Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 871 Hey, the food bag has changed


The ground in the Gobi is constantly shaking, thousands of horses are galloping in, the wind is blowing dust and sand, and the sand smoke is rolling in.

Ape warriors wearing battle armor and riding war horses,

Don't say,

It really looks like that!

Being shorter, more muscular, and more flexible and powerful, they must have an unyielding advantage in the era of cold weapons.

Especially after seeing blood,

These apes will fall into violence and be dominated by killing,

Cold weapon legions fight,

What matters is courage and morale!

At this point,

The advantages of ape-men are even greater. It is no wonder that humans are suppressed to death on this planet!

"The distance is not far, General!"

The left deputy looked into the distance, between the Gobi hills, and the slightly moist land. After thinking for a moment, he was sure that this was where the resistance army was hiding!

"Keep charging, rush in, they can't stop us!"

Said, who followed the army behind, did not hesitate;

To deal with these mobs on the opposite side, there is no need for any tactics or tactics, just charge directly!

"The first one to fall into the battle will get three thousand lands!"

laugh out loud,

Said is a tribute to his brothers!

These words completely aroused the ape warrior's motivation.

One by one they howled and screamed, and the whips in their hands were swung down fiercely.

This time the battle was not like a conflict with other tribes of apes, charging into the opponent's large battle formation with neat military appearance and sophisticated weapons, but a group of weak human slave slaves who resisted.

The previous battles were extremely dangerous.

But this time, just push through!

There won't be any damage!

Faster, faster!

The apes who were running at the front had their eyes blazing with fire, and they were all accelerating crazily. The horses underneath them were panting in pain, and they could only run wildly.

But, surprisingly,

Even so, the ape people's military formation is still neat and orderly, with only some chaos.

From here, it is enough to see that their military literacy is indeed very high!

"Hahaha, general, this reward is mine!"

Gradually, the military formation changed during the charge, and the forward team formed a cone shape. Gulima, who was at the tip of the cone, became the one at the front!

Military exploits, fiefdoms, servants, everything is already within its reach!

After the ecstasy,

It looked sideways in the direction of the resistance army,

At this moment, it was less than 500 meters away from the cave where the Resistance Army was hiding. Since it was on the next door, he could barely see it clearly, and precisely because he could see it so clearly,

He felt very strange in his heart.


The resistance army actually has no military formations!

Even at the entrance of the cave, there were only a few hundred people scattered here and there.

Although the entrance to the cave is narrow, there is no wall but no fortress. With only five people and a sword, there are hundreds of resistance troops and no bunkers. How can they withstand their cavalry charge?

It’s very difficult!

Has the other party given up?

Gulima was very confused. As the distance got closer, he could see more clearly.

No, the other party didn't give up,

I saw about a hundred people lying on the slope formed by the sand, sticking out half of their heads, and pointing a metal pipe object at them. Behind each of these people, there seemed to be two people holding half-moons on the left and right. Servant of the black iron drinking vessel.

It’s understandable to bring an army of servants into the war.

But the servant never holds a weapon, but a damn half-moon shaped drinking vessel. What is this for?

They were killed by apes,

How about a drink to celebrate?

Unable to understand, Gulima continued to ride on the horse,

No matter what,

Cavalry versus infantry, the advantage is mine!

"The ape cavalry begins to charge!"

On the Resistance Army's position, hundreds of soldiers holding "new weapons" had cold sweat breaking out on their foreheads.

There's too much movement!

Thousands of cavalry groups charged, and they attacked them head-on.

The shock to them from these "high-speed mobile tanks" of the cold weapon era was almost the same as a swarm charge of tanks!

The trembling ground, trembling calves, and trembling hands,

They are all telling the tension in their hearts!

"Don't worry, just follow what you just trained!"

Fang Jing also watched the charge of the ape-man cavalry on the opposite side with great interest.

Compared to the fear of the resistance army, he felt novel.

The cavalry group charge in the cold weapon era actually looked like this!


He also encountered it for real!


After swallowing, the captain wielding the new weapon took a deep breath, plucked up the courage, and shouted:

"Open the safety, load the gun, and lie down!"

Hundreds of soldiers who were good at using bows and arrows immediately lay sparsely on the reverse slope, set up dark steel guns, opened the safety, and pulled the bolt.

beside them,

The logistics personnel responsible for loading ammunition squatted next to the bullet box, holding magazines on the left and right, ready at any time.

"Six hundred meters, the position is still a bit far away. Remember to shoot in bursts and don't waste bullets!"

Fang Jing measured the cavalry's distance from them and gave the captain a few words.

"I see!"

The captain took a deep breath, and his nervous heart gradually calmed down.

He has seen the power of this new weapon!

As long as it can exert its power normally, there will be no problem!

"Five hundred meters!"

It was only a few seconds, Fang Jing shouted again.

"Get ready!"

The cavalry was very fast, and they easily ran a hundred meters in a few seconds!

"Four hundred meters!"


The captain shouted suddenly,

The position was not large, and the hundred people could easily hear the captain's voice,

The soldiers trembled, gritted their teeth, and pulled the trigger fiercely at the ape army!

"Tu Tu, Tu Tu, Tu!"

A dull explosion sounded, and fierce flames gushed out from the muzzle.

More than fifty people fired at such a large target as the cavalry corps.

Such a large black target,

No matter how bad the shooting skills are, it is impossible to miss it!


Although these resistance forces are not of high quality, they are extremely obedient!

According to the pre-arranged order, one hundred people and fifty people in a group fired alternately to ensure that the firepower never stopped!

From the moment the captain gave the order to shoot,

except for some mistakes made at the beginning due to nervousness,

after seeing the rows of apes riding tall horses on the opposite side, falling to the ground one after another like cutting wheat, the powerful army was intercepted and could not advance an inch!

The emotions of excitement, excitement, and ecstasy,

made them more and more skilled in cooperation,

and the logistics personnel who were loading bullets beside them were also crazy. Two people took turns loading bullets and handed magazines to the shooters continuously!

It was these hundreds of full-power assault rifles,

which were placed across the entrance of the cave,

one man guarding the pass, ten thousand men could not open it!

The hot muzzles kept spewing flames, bullets were fired in bursts, and they were shot intermittently into the ape army formation,

the huge charging army formation,

which had become a live target at this moment, a dark mass,

and the shooters only needed to shoot at a place higher than the corpses, and as time went on, the accuracy of these warriors who were familiar with bows and crossbows was constantly improving!

A hundred men are equal to three thousand men.

Fang Jing stood behind and smiled slightly.

Apes, times have changed!

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