Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 99 Damn, how come I saw armored vehicles from the Eastern superpower in the heart of the Uni

Fannuo felt extremely uneasy.

He looked at the track clouds appearing in the sky and the rapidly lowering missile warhead.

The place where the warhead landed was about 50 kilometers away from them.

It can be said that they are not even close to the entire federal army.

Leave it to normal.

Vanno can only taunt, the fools of the German Alliance can't even hit the missiles.

Hahaha, you’re fifty miles off track, you’re blind, right?

Hey, I'm standing here, you can't hit me!

But, at this moment.

But Fannuo didn't feel this way in his heart.

He just felt sick in his heart.

Staring at the rapidly falling missile, his heart suddenly trembled.


Why did the German Alliance shoot down a missile?

They were once in the same camp, and they knew each other's weapons and equipment very well.

If it really hits, it's impossible to miss!

The other party did it on purpose!


As if he had realized something, Fannuo's eyesight was splitting in an instant, and he shouted to the deputy general almost madly:

"Quickly shoot down that missile!!!"

"Yes, yes!"

The lieutenant didn't understand why Fannuo was so excited, but he still obeyed.

However, they are too late!

The kinetic energy bullets fell rapidly.

After arriving at the designated location...


The explosion was very dull and only spread for a few miles.

In the distance, only strange black smoke could be seen coming from the warhead.

But then, a burst of rapid blue light, with the warhead as the center, quickly swept away in all directions.

Not just for a while.

Waves of continuous electromagnetic shocks began to cover the entire federal assembly area.


In the sky, the roaring fighter plane suddenly lost control and kept shaking.

One, two, three...

Throughout the sky, the soaring war eagle now looked like a kite that had lost its control line.

They began to sway and fall.



The violent explosion woke up Fan Nuo on the ground.

At this time, the countless fighter planes above Fannuo's head turned into dense black spots, all of which were falling.

Everywhere you look, all fighter planes are falling.

Look at this horrific scene.

Fannuo's face turned pale.

He understood that this was from the great Eastern country——

Electromagnetic pulse bomb!

"Asshole, bastard!!"

Helplessly taking off his hat, Fannuo's face was filled with anger and turned blood red from his neck up.

He suddenly threw his military cap to the ground and roared until he almost lost his voice:

"Manton, damn bastard!"

"How dare you, how dare you collude with the great Eastern countries?!"

Looking at the sky, the fighter planes keep falling down as if they don't need money.

How can Fannuo still not understand?

This is the electromagnetic pulse missile that made them suffer humiliation. In the Western Pacific War, the Eastern powers won with one blow!

On this planet, only the great Eastern countries are currently officially equipped!

"How could it be, sir? We have lost communication with everyone. The optical observation office of the outpost discovered that the frontline troops encountered enemy forces!"

The deputy general looked at the messenger who was running over urgently, and stumbled to Fan Nuo.

All communication methods on the front line have failed!

The message just now was transmitted from the observatory using the incandescent light signal of the voyage.

He looked at Fannuo with a panicked expression.

At this time, Fannuo sat slumped in his seat, looking lonely.

Hearing the deputy general's movements, he said calmly:

"We have been defeated."

"Notify them, fix the cars that can be driven, and retreat."

"General, what happened?" The deputy general couldn't understand.

"I said, retreat!"

Fannuo stood up with difficulty. His face was pale, his lips were dry, and a roar came from his throat.

"We were hit by an electromagnetic pulse missile, the air force was wiped out, Army communications were disrupted, and the entire chain of command was disrupted."

"We lost."

"Use all means to notify those who can be informed."

"Retreat across the board immediately. We must organize our positions immediately to prevent the German Alliance from invading!"

Upon hearing Fan Nuo's promptness, the deputy general froze on the spot.

His lips trembled, his hands trembled slightly, his eyes widened, it took him a while to react, and he hurriedly said

"Yes, I will make arrangements immediately!"

"Fifteen minutes are up!"

Zhou Yuan looked at the time on his watch with a solemn expression.

"Beware of electromagnetic pulse shock!"

It has been fifteen minutes since the visitor dropped the kinetic energy bomb.

The next moment.


Inside the armored vehicle, all the lights and electronic equipment suddenly flashed.

Some even went out directly.

"The electromagnetic pulse has arrived and the estimated endurance time is one minute."

Zhou Yuan's eyes were solemn and he immediately shouted loudly.

This voice directly lifted everyone's spirits.

It’s time to take action!

Fang Jing took a deep breath.

He just felt that this experience was really exciting.

After going deep into the hinterland of the United States and dropping electromagnetic pulse bombs, they took advantage of the German alliance's main force to advance and took advantage of the Compass Biological Laboratory.

This experience is even worse than a certain wolf!

He felt that there was probably nothing more exciting than this in his life!

"It's time, let's go!"

The moment after the electronic equipment resumed working, Zhou Yuan immediately gave the order.

The action officially begins!

"Woo woo woo woo--"

The roar of the armored vehicle engine sounded.

After receiving the order, the two drivers immediately stepped on the accelerator.

The armored vehicle hummed and immediately drove out of the cabin.

Going straight to the destination.

In the vast desert, on the Mizhou continent.

Two armored vehicles with the logo of the Chinese army were rushing recklessly.

The speed has reached 70 miles per hour.

And it is still accelerating! !

Continuously accelerating!

The armored vehicle kept running wildly on the highway of the Mizhou continent.

While running wildly, several drones on the vehicle scattered.

"Everyone pay attention, we have entered the territory of the German Alliance, and the drone unit has been released. Be alert!"

Zhou Yuan sat in the cabin, staring at the perspective of the scattered drones.

Suddenly, his eyes fixed, and he said sternly:

"Attention, there are German Alliance armed vehicles ahead, be careful to avoid them!"

It turned out that they were five kilometers away from them.

Suddenly, an armored vehicle of the German Alliance was crossing the road and heading east!

Fang Jingxin paused when he heard Zhou Yuan's words.

I met someone!

In the distance, on the 26-kilometer highway line, a team of synthetic battalions was crossing the road.

These were German Alliance soldiers transferred from the westernmost part to support the border area.

In the car, the signalman suddenly paused and immediately reported loudly:

"In the south, five kilometers away, an armed vehicle was found, and the markings are being checked-"


The signalman stared at the radar and drone view in front of him, was stunned, and rubbed his eyes.

He couldn't believe what he saw.

He paused in his voice and continued in disbelief:

"The IFF system judged that the identification was not friendly. According to the identification, this is... an armed vehicle of the Eastern Power?"

"FXXK, how could they appear here?!"

The signalman stared at the results of the IFF signal and the identification signal of the Eastern Power secretly recorded in the database.

He couldn't believe it.

This is really the enemy's armed vehicle? !

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