Our Hometown

Chapter 141: Liu Che's rebellious psychology

Chapter 141 Liu Che's Rebellious Psychology

Gillian ’s reaction was strange. Instead of being angry, she was very happy.

Da Changqiu laughed all day long, neither urging the officials to go to the forest supervision, nor going to the construction site, pulling Yun Lang, Huo to get sick all day, Li Gan playing mahjong in the tent, as for Cao Xiang, he had to go to the table He was pushed down by him, and he could not afford to lose the ridicule inside and out.

Gillian's life was very happy. He led Meng Da, Meng Er, and the worms all day, and the tiger wandered in the field. Later, because he liked the taste of tea, he also put on red sleeves.

The tiger is a lifeless man. Gillian feeds him ten kilograms of raw beef every day, and he abandons Yunlang without hesitation. He follows Gillian and plays in the fields.

The young **** reported to Gillian Qiu every other time, and said Gillian was plowing the ground, and then said Gillian was standing on the vine mill, and said Gillian was again Learn those women to sow seeds in the ground ...

The same news also reached Weiyang Palace.

After finishing the dynasty politics, Liu Che's hands were a bit numb, and he had to watch a 500-pound ensemble every day. For him, it was a hard labor that he would never end.

"Is Jiao still playing with Meng University and Meng Er today?" Liu Che asked with his wrist active.

Suddenly, a shrill voice replied in the empty hall: "Your Majesty, Gillian went out today and has been pro-nongsang, surrounded by Meng Da, Meng Er, and the two servants of the Yun Family A flamboyant tiger is waiting around, very happy. "

Liu Che said with a chuckle: "She would choose a playmate, but that's better, being happier is better than worrying all day.

Liu Sheng, what did Zong Zhengqing say? "

A black **** came out from behind the curtain and bowed down to the tunnel: "Zong Zhengqing Liu Shouyue: Gillian is already a royal abandonment. Her majesty has started 1,500 labors to build a pool for her. For her to be extravagant? "

Liu Che smiled: "Zong Zhengqing is old and firm, it seems that people are old-fashioned, go and ask him if he intends to leave Jingzhou Mu!"

After the **** in black, he hurried out of the hall.

Wei Zifu came in from outside the hall carrying the food box. Before he even gave the gift, he heard Liu Che said: "Don't come over Weiyang Palace in the future. This is the place to deal with political affairs, not our dormitory."

Wei Zifu is already familiar with Liu Che's temper, and said with a chuckle: "After waiting for your majesty to drink soup, Zifu naturally withdraws."

Liu Che said helplessly: "It's soup medicine again, but I can't cough twice, so why?"

Wei Zifu took out the soup medicine in the food box, took out a plate of icing sugar, and put it in front of the emperor. He took a sip with a silver spoon before giving Liu Che: "Zifu only knows that His Majesty governs the world is a vocation. It is also his duty to prescribe a medicine for your majesty's dragon. It is also his duty to serve your majesty.

Liu Che drank the soup medicine, dropped the medicine bowl on the table, grabbed a handful of icing sugar in his mouth, and said after a long time: "How come there are so many vocations, the Taijiling only wants to tell me that he is not in corpse. Just above, as for you, I just want to find an opportunity to see if I am indulging in wine and binge again, alas, all things are complicated, and it is difficult to sort out everything. "

Wei Zifu smiled: "The concubine heard that His Majesty made a pool for Gillian, at all costs?"

Liu Che laughed: "I thought you could be more tolerant for a few days. Unexpectedly, with only five days, you can't hold back anymore. Why, do you object?"

Wei Zifu shook his head and said: "This matter is not good for concubines, whether it is more or less, it is not good. His Majesty is arbitrarily arbitrarily, no need to ignore concubines."

Liu Che said with a long sigh: "If Gillian has you half docile, I won't be obsolete."

Wei Zifu embraced Liu Che's shoulder and said, "I wish my sister would wake up."

Liu Che shook his head and said, "Jiangshan's nature is difficult to change. Gillian's nature was determined when she was ten years old. She was a woman who was favored by Dou Dou, favored by the first emperor, and loved by the woman who did not know how to retreat. , And was later spoiled by me ...

Speaking of it, we pushed her into the sky, so that she became lawless, knowing that the operation of the nightmare is a taboo in the palace, she must go against the sky and do this evil, even when the evidence is conclusive Next, she still did not know how to repent, which is really unreasonable. "

Wei Zifu suddenly smiled, which made Liu Che a little angry, staring at Wei Zifu and said, "Are you funny?"

Wei Zifu quickly said: "The concubine is not joking Gillian, but is laughing at my nephew to the sick child."

"Joke what did he do?"

"Go to the sick child and say that the nightmare technique is nothing but the warlock's nonsense, and that if this kind of evil art works, what should my lord's thousands of military horses do? Is n’t it invincible in the world? Your Majesty is still worried about the Huns. "

Liu Che froze for a moment, then smiled and said: "Nonsense!"

Wei Zifu shook his head and said, "He didn't make a fuss, but told his brother very seriously that he would be willing to be taken by others. If there are not enough, you can find a few more. Can you curse him.

It was only a halt that my brother was beaten up. "

Liu Che felt his chin for a moment, and said to himself: "It is naturally not possible to take the sick child as a target. It is still feasible to find a few dead prisoners to do this.

Luan Da and Shao Weng all said that they were able to communicate with ghosts and spirits. After the nightmare thing proved true, we would verify them ... "

Wei Zifu saw the emperor in deep thought, smiled, and left Weiyang Palace with the food box.

I do n’t know how long it took, Liu Che woke up from contemplation and looked at the empty gate of the empty palace gate, saying: "Do you think that my mind has shifted, will I forget Gillian?

Who is Gillian? He was my first desire and the first mountain that I conquered. How can I shame this mountain? "

In the empty hall, no one responded. Liu Che took a breath and came to the door of the hall, looking down on the Chang'an City outside the Weiyang Palace. He didn't return to the Weiyang Palace until he looked at the whole city greedily. To knock on Admiralty, a black **** came in and waited for the emperor to order.

"Renovation of the Longmen Palace is completed on the 15th!"


Yun Lang, who was playing mahjong, suddenly stood up in shock at the sound of rumbling noises, and Cao Xiang and Huo went to the same astonishment and looked out together.

I saw a long line of bullock carts full of stones passing by in front of his house and driving straight into the construction site. The stones are all white marbles. Each piece of this kind of stone is hard to come by. It is native to Yizhou and is only a thousand miles away. Transporting into Chang'an is cheaper than gold. I didn't expect Liu Che to be willing to use this kind of stone to help Gillian repair a pool.

Yun Lang's doubtful look at Dachangqiu, who was still sitting at the table, saw that the old guy smiled like a chrysanthemum with an old face, and he understood that, in any case, this dispute was Gillian's victory.

Cao Xiang walked into the tent with a fortune in his hand and smiled: "The wood has also been delivered. It is all good wood that has been dried. It is said that it is Nanmu."

Li Gan laughed and walked in and said: "Various flowers and trees, installed more than 20 bullock carts, it seems that my errand has been completed in advance."

Da Changqiu dropped the card in his hand and smiled: "It's not surprising that Gillian is Gillian after all, and it is different from others after all."

After talking, I went to Gillian to report the good news ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Huo went sick and smiled and walked in and said: "Your majesty's temper is really like this. Is even more excessive.

No wonder Gillian is not worried at all. When it comes to understanding the emperor, I am afraid that no one in the world can come out of Gillian's right. "

Yun Lang smiled and said, "How can Ajiao know the emperor when she grows up together? If this woman is so sober early, why would she even lose her position?"

Gillian, who was messing around with the model in the Yunlang model room, sighed after hearing the report of the event: "Write a letter to tell Aye that this shortcoming needs to be changed in the future, I can guess things, Others can guess.

This is bad for him! "

Da Changqiu froze for a moment and said, "Is it appropriate? The Holy Family just obtained."

Gillian said with a smile: "If I want any family members of the Laozi, who can rob me? Although we are in despair, I don't want Ashi to be unlucky."

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