Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 98: One shot completely turns the tide of the battle

Compass Biological Laboratory.

Located in a wasteland in eastern Texas.

There are not many residents around, so it has been leaked many times and has not caused much impact.

However, today, this institution that was once kept absolutely confidential by the US military has welcomed "uninvited guests" from the other side of the ocean.

A Y-20 and three J-20s visited here.

"Weilong, Weilong, the visitors have arrived at the designated location and will circle over the target."

The radio station was buzzing.

"This is Weilong, we have arrived over the target, Kunpeng is landing, we will land with us, and the airport logistics are preparing spare fuel."

Three J-20s flew around the entire airport.

After confirming that the layout was the same as agreed, and after checking the information with the tower, they were ready to land.

After all, it was once the enemy's territory, so be careful and accurate.

And the Y-20 has begun strategic airborne.

The huge fuselage did not pull up when landing as usual.

On the contrary, the plane slightly lowered its nose when it landed.

The front landing gear quickly touched the runway, followed by the rear landing gear.

The entire huge plane landed directly on the runway quickly, accurately, and fiercely.

"Quick, quick, quick, we have obtained the action order from the tower, set off immediately!"

Zhou Yuan turned his wrist, confirmed that the smart device on his wrist was connected, and immediately rushed to the co-pilot of the armored vehicle.

A group of twelve people immediately got into the two armored vehicles arranged in front and behind.

Fang Jing was in Zhou Yuan's car, and Zhou Yuan protected him behind him.

"Captain, the hatch is open!"

Zhou Yuan looked more serious than ever.

"Immediately build a defensive position!"


In the cabin of the plane, the remaining people immediately rushed out of the hatch and began to build a defensive position to control the situation.

In addition to this order, there was no rush to give orders for the convoy to set off, but quietly looked at the smart device in his hand.

He was waiting for an opportunity.

Waiting for the time to set off!

"Beep, beep, beep, beep--"

A clear prompt sound came from the headset.

The last syllable was suddenly dragged out.

On the smart device, the map kept zooming in and zooming in.

A friendly mark marked "Visitor" suddenly appeared on the screen.

"Visitor has arrived at the target location!"

Zhou Yuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately connected the radio station and issued an order.

[Kunpeng has landed, the passengers are intact, the visitor takes action immediately! ]

The order was sent to the visitor through a low-orbit satellite.

[The visitor has accepted the order, a kinetic electromagnetic pulse bomb is ready to launch, 10,9...]


It was transformed from the unmanned reconnaissance 10.

It uses anti-electromagnetic pulse technology, is equipped with electromagnetic pulse bombs, and replaces a more powerful engine.

Originally, the unmanned reconnaissance 10 was a high-altitude and high-speed reconnaissance drone.

It can fly at an altitude of 50,000 meters, with a maximum speed of 6 Mach!

50,000 meters, this is already a restricted area for human flight.

In silence, a magazine slowly opened under the abdomen of the visitor.

The red and white painted kinetic battery pulse bomb slid out slowly.

[1, launch...]


The engine of the kinetic bomb suddenly activated.

With a swish, it rushed out quickly with a huge contrail.

[The kinetic bomb has been launched and is expected to arrive above the landing point in 10 minutes. Please pay attention, Kunpeng, and pay attention to the electromagnetic pulse shock in 10 minutes. ]

The visitor with a black coating.

After launching the kinetic bomb, the belly compartment was immediately closed.

Draw an elegant and regular arc in the air.

[The mission has been completed, the visitor is returning...]

The visitor, Wuzhen 10 modified.

It is like an elegant hunter in the dark forest, appearing silently, quietly launching an attack, and then silently retreating in silence.

After one attack, it turned back directly.

That's how confident it is.

This shot will definitely hit!

Zhou Yuan looked at the smart device on his wrist, raised his head suddenly, and whispered:

"Be prepared to withstand the electromagnetic pulse attack!"

"After the equipment is restored, set off immediately. The destination has been marked on the map!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Including Fang Jing, they all responded loudly immediately.

After the reply, the scene returned to silence.


Ten minutes passed quickly.

Somewhere a thousand miles away from here.

This is the front line of the federal government and the command center of the army.

At this time, the army mobilized by Fannuo is gathering here, preparing to organize the "final blow to break through the defense line of the German Alliance rebels"!

A large number of tanks, armored vehicles, Luhang's helicopters and drones are constantly being transported here.

"Our army has been assembled, and this time we will definitely be able to wipe out those rebels!"

Fannuo exhaled.

He has been restless recently.

Suspecting that something bad is going to happen.

But looking at the army gathering to the front line in front of him, he finally got some comfort.

Their air force temporarily suppressed the German Alliance rebels, it was time for the ground forces to enter the battlefield!

Enter, harvest, and hang that bastard Manton!

"General Fanno, our army has been assembled, and the air force has taken off. This time, we must attack Austin in one fell swoop!"

The deputy general came to Fanno, panting.

He looked excited and his eyes were full of confidence, as if he had already secured victory.

And just at this time, a large number of airplanes roared past their heads in the sky, with their engines roaring.

"Very good, all troops attack!"

Fannuo waved his hand, his eyes shining brightly.

This little thing is the German Alliance.

Dare to rebel.

Isn't it easy to deal with you?

The battle strength was now one million to six hundred thousand.

The advantage is mine!

"Yes, I will make arrangements immediately!"

The deputy general was also extremely excited.

They have the upper hand in the air force.

As long as the Air Force suppresses it, will the German Alliance be at their mercy?

This is credit for putting down the rebellion!

If it falls on his head, it’s really a big profit!


"Prepare to attack, prepare to attack, attack in steps, prepare artillery!"

The entire federal army began to gear up.

They seemed to see victory close at hand.

The Air Force is pushing forward, forward! ! !

Fan Nuo is full of pride in the play. He is looking at the sky and thinking about the land of Xiding.

As a result, a long series of track clouds actually appeared in the sky.

This track cloud was completely facing the opposite direction of their plane.

Moreover, the location is extremely high.

It seems like... a missile? !

Fannuo's expression was solemn, his eyes fixed on the sky.

call out----

"There's a missile approaching, there's a missile approaching!"

The air defense siren sounded, and the anti-missile system began to work. The beeping siren made people extremely irritable.

"It's just an ordinary missile. The German Alliance has no choice. Such a small missile cannot break through our anti-missile system!"

After staring blankly for a few times, Fannuo let out a breath.

The threat is not very big.

Just as he took a breath.

His heart suddenly skipped a beat.

There's something wrong with the missile's trajectory.

"No, the target of this missile is not us at all, but in front of us?"


See the tracks of missiles in the sky.

Fannuo's heart suddenly became extremely uneasy.

What is going on here? !

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