Out of the cage

Chapter 100 Chapter 3.21 Battle of the Red River

In the battle on the 18th, compared to the juggling of Sunrise commanders, they had to complete multiple goals at multiple times. As versatile as if he regards himself as a popular protagonist in anime.

In the command headquarters in Bozhou, Wei Keng adhered to the principle of "the oil seller is familiar with the profession". In the integrated communication command of the armed forces of the sea, land and air, and the electronic sand table on the interface, he has grasped the sure points.

Wei Keng: "This is it!"

"The First Battalion of the Air Force, the Fourth Battalion, the Sixth Battalion..." Multiple air force bases flickered on the map, and interfaces popped up one by one, and several Air Force chiefs reported.

Wei Keng: "Take off at eight o'clock, and within four hours, give me air supremacy. Don't touch the ship's radar air defense system. After the drone wingman detects the edge of the firepower, he will go around for me. Electronic suppression for me. "

Wei Keng: "Kunlun, Rocket Strike Army, at 134th, 135th, 189th, 190th..."

A series of missile units are moving on the road network. The intelligence interface on standby quickly pops up, Wei Keng: "Get me to the predetermined location before nine o'clock." After receiving the command, it quickly minimized.

Then came the Ground Assault Forces, River Coastal Defense Forces,  …

Wei Keng gave orders to all the forces that could be deployed, and they reported that they could execute them.

Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief and said, "Comrades, a strategic battle is to eat up the opponent's vitality. The opposite is a walnut, so we must concentrate all the iron to smash it. Now let's start timing!"

Combatants on each interface lower their heads to adjust the mechanical watch, which is a mechanical device that is not affected by electrical pulses. It is also one of Wei Keng's insurance ropes to consider various mistakes.


On the 18th, early in the morning, when the first rays of sunlight hit.

On the Central South Subcontinent, various contests between the two armies have already begun. Sheng Yang, who was preparing to launch the Gui Mansion landing battle, has already pulled apart his troops and launched a number of so-called operations.

At the beginning, it seemed to be quite smooth, the Tengu launched an air strike in the south, and the Sun Fleet bombarded Qiongdao at sea without suffering any losses.

But suddenly at 8 o'clock in the morning, with Sheng Yang's battle plan, the first and middle stages had just passed.

The rising sun troops were divided into combat forces in multiple directions, and all communications between them were cut off. Then, news came that a large number of air forces had invaded from the north, and then a large number of rising sun air formations suffered uncountable losses.

Next, at the Sun General Communication Center, the speed of receiving bad news cannot keep up with the development of the actual situation.

A large number of Chinese troops appeared on multiple fronts in the Red River Basin,

In Naomi's eyes: The commander of Shenzhou seems to be attacking all the breakthroughs in the Red River Basin.


On the side of Wei Keng's digital command center, the weaknesses in the deployment of Sun's troops have been determined, and a full-scale attack has begun. In line with the combat concept of "focus on the front line" and "strategic damage to the rear", unprecedented missile firepower has been used.

According to post-war reports, Wei Keng fired 1,432 missiles in just one hour in this major battle. The port terminal was hit by heavy missiles, the radar post was hit by cruise missiles, and each type of missile found its target.

These bombings are communication nodes first, and then traffic nodes, although it is stormy. Shengyang couldn't tell the situation clearly, but Shenzhou's ten-minute attacks had a very clear sequence of targets.

When the missile was launched, the attack plane had already taken off. After the missile landed, the attack plane was just in time for the second wave of attack. Phoenix and Suzaku cleaned up according to the area delineation.

Shengyang people value the splendor of broken jade, and Wei Keng gives it splendor.

Surrounding the less than 200 square kilometers of Shengyang's troop gathering area in the Jiaozhi area, the Shenzhou side poured all the forces that could be mobilized by the three armies of the sea, land and air.


When the Shenzhou Southern Region Corps took control of the air and electromagnetic power.

Tang Zongbing's navy was also present. On the main ship of Tang Zongbing, it was directly linked to the battle center headquarters in the area. With the arrival of frontier information without delay, all naval guns of the fleet began to project firepower to the ground, showing Professional naval support capability.

A bunch of naval guns destroyed the last force of the tsunami tanks trying to escape in the harbor.

Since Shengyang did not have a targeted plan to go south to chase after Tang Zongbing's "fleeing navy" in his combat focus, it may be that he thinks that he has no courage to fight anymore and can be "placed to this side."

Therefore, the attack of Tang Zongbing's fleet on the battlefield did not interfere at all, and this wave of naval gun support was completely like an exercise.

In Wei Keng's original plan, Shengyang might interfere, so he arranged a lot of back-ups, fearing that the chain would be lost at sea. Facts are smoother than drills.


The war came to 12:30 noon.

Tang Zongbing looked at the battle situation. On his map, the main points of the war zone marked now were the same as the main points that Wei Keng saw when he mobilized the various military branches.

Although the number of tasks decreased rapidly after the fire support, the officers and soldiers of the Shenzhou Navy on the fleet can still feel the strong fighting atmosphere in the area. Other parts of the formation are busy

In just half an hour, three waves of Shenzhou's air force passed over the fleet, and there were also cases of rising sun's tengu group crashing into the fleet's air defense zone.

At 12:18, the Sunshine Tengu formation was driven to this area by the Phoenix fighter jets from China. Following the advance notice from the China Air Force, the air defense firepower of the fleet at sea was activated in advance, and the air force perfectly shot down the Tengu formation.

This southern Fujian maritime formation is now part of this great battle.

Regarding the current situation of the battle, Mr. Tang can't know the whole situation, but his fleet is an information transfer node in the current theater, and can receive combat notifications from the surrounding air forces and shore troops.

Judging from these notifications, it should be that our side has the upper hand here, because among the large amount of information, the signals of cooperation between our sea and land, sea and air, land and air, and combat formations are all actively attacking and moving, rather than passive encounters. .

Behind this situation, it shows that our own (Shenzhou) information command technology is quite powerful, and we have seized all the time points to carry out systematic strikes against a single enemy force.



The general information command center came to communicate, and Tang Zongbing rushed to the interface immediately.

In the nearby information center: "To make a long story short, forty-five nautical miles to the east of your fleet, there is a rising sun partial fleet that is fleeing. There are a total of 13 enemy ships, nine razors, two generals, and two aviation guidance ships."

When the staff officer introduced the sea conditions on the map, the enemy ships were fleeing in a panic during the shooting by Sky Eye, and the waterlines of the two generals were a bit abnormal. Looking at the ship’s side, there were signs of shelling, and it was obvious that the watertight cabin was penetrated. Symmetrical water injection.

Staff officer: "What is the current speed?"

Tang Zongbing immediately reported: "Currently in cruising state, with a speed of 30 knots!"

Staff officer: "Well, you have 80 minutes, the headquarters will send the air formation in 50 minutes, by the way, in 28 minutes, the relay energy star will be over your fleet, please deploy the energy receiver, we can Within fifteen minutes, charge the electromagnetic armor layer of your battleship."

After speaking, the communication was cut off directly.

The communication center for communicating with Tang Zongbing is on the shore 60 kilometers away.

Wei Keng's central headquarters first transmitted to this frontier communication center through quantum encryption, and then relayed to the fleet at close range from the frontier of the theater.

In Mr. Tang's ship hall, there is a new wave of busyness now. Some are taking maps and starting to draw lines. Group. In this battle, no one wants to lose the chain.


fifty-six minutes later,

The Shengyang Squadron, which was fleeing towards the southeast, suddenly bumped into the Fujian Navy they let go.

Of course, before seeing the Shenzhou Fleet, I saw more than a dozen beams of light descending from the sky on the other side of the sea level, like a miracle from the gods. This is actually the energy shield technology of the Shenzhou side.

Afterwards, Shengyang's ship island scanned a large number of airborne radar signals, but they didn't know how many air raids there were. In the south-central subcontinent area, the electronic warfare system of Shenzhou has already given the generals a deep experience.

The roaring Phoenix fighter appeared,

"Enemy attack" was conveyed in the Sun Fleet communication.

Shengyang's language, when panicked, has such a hoarse madness.

A large number of missiles took off from the Shengyang cruiser, but after the missiles took off, Phoenix dropped a large number of mobile aircraft. These induced warheads, like a big net, seduced all the missiles of Shengyang and deflected them.

The first wave of anti-aircraft missiles failed, and the first wave of the Shenzhou Air Force had already flown out of the radar locked area. At this time, in the other direction, the second wave of the Shenzhou Air Force rushed in to join. The Sun Fleet, which had just launched its missiles, was hit by an aerial cluster bomb and immediately crackled, and the deck was covered in flames from the explosion.

Of course, at this time, on the other side of the sea, the naval guns of the Min Navy also flickered.

This is sea and air mixed doubles.

In less than 20 minutes, Sheng Yang's neat battle formation was chaotic, the wake on the sea was like a mess, and the battleships were also emitting black smoke.


At 1:30 p.m., two general warships lost their combat capabilities and sank themselves. Four of the cruisers lost their combat capabilities and withdrew from the battle order. Three ships sank in battle. The remaining four raised their white flags and then ran aground on the shore. troops captured.

After the naval battle ended, the Shengyang Navy's southward route was blocked. As a result, Commander Baitian could only lead his fleet to retreat in the southeast direction.

This retreat is good. The air force in Guangxi, Guangxi, Shenzhou, got the news, started a large number of air strikes, and sank several ships. What's worse, the three sea fortresses that originally came from the Eastern Ocean did not fire a single shot. Was beaten into scrap iron. Straight out of the battlefield.

In the general war situation on land, the Red River Battlefield

Shengyang's 2,000 combat vehicles and 200,000 combat forces were divided into six parts within one day. It was gradually wiped out over the next four days. Commander Kenji evacuated via submarine under the support of Naomi.

This contest, which was later named the "Battle of the Red River", ended in a complete victory for China.


In the plateau area,

As a backup command center, General Bai learned about the combat situation throughout the process. Only four words were given to sum it up: "Win beautifully."

During the whole process, Wei Keng's judgment was decisive enough, and after confirming the strategic decisive battle, he pushed up with a "snap".

One step is fast, one step is fast, the rhythm is mastered throughout the whole process, how and when each army fights, and the division of labor is clear.

On the contrary, Shengyang also has a complete sea and air force, but at the beginning, the goal of the campaign was not clear. After being hit in the head, the command system of the troops seemed to be cut open, and there was no chance for sea and air alliances.

General Bai looked at the Central South Subcontinent, and said in a complicated way: "The general's military fortune is prosperous, and he has great ambitions. It can be the world."

There seems to be no suspense about the strategic situation in the South-Central Subcontinent right now. Originally, the front lines of the two sides were balanced, but in a strategic battle, Shengyang was directly smashed into a gap, and Wei Keng's battle defense line had a lot of spare troops. Coupled with the supplement of troops in the rear of the entire Shenzhou, the advantage was like that of a snow mountain. The snowball rolled on the top, getting bigger and bigger, and finally formed an avalanche, sweeping across.

But such a mighty might, can the court tolerate it?

And in this battle, Western Economic Union has undergone transformation. Originally Wei Keng said that he would hand over the plateau military power, oh, he did, but! Now, there are hundreds of thousands of troops on the Central South Subcontinent.


On the other side of Shendu, they were also shocked all night.

The president of the Ministry of War took the battle report and read it for an hour.

Master Wei doesn't like to send good news, he always likes to send the data of annihilating the enemy, as well as the report of his own damage. So much so that the Ministry of War has now confirmed that as long as there is no "serious loss" in the search term, it is a great victory. If "serious loss" does not appear in the main battle report, it should be a tie or a small victory.

Guan Yiyan, after scanning the last page, murmured: "In the beginning, the troops were only one-third of the enemy's strength. After fighting for a month and a half, you took the lead in the strategic counterattack. You really belonged to me." mocking. Laughing at himself, and at the same time mocking the idiots in the court.

If Shenjing would support the southern border of Shenzhou earlier.

After this battle, even though Wei Keng was outstanding in martial arts, it was still possible to restrain himself, but now, the war was won by relying on the local mobilization of the Western Economic Union. This, how to control it, the king's order in the capital of the gods is no longer in the southwest.

"ding ding dong"

An email was sent. This is a red document issued by the cabinet, that is, to send a commendation team to the Southwest, and arrange a spokesman (official reporter) to accompany him. Ask the Ministry of War to arrange.

The president glanced at it hastily and put it aside. This kind of formalization is optional.


After the big battle ended on October 22, Wei Keng had already moved to the headquarters and began to plan the next battle.

An order was issued to the entire army: "Comprehensive counter-offensive, annihilate as many invaders as possible before they escape."

Indeed, nowadays, Shengyang's troops in the South Central Subcontinent have shrunk significantly. Obviously, after successive setbacks and heavy injuries, Shengyang already has the fear of being invincible in his father's country.

The Tianzhuyang Landing Corps on the west line, the Wei Keng Corps on the north line, and the Nanhua Sea on the east line, the Shenzhou Navy will cut off supplies at any time. Go west to the other side of the sea to provoke Shenzhou.


At the same time, in the municipalities and towns of Edo Bay.

(Transcendence) Wei Qixian was riding in a car, looking at the people of Shengyang hurrying on the street. The heat of war that was forcibly brought up a few months ago is now gone. He turned on the system communication, and he couldn't help but cry: " Uncle, if you really want to fight like this, you will kill Shengyang."

Wei Keng, who was sorting out maps with his staff at the Zhennanguan Headquarters, received a communication from his nephew and said, "Oh, is it that serious? Shengyang should have a corresponding plan."

Wei Qixian shook his head: "There is no corresponding strategic plan. Sunrise is now inclined to end the war decently. You have conquered them now."

Wei Keng: "Convinced? This? Don't compliment me"

Wei Qixian paused: "Uncle, among the time travelers, you are a commander-in-chief. At least on the timeline of this time zone, your level of war command is top-notch."

Wei Keng sighed, "Hey, should I go?"

Wei Qixian got out of the car, and after paying the driver, he walked to the top of the hill and said to Wei Keng, "Yes, Bo, you should leave."

Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief: "But what happened here? I mean, I don't have a reasonable condition to disappear here now."

With a kick on his toes, Wei Qixian, who has excellent lightness skills, floated up the mountain: "You don't have to worry about this."

He looked at the Shinra Building (with a complex base under the building) ten kilometers away. Slowly said to Wei Keng: "There are many conspiracies against you in this world, just let them succeed a little bit."

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