevent the Resistance Army from fighting,

The other party is afraid that he will be rushed into the formation and run away in no time!

General Said rode his horse to the side,

Looking at the mighty cavalry team, looking at the warriors who were all wearing soft armor, burly, holding sharp blades, and carrying horned bows and arrows, a smile appeared on their faces.

This is the most powerful warrior of their ape-men tribe,

Wherever their troops point, they will be invincible and invincible!

"The human resistance army? They are just chickens and dogs!"

Thinking about those thin, yellow-faced rebels who didn't even have enough to eat, five people had one knife, and a thousand people couldn't even raise a horse, Said felt contempt from the bottom of his heart.

In terms of the comparison of strength between the two sides,

Tell me, how did you lose?

Even if a pig is tied to the commander's position,

The ape soldiers underground didn't care about anything, they just charged back and forth.

They can't lose!

This is no longer my advantage,

This is a sure win!

The human resistance army must call him Under the iron heel of General Said,

And in the new country that Said inherited, mankind will never be able to turn around!

"Slaves should behave like slaves. Kill these rebels and pile them into fertilizer. It just so happens that the pasture needs a batch of them recently."

The flags are billowing and moving with the wind,

The army rumbles forward,

Seid saw nothing that could stop his invincible army.


It was the kind of weapon that Wang said was powerful enough for humans to penetrate armor and bodies.

However, Wang said it was okay,

After so many years, those weapons have become decayed and broken into pieces, and they are still hidden in the Ape Man's Holy Land, which is forbidden to humans.


Said grinned wildly,

Resistance Army,

Are you ready to die? !

In the cave where the resistance army is hiding,

Fang Jing took out hundreds of rifles at once!

The reason why they were able to take out so much is that the resistance army collected a large amount of various ores!

Tut and the others were originally the mining slaves of the ape tribe.

They are very skilled in mining and smelting techniques. They know that it is difficult to resist the ape-men without equipment.

So these times,

When they had time, they went to the ape-man tribe's mining areas to hunt for autumn winds, so they collected a lot of inventory and prepared to build weapons and equipment.

And now,

These things naturally became materials on Fangjing’s production line!

The arm becomes a fully automatic machine tool,

Produced hundreds of stamped metal rifles and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition,

Looking at the one hundred human soldiers being trained, Fang Jing nodded with satisfaction.


This is what it looks like!

"Chief, what's wrong, Toss and Elle discovered the ape-man army on the western front, and the flag is General Said's cavalry!"

Just then,

A scout in sackcloth ran in from outside the cave and reported to Tut in a low voice.


Tut stood up suddenly and asked in a shocked voice:

"Coming for us? How many troops are there?"

"The sky is full of temptations and is coming towards us. There are about three thousand cavalry. We..."

The scout who tipped off the news turned pale.

Three thousand cavalry,

How do they fight this?

Tut's head was empty at this moment and he didn't know what to do.

"Well done!"

Next to him, Fang Jing clapped his hands and stood up, pointing at the one hundred soldiers who were training to put on safety, load bullets, alternately shoot, aim and pull the trigger, and said with a smile:

"The time has come to test your training results. I will leave these three thousand cavalry to you to deal with!"



The somewhat awkward hundred soldiers who were practicing cross-training with their teammates and continuously shooting together suddenly stiffened.


One hundred versus three thousand,

are you serious?

How long have we been training? ?

"Yes, we have weapons for your support!"

Tut also suddenly remembered the terror of this weapon, and suddenly clapped his hands in surprise, feeling much relieved.

"Hahaha, as long as you operate according to the training content just now, there will be no problem."

Fang Jing was not worried at all about these one hundred people.

Can you shoot? Aiming, right? Can you play bullets?

That's ok,

This kind of massed charging military formation in the cold weapon era,

Does this still need to be accurate?

Pick up the gun and shoot,

Just hit where there are many people!

This is not a flintlock rifle or a bolt-action rifle.

This is an automatic assault rifle!

Crossfire of a hundred men,

The firepower of fifty people is not weak, right?

"Okay, okay!"

The one hundred soldiers with guns swallowed their saliva, and their hearts skipped a beat.


The opponent is coming menacingly,

He must have come with the intention of destroying them.

Either way, you will die, so why not just pick up this new weapon and fight with the opponent!

"The logistics personnel who had just been trained to load the bullets immediately followed us dragging the ammunition boxes and bullets to load the bullets for us!"

Although I didn’t train for long,

Two hours at most,


Since the basic steps of operating a rifle are so simple,

Moreover, this gun uses the special craftsmanship of this universe, and there is no maintenance at all.

One shot will kill you,

It’s okay even if the killing gun is still there!


There is no maintenance or complicated disassembly.

The logistics team only needs to stand next to the gunman and load the magazine for him!

And the gunman,

All you need to do is take the magazine, load it, load it, and then shoot at a crowded place!

This operation

It's a fool's errand!

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