Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 91 Controlled nuclear fusion technology, light up!

Jiang Xu appeared in the center of the live broadcast, and was given an important task by No. 1.

In front of the media all over the world.

Now everyone knows.

Jiang Xu.

Is the general manager of the Jinwu controlled nuclear fusion project!

And before that.

Jiang Xu was also charged with the "crime" of "stealing ITER data"!

This, this...

Not only the media people present were stunned.

Originally, the live broadcast room was full of "witness history" barrage, but it was suddenly interrupted, and a vacuum zone appeared directly!

In the live broadcast room, the audience all over the world were also stunned.

However, the action on the scene did not stop.

No. 1 patted Jiang Xu's shoulder heavily, his face full of affirmation and expectation.

"Today is the day when Jinwu is ignited for the first time. You have suffered a lot in the past few months!"

You have suffered a lot.

This sentence is full of meaning.

Jiang Xu's eyes were filled with tears instantly.

However, men don't shed tears easily.

With a firm look in his eyes, he answered No. 1 solemnly:

"I will definitely live up to your trust. After Jinwu, I will study hard and master more technologies."

Jiang Xu has already joined Project 237.

His words were to tell No. 1.

He will do his best to wash away the shame this time and devote himself to it!

"Okay, don't let everyone wait, let's go to the control room!"

No. 1 nodded with satisfaction.

It was at this time that all the people who were originally confused reacted.

The media people present were even more restless.

Jiang Xu, that's Jiang Xu.

Jiang Xu, who was convicted of "theft" by France!

He is now the person in charge of the first controllable nuclear fusion prototype reactor in human history.

What a drama is this?

This conflict, this contrast, this drama, makes the sensitive news media people feel excited and excited from the inside out!

Big news!!!

At the same time, on the Internet, all netizens were even more excited.

"I told you that Jiang Xu couldn't have stolen data!"

"You still accuse Jiang Xu of stealing. ITER is nothing now. It's just trash. What's there to steal?"

"Rehabilitate Professor Jiang Xu. He was slandered. He is innocent!"

"It turns out that we have wronged Professor Jiang!"

"Professor Jiang is a good person. The United States must have deliberately found an excuse to exclude us!"

"Those who slandered Professor Jiang, come out and apologize!"


This is the best way to clear his name.

Jiang Xu is now standing in front of Jinwu and doesn't need to say anything.

All the charges and slanders imposed on him have become a joke.



He is now the person in charge of Jinwu's controlled nuclear fusion prototype reactor.

This is the most advanced controlled nuclear fusion technology in this universe.

In comparison, ITER is like a baby still in its cradle, weak and frail.

Jiang Xu has the skills of an adult. Would he still peek at a frail baby?

Then why is he still charged?

If it wasn't his fault, then the person who made this crime had ulterior motives!!!

The result is self-evident!


Jiang Xu knew the result since he became the person in charge of Jinwu.

He walked into the control room with No. 1.

"Xiao Jiang, I won't say any more nonsense, let's get started!"

Arriving at the control room, No. 1 was not ready to say anything more.

He took Zhu Lao and others to the observation seat and quietly watched all the researchers return to their seats.

The remaining time.

It was Jiang Xu and others' performance time!

"Everyone, it is 8:16 on November 12, 24. Everyone present must remember this time. Now I declare that the Jinwu ignition ceremony has officially begun!"

In the main control room of Jinwu.

Jiang Xu stood in front of the central control console and scanned the entire room with a serious expression.

"Prepare to start ignition!"

As Jiang Xu's order was issued, all the researchers in the system present immediately began preparations.

"Calibration is starting, the reactor inspection is normal!"

"The first wall inspection is normal."

"The cooling system is normal!"


"The personnel around the discharge tower have been dispersed!"

"Report to the person in charge, all groups are ready!"

Finally, the commander summarized the information, reviewed and checked the calibration without any problems, and reported to Jing Xu loudly. He excitedly said:

"All procedures have been checked, and the equipment can be operated!"

Jiang Xu nodded fiercely, and he said firmly in a sonorous tone:

"Start discharge heating!"

With an order,


A buzzing sound sounded instantly.

The audience in the live broadcast room clearly heard this muffled sound.

This is the first time they have heard and seen the scene of the operation of a controlled nuclear fusion device.

Everyone stared at the screen with wide eyes, not wanting to miss any details.

"Ampere heating is complete."

"Start filling deuterium-tritium gas fuel."

The magnetic field intensity rose rapidly, and the temperature inside the tokamak was also rising rapidly due to the injection of high-temperature plasma.

10 million degrees, 30 million degrees.

The temperature keeps rising.

50 million degrees.

This is the temperature of the sun.

But it’s not enough!

80 million degrees.

Still not enough.

The temperature keeps rising.

Until, in the huge magnetic field, the temperature of the inner cavity reaches 160 million degrees!

160 million degrees Celsius!

A temperature that even the sun cannot reach!

This is Jinwu, this is the artificial sun!

"The temperature has been reached, all deuterium and tritium have been converted into plasma, ready to ignite!"

After opening the protective cover of a series of buttons, Jiang Xu immediately pressed them one by one without hesitation after seeing that the cooling system was working properly.

"Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding-"

"The ignition command has been issued!"

The female voice synthesized by AI suddenly jumped out.

The next moment!

A high-energy laser beam shot out from the laser generator and bombarded the inside of the predetermined cavity.

In a very short time.

Fusion occurred!

A huge energy from the interior of the star was suddenly born in the fusion reaction!

Controlled nuclear fusion ignition, it really worked!

The entire Jinwu, all structures, began to operate frantically.


The discharge tower outside the core.

A huge electric current penetrated the air, dancing and turning in the air, like a thunder dragon that appeared out of thin air!

"The discharge was successful, and the magnetohydrodynamic generator is working normally!"

With the last report coming from the wireless channel.

Jiang Xu waved his fist fiercely.


"The ignition was successful, and the Jinwu began to discharge!!!"

"Success, we succeeded, controlled nuclear fusion was successful!"

"Fusion is self-sustaining, the temperature of the first wall is now maintained at 26 degrees at normal temperature, and the first wall is holding up!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I really saw the success of controlled nuclear fusion!"

In the main control room, looking at the data on the console.

The idle researchers all jumped up excitedly and clapped wildly.

It really succeeded!

Controlled nuclear fusion really succeeded.

This is not a dream.

Right in front of them, their hands, ignition was successful, discharge was successful!

History, opened a new chapter!

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