Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 92 Everything is ready, the show is about to begin!

Jinwu controlled nuclear fusion main control.

All the people present were crying with joy and excitement.

Even the usually steady No. 1 clasped his hands together with excitement.

Although he already knew the result.


When controlled nuclear fusion was actually realized in front of him.

He was still shocked.

This thing the size of a building can supply electricity to two provinces.

Only more than 20 units are needed to supply electricity to the whole of China!

The future has arrived!

Now is the era of the fourth energy revolution under controlled nuclear fusion!

The future is in the hands of China!

To achieve such an achievement while he was in office.

No. 1 felt relieved and had only endless smiles.

He took over the heavy responsibility from his predecessors and worked diligently since he took office, fearing that something would go wrong.

Now, he has finally achieved something and lived up to the expectations of his predecessors!

Just as the researchers in the control room cheered.

In the live broadcast room, although netizens could not understand the data on the control screen, they could understand the excitement of the researchers.

"This is... this is a success!"

"Awesome, controlled nuclear fusion, a success!"

"The future has arrived, welcome everyone to the future!"

"Develop controlled nuclear fusion, break out of the earth and migrate to the universe!"

"I'm ready, I'm ready, the era of space navigation is coming!"

"We have mastered the key to endless energy, open the door, the universe is waiting for us!"


The ignition and discharge of controlled nuclear fusion was successful.

The weight of this news.

It completely exceeds the "first atomic bomb explosion".

In human history.

This is enough to be compared with "the first time humans drilled wood to make fire"!

It can be said that controlled nuclear fusion is the "drilling wood to make fire" of humans in the new era!

The news media of various countries outside the venue also quickly compiled news the moment they received the news:

"Major breakthrough! Jinwu controlled nuclear fusion, ignited and discharged successfully in the South China Sea Bay! 》

"Jiang Xu! Data thief? No! The general manager of the Jinwu controlled nuclear fusion prototype! 》

《The fire of hope for mankind, the fire of the future is ignited! 》

《The future has arrived, this time, we are at the forefront! 》

This time, in the era of great navigation in the universe, China is at the forefront.

Isn't this worth the Chinese people's excitement?

Almost instantly, this news, overwhelming, flew in front of everyone.


Sun bird.

This ancient Chinese god symbolizes the sun.

It finally settled in the mortal world.

It became an artificial sun for human use.

After the ignition of the Jinwu controlled nuclear fusion prototype, the deuterium and tritium raw materials continued to react.

When people paid attention again.

But they got more exciting news.

The experiment lasted fifteen days!

The first verification phase of the prototype of controlled nuclear fusion has ended!

All indicators of Jinwu have met the standards, and the commercial demonstration reactor and fuel supply industry line based on this have officially begun to be designed!

China, the era of controlled nuclear fusion power generation has officially entered the countdown!

Within fifteen days after the experiment is successful.

The Minister of Commerce changed his previous attitude.

Announced that due to the obstruction of the US government, the trade between the two sides would be interrupted.

This almost cut off the connection with major US companies.

In an instant, the companies on the west coast of the United States that relied on the Chinese market to survive were like the sky collapsed.


The Minister of Commerce also made a killer move.

He will negotiate with East Asian countries to jointly expel the interests of the United States in East Asia!

The interests of the United States in East Asia.

This is an astronomical figure.

At least for the major capitalists on the West Coast, this is their blood bag now.

The news came out.

They understood it instantly.

It's time to make a decision!

If it drags on, these big capitalists will be bled to death!

"We can't go on like this!"

In the same club, Manton stood on the podium, his voice cold, his eyes gleaming with coldness, he said angrily:

"Fred has once again refused to resume trade relations with the Eastern Power."

"The Eastern Power has made the expected move, preparing to extract our interests in East Asia and Southeast Asia!"

"Although we lost the war, the shares of the big companies are still in our hands!"

"These profits must not be lost!"


As a big capitalist, Manton has profits everywhere.

He absolutely will not allow, absolutely will not allow his assets to shrink like this!

"Manton is right, it's time to act!"

A director whose stock price has fallen to the grandmother's house stood up more excited than him, shouting:

"We have bought off the Coast Guard, the Second Fleet, and the Army!"

"Air Force Admiral Howard will become the Air Force Commander of the New Republic!"

"Everything is ready, we must take action, my assets are shrinking every day, damn it!"

With his personal testimony, the faces of the people gathered on the scene were furious.

Fred, the federal government is risking their lives to fight the Eastern power.

If they can win, they can still make money by sucking the bones and marrow from the Eastern power.

However, it is obvious that they cannot win now.

They are bound to become cannon fodder!

There is no hope of victory, they have become victims, which they absolutely cannot allow!

Since Fred is unkind, don't blame them for being unjust!

"Fred will bear the ultimate responsibility for what happened today!"

Manton snorted coldly, pressed his hand, and made everyone in the field quiet down, and then shouted loudly:

"The federal government can no longer protect our interests. It has lost its original intention and has become our grave!"

"Now, friends who fight for freedom!"

"Let us fight for our freedom and future!"

Manton's voice was passionate, and his voice was louder than the last sentence.

At the last sentence, it was almost a roar.

His excitement completely infected everyone present.

"Fight for our freedom and future!"

"Fuck the FXXK federal government!"

"Let Fred see what happens if he offends us!"

"We must not be coerced by the federal government. The factory must resume work and money must flow into our pockets!"

A group of capitalists whose assets have suffered a major blow gathered together.

They were excited and waved their scarves.

Some shouted, some raged, and some had green eyes.

Mand looked at this scene and then looked up at the second floor of the club.

The second floor of the club was where the real "rulers" of the West Coast states, the capitalists at the top of the pyramid, were.

They found Manton's gaze, smiled gracefully, and gently raised the goblets in their hands.

Upstairs and downstairs, on and off the stage.

Mand's mouth curled.

Everyone stood on their side!

Everything is ready!

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