Our Hometown

Vol 2 Chapter 123: Reward? maybe!

Chapter One Two Three Blessing? maybe!

Lao Shen's jokes are not funny at all ...

Yun Lang suddenly found that the method of making silver, precious copper, and copper cheap was a bit excessive.

It may be a problem to punish everyone for the fault of one or several people.

In the early years of the Han Dynasty, no one even thought about the coin. The emperor Gaozu still used Qin Banliang as his emperor. Lvhou, Emperor Wen, and Emperor Jing had cast some money in the late period. Money weighs only one gram and is called "pod money."

Such a bad coin has no resistance in front of Yunlang's recast gold.

The most terrible thing is that in the Great Han Dynasty, anyone can make money!

This gave Yun Lang a sense of the aftermath of the Han coins.

This feeling once made him cheer ... think about it, you can make money yourself! Even money such as copper, three lead, five tin and two is still a very good coin in the Great Han Dynasty.

After listening to Laoshen's story, Yun Lang suddenly found that his conscience was faintly hurting ... It was uncomfortable to cheat a fool.

Those people are taking the chance to sell their labor in exchange for a good day, if they reduce their labor force value without limit ... Thinking of this, Yun Lang's conscience is heartbroken.

I thought that the people could avoid the punishment of the Han this time by bartering.

As a result, he was surprised to find that because of the asymmetric access to information, those rich people would eventually pass the loss to the people. This method, they have been playing for thousands of years, which is very smooth.

The daughter didn't come back, Yun Lang had to find something else to distract her. Changping was no longer allowed Yun Lang to step into his daughter's small building, where he always found new deficiencies, and then rectified .

In fact, the room on the second floor has been demolished twice, so far, it still does not meet Yun Lang's aesthetic point of view.

Among them, the toilet is the most unsatisfactory in Yunlang.

He thought that the porcelain was easy to burn, as long as the temperature was a little higher, and it turned out that he wanted to burn more good-looking porcelain, not just to increase the furnace temperature ...

Therefore, the toilet is naturally absent, and the bathtub is naturally absent.

Fortunately, the Yun family is richer. When Yun Lang built a toilet with silver and a bathtub, even Gillian thought he was violent.

Therefore, Yun Lang had to use all his body and mind to improve the quality of the copper coins.

The copper coins of the Han were cast out. In fact, the copper coins used in the era before the Han were also cast out.

This is very troublesome. You must first make a mold, then use the mold and sand for modeling, and then grill the sand mold to shape it, then pour copper water into the sand mold, and finally open the sand mold, from the successful casting of the copper money Cut the copper coins one by one, and finally polish and shape them. A set of money casting process comes down. If the scrap rate is high, the cost of the copper coins will be more expensive than the goods equivalent to the copper coins, which will cause losses.

The copper coins of the Yun family are not prepared to be cast, and the cast copper coins cannot catch up with the stamping anyway.

Therefore, the artisans of the Yun family will first cast some copper rods, and then put the copper rod heated at high temperature between two iron rods to make it into a thick copper plate, and then continue to heat and roll until the copper plate becomes A copper plate with a thickness of one millimeter can then be stamped on the copper plate with the word Yuan Shuo, and the fuzzy Liu Che image is stamped on the other side, and then cut down at the same time.

As a result, a stamped copper coin appeared in front of people.

In the first batch of copper coins, Yunlang deliberately increased the copper content. The stamped money, Huang Chengcheng's, was the same as Qin Ban's except that there was no hole in the middle.

Of course, these are all Yunlang's ideas. If you want to succeed, you still need actual operations. Just making iron molds in order to complete the process, it will not be completed in ten days and a half.

However, Yun Lang determined that such a process is not a problem, and should be able to make new money. The next thing to do is to adjust the production process slightly according to the actual production, and finally form a complete production line.

The happiness created is generally incomprehensible. In order to create new money and let his conscience no longer hurt, Yun Lang has been working day and night for this.

The door was suddenly opened, and Liu Po ​​walked into the room, and at the same time, heavy snow flew into the room with the wind.

Yun Lang raised his head and froze.

A fat kid wearing a tiger's hat was looking at him timidly with dark eyes, tears in his eyes.

He stiffly raised his arm, pointed at the child hard, and Liu Po, who held the child, leaned down and laid down the child, pointing at Yunlang sweetly and saying to the child: "Good boy, this is yeah! Call yeah!"

"Wow ..." The fat child cried, his eyes falling like a bead chain.

Yun Lang smiled at her daughter-in-law, tears flickering without a word in her eyes.

Liu Po ​​gave the door a little, then went out, then closed the door, leaving the space for the father and daughter who met for the first time.

Yun Lang's tears also slipped from his eyes in an instant, and the salty tears ran down his cheeks and finally into the corners of his mouth ...

The fat child's tears also flowed in the same way. With just a glance, Yun Lang was very certain. This is definitely his own flesh and blood.

The child was crying helplessly, opened his arms to find someone to hug, Yunlang leopard generally came over from the back of the case, overturned the inkstone, hit the bamboo slip, and the copper coin that he had just drawn was stepped on his feet, together with the silk Silk became a mass of ink together.

His knees slipped a long distance on the smooth wooden floor, and the open arms immediately carried the fat boy in his arms.

Even so, in the process of gliding, he also pulled a rope, and jingled a sudden, a series of golden, silver bells slipped from the roof, after a loud noise, the ringtone finally recovered Orderly and beautiful.

The child is soft, although not very fragrant, the snot and tears on his face have been messed up for a long time, but Yun Lang does not mean to be half disgusted. I ca n’t care about my tears still hanging on the face, first take out the handkerchief for the child to carefully clean.

On snowy days, the skin on the child's face is tender, so don't drown it.

The father's face was not as good-looking or interesting as the bell. Yunyin's attention was instantly attracted by the waterfall-like bells. He immediately stopped crying and opened his small hands to get close to the golden bell.

Yun Lang's entire attention is on Yun Yin, but Yun Yin's entire attention is on the bell.

With the bell, and ringing its jingle, Yunyin opened a small mouth with only eight teeth and giggled.

Yun Lang's hand pinched the child's body. Fortunately, the child grew strong, his small arms and legs were powerful, and his eyesight, hearing, and attention were all fine.

Yun Lang breathed a sigh of relief. This way of checking the child's body was something he had learned from her mother-in-law before. After all, the children who were sent to the orphanage were more or less ill.

He used to receive many orphans on behalf of Mother-in-law, and had been exposed to a lot of shocking miserable conditions. Now, seeing that his child does not have any external irreparable problems, this puts down a dangling heart. After all, he and Zhuo Ji When we are together, the age of the body is really a bit young ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For coaxing children, there are not many people who are more skilled than Yunlang in this world, and there can be no one who is more familiar than Yunlang.

When Yunyin chewed her finger biscuits in her teeth, her eyes hovered at the hula hula rotating color windmill, and her ears listened to the crisp sound of gold and silver bells, she naturally forgot to miss her mother.

When a clean, dust-free tiger came in, Yunyin's small mouth yelled and threw it up, breaking the tiger's big mouth and stuffing finger cookies inside.

Worried about the tiger ’s hair being too hard and hurting the child ’s immature skin, Yun Lang put a blanket on the tiger ’s back. This put the **** the tiger ’s back and let the tiger carry it slowly, and he lay on the ground Watching carefully, lest Yun Yin will fall off the tiger's back ...

Zhuo Ji's carriage was downstairs. She was expecting the child to cry, and Yunlang was helpless to invite her upstairs. Unexpectedly, the stinky child cried and all the rest was laughter ...

"Unconscience ... the surname Yun are all dead and unconscience ..." Zhuo Ji thought of the sadness, and could no longer bear the bitterness of his heart, tears dripping down. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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