Our Hometown

Vol 2 Chapter 124: Human world

Chapter One Two Four Human World

With a girl, who cares about Yunlang?

At this time, even if the emperor came, he had no mood to ignore it.

A heart was full of the little man in front of him who was not fragrant or smelly. Although she played on the tiger ’s back for a while, she crouched on the ground to pee, and the tiger ran far for this However, Yun Lang leaned over and helped the girl clean.

Although one-and-a-half-year-olds are entangled with their mothers, they are also the time when they are most curious. In addition, there are always finger biscuits with molars, small buns with rich milk flavor, and a little warm sweetened milk when you are thirsty. It is always important What's more, there is a big cat playing with her, so I can't remember my mother.

It wasn't until the child lay on the back of the tiger and began to take a nap that Yun Lang carried her into a soft light blue cradle like a cloud.

As the cradle rocked gently, Yun Lang hummed softly, and Yun Yin stretched out and slowly fell asleep.

When the child fell asleep, Yun Lang was sitting on the edge of the cradle, watching his child carefully.

He also protruded a finger and gently touched the child's face, forehead, nose, eyes, lips, and his heart was almost happy to let him fly.

The biggest dream in my life was realized in a sudden and vivid way.

Yun Lang had imagined countless times what his child looked like, and was terribly thinking about how the child should grow up in the unfortunate Han Dynasty. There is no vaccine, no reliable doctor, and no symptom Drugs, there is hardly anything that can **** the growth of this little life.

Yun Yin looked very tired and slept soundly. Two fat little hands were squeezed into fists and raised on both sides of his head.

The occasions that are too quiet are not suitable for children to sleep, so Yun Lang occasionally toggle the wind chime to make it emit a low sound or two.

Liu Po ​​walked in, crouching, and without talking, she saw Yun Lang and the tiger peering at her with green eyes, and Liu Po ​​shivered and exited the room lightly.

"Xiaolang doesn't see anyone."

Liu Po, who had gone downstairs, confronted Pingsuo Road outside the small building.

Pingsou looked sad, nodded and said, "Thank you Liu for managing things."

Listening to Zhuo Ji ’s dull crying in the carriage, Liu Po ​​whispered: "The vermilion pavilion near the pine forest was prepared by Xiao Lang for Zhuo's eldest daughter. Stay there! "

Ping Mangan smiled and said: "The old age has almost forgotten. Yun's and my eldest daughter have a place to live, and they bother to lead the way."

Zhuo Ji's travel is still very powerful. Although she is the daughter of a merchant, her family business is huge. There are as many as ten accompanying maids. As for the guards, the manager has been taken by Liu Er to the house.

Zhuo Ji's carriage came to the pavilion by the pine forest, and Pingshou was relieved. At least, the pavilion was full of sincerity in terms of site selection and construction, and it was a place with excellent scenery.

There are pine forests a hundred steps behind, and there is a vegetable field beside the pine forest. Although it is still snowing heavily, the vegetable field under the shed is still green.

Below an octagonal pavilion, there is a steaming hot spring pool, with corridors connected to the pavilion, as long as it is covered with a veil, it is the best choice for the female family to bathe.

The pavilion was built on a low mound, overlooking the entire Yun's Manor. It is the third tallest pavilion in Yun's. The entire pavilion is carved with beams. Although the drawings are drawn, the patterns are not good, and it still gives people a sense of grandeur. .

"There is everything in the pavilion, and there is a small kitchen at the back. The kitchen lady who is serving at home is already equipped. If the eldest girl wants to use soup and rice, just tell her to continue.

The carriage of the eldest daughter has been damaged, and she has made a claim to reconfigure the four-wheeled green tank car of Yun's for the eldest daughter. The horseman has also been fully equipped.

Yun's guards do not enter the house. This is the rule of the family. If the eldest daughter wants to see her own guard, please move to the former house. "

Liu Po ​​gave a very detailed introduction, Zhuo Ji, who had just got off the bus, said sadly: "Can I leave at any time and can I come back?"

Liu Po ​​was silent, this was not something she could decide.

"So, can I see my child?"

Liu Po ​​still did not say anything. Based on her experience just now, she thinks Zhuo Ji might think too much. Obviously, Xiao Lang has already loved the child into his bones.

Zhuo Ji saw that Liu Po ​​was silent, and quickly asked, "Can I see Yun Lang?"

Ping Man sighed and said to Zhuo Ji: "Yunshi is already the home of Zhong Mingding's food."

Zhuo Ji silently walked into the pavilion with the help of his maid, and the sadness in her heart was beyond words.

Pingsou followed Liu Po ​​back to the main building, pointing to the brightly lit main corridor: "Does Yunlang live here?"

Liu Po ​​shook her head and said: "Here is the Changping Hou couple."

Ping Man nodded and said, "Can you give me a quiet room near Yunlang?"

Liu Po ​​smiled and said, "Xiaolang has been chosen where you live, and it is in a mountain residence not far away. Pingzhe has already gone there."

Ping Shou sighed: "Why do Yun's esteem Zhuo's old servants, but despise Zhuo's eldest daughter?"

"Xiaolang said that Mr. Ping is a friend of the Yun family, not a servant of the Zhuo family."

After a few years of polishing, Liu Po ​​has long been not a peasant woman, but a competent housekeeper.

Ping Man smiled and said: "Ping's used to be a servant, I don't know how Ping Zuo is now sent to Yun's?"

Liu Po ​​said with a smile: "Replace Liang Weng to take care of all the Yun's workshops except silkworm raising, silk reeling and silk weaving."

"Oh? Was Liang Weng already fainted?"

"Not so. Liang Weng will serve the housekeeper and elder daughter wholeheartedly in the future.

"In this way, Yun's value is not heavy goods?"

Liu Po ​​glanced at Pingsou and said, "The owner of the family has spent his family's wealth for the sake of the eldest daughter, only hoping to make Zhuo's satisfaction."

Ping Man smiled and said: "But you have complaints?"

Liu Po ​​shook her head and said: "The money is gone, we continue to earn it, we just feel that Xiao Lang is pitiful.

I used to look at Xiao Lang's solitary loneliness, but I can see the pity, but now there is a trace of bone and blood.

Some words are not easy to say. My wife, Mr. Ping, Mr. Ping, the eldest daughter is Yun ’s eldest daughter, and she has nothing to do with Zhuo ’s. "

Ping Man shook his head and said: "Not good."

Liu Po ​​sneered: "My Yun's will be Gui Zhou, Zhuo's is nothing but a merchant. The reason why I can survive to this day is due to Xiao Lang's work.

Zhuo's can bully Xiaolang's soft heart, but his wife is different from Liang Weng. We have all experienced human tragedies. Finally, we have a good day now, and no one can destroy it.

If things don't work, I would rather bear the notoriety of Liu Po, but also protect Yun's comprehensiveness. "

Pingshou raised his mouth and looked at Liu Po, said: "Are you already a Yun Family Member?"

Liu Po ​​proudly shouted her chest: "Exactly, since then, she has been with Yun's family."

Ping Shou nodded seriously: "You do have the qualification to become a Yun Family Official."

Liu Po ​​laughed: "The fairy-like figure of Xiao Lang, who picked me Liu Po ​​at the end of the micro, and divided the food to prolong the life of my mother and daughter, Liu Po ​​cheap, and it is not a big deal to give Xiao Lang. .

Mr. Ping thought twice about what the old man said, and looked at Yun Shi, willing to serve Xiao Lang for more than 500 people. Although he is a woman, her son should not be underestimated. "

After completing the warning, Liu Po ​​summoned a woman and asked her to lead Pingshou to the mountain residence. Once again she came to the small building again and gently knocked on the door, whispering: "Xiao Lang is at ease, Zhuo's and Wu and Xiaolang are competing for the heart of a big girl. In the end, they are merchants, and what they want is nothing more than money. "

"Very good, let's fix it, knock it down, and give them a set of money-making lines.

Just money? This is the best result ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Liu Po ​​agreed softly and clapped her hands. The two strong **** pushed the door open and walked in. At this time, the eldest daughter had returned home. It's time to wake up and have milk.

One-and-a-half-year-olds can no longer eat breast milk, but Yunlang can't believe in the food of rough rice in the Han dynasty. The rice grains are okay. It is better to eat less milk and meat. After all, God knows whether there are parasites in these things.

Or eat milk for another half a year, wait for the child to be older, and the resistance will be stronger.

PS: I had a dream last night, dreaming that I and thousands of book fans traveled to the Warring States Period together. Can the hero dream come true? Between the code words, I called the product manager of "The Legend of Undefeated". That's right, it was the national war game that I constructed the worldview. After I thought about it, I called it "Hanxiangqing"! By the way, this is an end game. I need to download it from my computer to play. I have made a reservation for the role. The name is the second brother of Hanxiang, the coordinate is Wu Guo. Interested book fans can come to Wu Guo to find me Go on the word Hanxiang and see if our army of Hanxiang can make a difference here! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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