Out of the cage

Chapter 99 Chapter 3.20 Red Alert

On October 15, a large number of tactical ballistic missiles began to be launched into the Central South Subcontinent.

In the plateau area, various road sections are temporarily blocked every day, and then, smoke columns are seen rising from the vicinity, all the way to the south. Since the middle of the month, four to five hundred rounds of warheads have been consumed every day, and the intensity is unprecedented.

It is only now that large-scale tactical ballistic missiles are used to attack. It is not that Master Wei forgot that he had this card in the early stage, but that Shengyang was rushed and began to bloom bases all over the Central and South Subcontinent. The number of nano-shields is insufficient, and tactical ballistic missiles Now it's an outstanding effect.

These tactical missiles of the Western Meridian Union still use the previous generation of missile technology. Compared with the V4 technology currently developed by the Soviet Union and Russia, they have flaws in the terminal guidance and are not suitable for attacking mobile armor targets. It is enough for manufacturing factories, and some vehicles that move slowly on the road.

Within ten days, the Shengyang army occupied the transshipment port of the river, and a large number of trapezoidal nano-core transport vehicles were bombed. The shock wave light of the falling missiles turned the precision technology of Shengyang into broken metal ashes

so what? When the battle situation gradually evolved, many areas of the enemy were "pressed and rubbed underground" by our own side, and the staff of Xialian became more and more optimistic about the development of this war.

Wei Keng, who checked for leaks and made up for vacancies, began to ask: "Where is the higher technology of Sunrise?"

In the timeline of other traversers, Wei Keng saw the legendary 120,000-ton general executioner on a three-legged platform appearing on the stage.


Wei Keng, who is now in the headquarters, guessed wildly: "Why am I here, no more? I look down on Lao Tzu, um, it seems that Sheng Yang thinks that my panacea tactics are not in line with their military strategy?"

In order to deal with the general's executioner, Wei Keng prepared to transform a batch of expensive chariots with phantom technology. According to the plan, he ambushed the general's executioner on key roads and approached such a huge monster. Then give him a broken leg blast.

According to other timeline travelers: General Executioner is too big, and Sun's own infantry and tanks are afraid of being crushed by it. Dare not to accompany. Of course, according to Wei Keng's standards, the noise of this thing is too scary.

This is the problem of Shengyangheren's thinking. When designing a decisive weapon, its maximum performance is unlimitedly improved, and its integration into the overall combat system is ignored. So that there is a fatal short board.

For example, in the main world, on the Yamato ship, the anti-aircraft secondary guns are well protected, and the captain suddenly wants to use the main guns to attack the air, the 460mm naval gun, and the shock wave directly stuns the soldiers of the secondary air defense guns.


But in fact, General Executioner was preparing to come in in early October, when it was still on the Lanmei River, and the containers had already been loaded into 40 ships. The Shengyang people were also equipped with forty tsunami vehicles and three squadrons of VX missile helicopters to escort them all the way, but suddenly they were intercepted by railway, no, water channel guerrillas halfway.

The combat effectiveness of the guerrillas in the Southern Region of Shenzhou has increased sharply because during the previous Foehn operation, Xialian's corps broke up a large amount of mechanized equipment and transferred them to the local guerrillas.

These guerrilla independent battalions and independent regiments now not only have Chinese equipment such as magnetic crossbow anti-aircraft vehicles and Zhurong tanks, but also tsunami tanks and Thunder assault vehicles, such equipment that the main Chinese corps captured but could not take away.

After these heavy equipment were delivered to the soldiers behind the enemy lines, they were well hidden in various private garages and warehouses, and Xialian provided them with corresponding maintenance and operation manuals.

And each small area has sent a military commander (engineer). Carry out field repairs. Even Centurion support (batched individual mecha equipment, rail transportation) has been arranged.

Is it worthwhile to provide such vigorous equipment, personnel, and organizational support to the enemy's rear? ——Reports in this regard, the big bosses in Shenjing don't read this.

As for Wei Keng: Anyway, there is a lot of electricity, and there are many power stations built before the war. As long as you can use your strength, don't buckle.

During the war, the entire southwestern region controlled electricity consumption, and all of them were supported by UHV to the front line.


Back to the original topic, where did the general and executioner that Wei Keng was waiting for go?

Wei Keng only paid attention to the policy of guerrilla equipment, but he didn't expect that after the magic modification of various standardized mecha equipment, it would really become "Yan Shuangying". (The transcendent Wei Qixian is doing this, but the system keeps Wei Keng a secret.)

On October 9th, when the moon is full again, this day is the leap Mid-Autumn Festival. A month ago, Kenji was almost killed by a bridge bombing. This time it was a festive season, and the chrysanthemum bloomed twice.

When the transport ship carrying the general's executioner was driving on the Lanmei River, the guerrillas who got the news in advance deployed the intelligent remote-controlled heavy machine guns on the shore.

The Sunrise ship made a turn, and these cannons covered with green protective nets suddenly appeared, firing just like a small tower defense game.

At the same time, Xia Lian's guerrillas, these underwater frogmen troops equipped with semi-mechas, activated the lithium battery-powered propellers, touched them quietly, and planted 40 kilograms of explosives on the bottom of each ship.

The remote-controlled machine guns on the shore, after the rocket attack, the underwater frogmen just ended, and the power of the mecha was almost used up. They arrived at the meeting point and evacuated in a small five-meter submersible.

And here, the timer on the bottom of the ship expired, boom, boom, every boat was pushed against the bottom, and was swallowed by the river, leaving behind a group of confused Shengyang escort formations.

If this had just started, the captains of the samurai alliance of Shengyang would have committed seppuku, but after fighting for nearly a month, these Shenzhou troops under Wei Keng's command are so cunning. Even the warriors know it. In the end, these dereliction of duty Shengyang warriors got a dozen slaps on the face of the Shangguan who cursed at "Bageya Road".

For Shengyang's base camp, heavy land weapons are not suitable for deployment here. Of course, maybe Xianzhi is too stupid.


At the same time, the world has also undergone drastic changes.

The fierce battle between Shengyang and Shenzhou is like giving the whole world the starting gun for a war.

The Red Palace focused its attention on the southeast in confirming Shenzhou, and the famous general was also transferred to the southern region to punish the offensive actions of the dwarfs at the eastern end of the World Island.

Then the Corps in the Far East was quickly transported to the European continent. The red iron fist wants to liberate the oppressed European laborers.

[Thanks to the Western Economic Union led by Wei Keng, the reconciliation between Shenzhou and Su was facilitated, and a large number of economic and trade ties made both parties have a bond of interest (similar to the proton exchange between the vassal states in the Spring and Autumn Period). I believe that the other party will not stab own back. There are other major strategic directions for both sides. 】

In October, flocks of birds startle up from the vast jungles of the Great Plains of Eastern Europe.

50,000 tanks, and more than 200,000 other combat vehicles of various styles, are emitting black smoke (rhino vehicles), or flashing lightning (super-heavy tanks with Tesla furnaces on their backs), and their tracks are raised. Snow and dust flocked to the continent.

The reason for such an impact, well, is also due to the Western Economic Union, which exported a large number of trucks. Oh, there is a company called Dongfeng FAW, which was originally a subsidiary under Luoshui, and was left by Wei Keng's father. It could not compete with Jibei Army Vehicles, and the original market scope was very small.

However, with the opening of the northwest checkpoint and the development of economy and trade, people from China, in order to buy mines from Siberia, to repair natural gas pipelines, to take Maomei for a ride... cough cough.

[After the Battle of Talas, the roads and railways in the Western Regions have been greatly updated. The logistics capacity of Shenzhou to several passes is dozens of times larger than in the past, but the economy near the Turan Plain in Maozi has not been developed. The Internet is no match for the crazy infrastructure of Western Economic Union (now Xialian). So even if they sell trucks to them, the transportation capacity of Soviet Russia will still be stuck. It would be a shame not to sell it. As for the Continental Allies? well. 】

The Soviet army on Wei Keng's timeline is no weaker than the original timeline, and even stronger in some respects.

In this timeline, even when the European War started, Guanzhong was still delivering strategic materials such as trucks and oil refining equipment.

When the Soviet army flattened the Rhine River, they hung huge banners on the local buildings.

The Europeans discovered that Soviet soldiers used the heat of the engine to warm up spicy instant noodles and bags of roasted potatoes on the scythe mecha. Good guy, the above heating method and instructions are in both Russian and Chinese languages, and the cartoon villain Master Kang on it is the same as Dongfang, and has not been changed.

On October 10, the Rhine was taken down, and the streets of the Ruhr industrial area were full of hairy fighting machines. In the key parts of the city, there are scary robots less than one meter high, walking around with a click.

[Narrator: Each terrorist robot has a husky head inside its steel shield, to obey the instructions of the Soviet army. These war dogs, who were used to train anti-tank during the first European war, lost the bid with the war bear project, so they were sent to the Mechanical Biological Fusion Department to start combat training for dismantling tanks]

On October 15th, the Soviet army Kirov, as well as conscripts airborne by bandicoot transport planes, and scythe mechs, landed on the square in front of the Eiffel Tower. The defenders of the Gaul capital surrendered, and the mayor on Champs-Elysees Avenue announced Paris is an open city.

At the same time, the Red Navy's dreadnoughts, the latest Glory-class missile cruisers, and a large number of electric ray frigates came out of the Baltic Sea and approached the northern part of Britain.

Although there are allied ground forces and fleets in southern Europe, the Mediterranean, and the region, everyone knows that if the bald eagles in the Western Ocean do not provide support. Continental Europe may have to repeat the scene where the Germans destroyed the Roman Empire thousands of years ago.

Continental Europe fell, and the United States of Edenia, which was originally planning to pick up bargains in the east, sounded the red alert in the face of the changing king's flag on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.


East Continent, this is another melody.

In mid-October, the situation in the southern region had been gradually brought back by Wei Keng. In the early stage, relying on mobile warfare, he was constantly shaking the control area of ​​​​Sunrise, and the mechanical troops, which had an advantage in the number of Sunrise, were exhausted. In the process of advancing north, If you take three steps, you have to take two steps back. In the end, it became the end of the crossbow in the area around Yunnan.

Zhennan Pass was the dead line for Wei Keng. The garrison force is very sufficient. In order to prevent the rising sun's ninja soldiers from attacking, it is also equipped with a large number of military dogs and electronic monitors.

This solid defense did not live up to high expectations. Sun's main force retreated 50 kilometers away, and the only striker who got close to here was greeted by artillery fire and ended, and there was no attack after that.

In the rear, Wei Keng had already completed the general mobilization.

The mechanical corps of fifteen towns has been reorganized. A town in Shenzhou is a division, and it is usually led by a commander-in-chief. But now, after the war, the army has expanded. As the governor of the southern region, no one can control Wei Keng. .

In terms of military strength, Wei Keng is no longer at an absolute disadvantage, but counterattack! Have to wait for the opponent to play first.


On the 18th, Wei Keng contacted Tang Zongbing of the Minyue Navy.

Wei Keng: "Mr. Tang, congratulations for your fleet successfully breaking out of the blockade."

The Fujian navy officer showed helplessness on his face: "I am ashamed. Thank you for the support of Wei Dudu, otherwise, I really have nothing to do."

On the 8th, Wei Keng took the initiative to coordinate with the coastal defense of the Fujian area, and transferred his spare air power to the sea in the Fujian area to seize air supremacy. Small submarines have gained insight and can use anti-submarine firepower to attack in advance, thus breaking through the blockade on the sea.

As a force that has successfully entered the ocean, Shenzhou Southeast Ocean has an extra card, which makes Sun's strategy more impetuous.

Tang Zongbing: "Wei Dudu, when will you need the support of my fleet?"

His words had already disobeyed Shenjing's order to immediately send troops north to meet up in Suzhou and Shanghai, and attack Shengyang's native land.

[Tang Zongbing thinks: "This is chaos." As a partial fleet, we must give full play to our mobility now. Because the enemy fleet is looking for its own partial fleet to destroy. So he would rather "return to Wei Keng's love first\

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