Our Hometown

Chapter 142: After all, go to the east (1)

Chapter 142: After all, go to the east (1) (if brothers and sisters are interested, please add the public account of No. 2 and No. 2)

This time came a master craftsman, the master craftsman spoke very well. Da Changqiu said that the pool should be built strictly according to the graphics drawn by Yun Lang. The master did nothing to say. After checking the graphics with Yun Lang, he started. Ramming the pool floor ...

Yunlan, the master of the master craftsmanship, feels that he should not question it. Soon, his judgment has been verified. The most important thing for the big pool is to prevent leakage. The rammed ground is covered with a layer of red clay , And then continue to ram ... This process has to be repeated six times.

Yunlang, who had become idle again, came to the wooden house where Dazai lived after the sky had darkened.

Even on a hot July day, Dazai still sits by the fire pond, and his body can't feel much heat anymore. Only by constantly baking or basking in the sun can he get rid of the chill in his body a little.

"I don't have much time," Dazai said lightly, pulling the fire pit.

"I went one step further!"

"Relying on Liu Che's pity for Gillian, so that this land will always be an extra-legal place ruled by the Great Han Dynasty?"


"Can it be done?"

"Always know it after trying."

Dazai sighed and shook his head: "I have no time, but you missed a ten days, which makes me very painful."

Yun Lang looked at Dazai's dark yellow eyes under the fire, and nodded: "This matter is over, we continue to explore, this time, we will approach the emperor's spirit."

"Let ’s go slowly, even if I die, do n’t be too risky. I entered the Shihuang Mausoleum again and walked forward for a while. I tried it with your own method. The bottomless sand sea.

I originally thought that this was a means for the first emperor to protect the tombs from drying. As a result, I saw a lot of dried corpses on the sand beach. These dried corpses were buried by the sand. We touched the organ the other day and the sand seemed to be flowing. There were exposed corpses, and eleven of them were like Dazai. "

Yun Lang said in surprise: "Isn't there only four Dazai? How come there are many Dazai?"

Dazai raised his head and looked at Yunlang Road: "Before there were many Lingwei ..."

"That means, I might be the 17th and eighth generation Dazai?"

"It is very likely that the four generations of Dazai we are talking about refer to the Dazai who did accept the seal of the First Emperor, not counting those who have died."

"The sand in the mausoleum is actually well understood. This is used to prevent grave robbers, because no one can dig a tunnel in the sand. Once the grave robbers dig into the sand sea, they will be buried by the sand.

Are you sure that all of them are too slaughter and not grave robbers? "

Dazai nodded and said, "I may know two corpses!"

Yun Lang smiled and said: "Are you no longer able to find the way forward?"

Dazai nodded again.

"If that's the case, why should we go in? It's better to put down the Broken Dragon Stone directly, it's better if it's a hundred."

Dazai smiled and said, "I tried to release it. As a result, Broke Dragon Stone did not come down. If Broke Dragon Stone can be put down, you can no longer see me."

Yun Lang frowned painfully and threw the fire tongs out of his hand. He felt as if he had been deceived.

Dazai grumbled and said: "I know that you are reluctant to let me go, as long as I have a breath, you must not allow me to stay in the tomb of the first emperor alone.

However, I can hardly support it anymore. I am really cold and painful. I can only sleep for half an hour every day. Even when I fall asleep, I always meet my former robe in my dreams. They are calling me. Name, I hope I can be with them sooner. "

Yun Lang smiled bitterly: "I did something once to help the suffering person get rid of it as soon as possible. As a result, it was not very good. She walked very comfortably and peacefully, but I have been suffering for a long time ...

It's better for two people to hurt together than for one person, at least there is a comfort! "

Dazai looked at Yun Lang's twisted face and said calmly: "Is the Tomb of the First Emperor causing you pain?"

"No, it's because you always want to die that makes me suffer!"

"You know, I'm going to die soon ..."

Yun Lang sat down all night outside the tent. Behind the brightly lit construction site, the laborers seemed to know no tiredness, paving a huge stone at the bottom of the pool all the time, and then using tung oil to live twine all the The gap is tightly blocked.

The noisy sound had no effect on Yunlang, and his gaze had always fallen on the tall enclosed earth mountain in the distance.

The Tomb of the First Emperor is a destination for Dazai, but it is an end to Yunlang and a huge end.

The dew in the morning wets Yunlang's clothes, and he takes his gaze back from the tomb. He feels like an abandoned child now, and even Dazai lives better than he does.

Looking at the world with a gloomy vision, there can be no good people in this world. When facing all people with an indifferent attitude, others will also report an indifferent attitude.

Yun Lang felt that he was like this huge earthen mound in front of him. There was no life, but only a magnificent appearance.

"Alas, I can't keep going after all, let's go ..."

After Yun Lang finished this sentence, he stood up and patted the dust on his body. He looked at the rising sun and opened his arms, as if embracing the whole world.

Just today, he was ready to enter Dashizai's mausoleum with Dazai again, when the most people happened, it was the safest time.

Yun Lang had breakfast and skillfully carried his own basket and said to Liang Weng: "I'm going to take a trip to the mountain. It may take two or three days. Huo goes to the family to take care of them. There should be nothing wrong with me when I come back."

After speaking, without waiting for Liang Weng to speak, he called a whistle and called for the tiger, and he walked into the dense woods one by one.

Cao Xiang stood at the door and watched Yun Lang go away. He said to Huo who was still eating: "This guy seems to be in a bad mood."

Li Gan laughed: "If my home is occupied, my mood will be bad."

Huo went sick and shook his head: "He has been wrong for many days. When he comes back, we have to ask carefully. There are no barriers in this world."

Shumen walked into the Lingwei camp with a familiar road. Dazhai stood in front of the door and waited for Yunlang to strike the stone pillar with a mallet. He had no strength to swing the hammer.

Yun Lang wielded his hammer skillfully, and the ladders that were frequently popped up recently came out very smoothly. Dazai stepped up the ladders with a curious tiger, just like walking on the road to heaven.

Entering the gate, Yun Lang lit up those thick iron chains, and a snake with thick arms slowly swam over, forming a snake array in front of Dazai, seeming to beg for food.

Yun Lang pressed the tiger, he didn't want this python to be torn by the tiger.

Dazai took a piece of pork from the back of the basket and placed it in front of the python and laughed: "Eat, eat, the last piece of meat I gave you was really smaller."

After crossing the bridge, there was wind in the mountain road. Somehow, the sound of the wind was mixed with the sound of whine, like a woman crying in sorrow.

Dazai walked slowly, almost moving one step at a time, Yun Lang helped him, and accompanied him silently in the long mountain road against the wind.

The tiger is very clever today ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Carrying two backbaskets, a strange cry was not made, and silently walked behind Yunlang.

The market is still lively, but the little pourer who poured the wine is very annoying. Dazai takes a jar of wine from under the table and gently shakes it, regretfully saying to Yunlang: "The last bite is left."

Yun Lang took off a hip flask from his waist and handed it to Dazai: "I still have something good here."

Dazai smiled and said, "In fact, I have nothing to drink, it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad, I just want to sue the emperor before I die, and I'm too Dazai and cut off."

Yun Lang accompanied Daza to finish his last bite of wine left in this market, and came to the tall city wall of Xianyang City.

This time Yun Lang did not make any preparations, so he took the lead in climbing into the snake cave, and while dragging Dazai with a rope, he moved forward.

Dazai gasped heavily, and the cave was full of his heavy breathing. Yun Lang turned back and said: "Don't use force, I can drag you out."

Dazai smiled and said: "Tiger always urges me, look, it uses my head to arch me again."

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