Out of the cage

Chapter 1029 Chapter 2232 (Part 2) He should be robbed

Chapter 1029 Chapter 22.32 (Part 2) It's time to be robbed

In the autumn of the 8th year of Zhide, the demon broke through the Tongmo Pass, and the Jiuqu River embankment was broken by the evil dragon of the demon, and the turbid waves flooded the Baizhang City Pass!

Zhaowu's army retreated eastward. When the demon army was chasing, they encountered strong winds and thick fog along the way, so they had to give up.

Before the defeat, General Zhaowu wrote to the court to defend himself: the minister is fighting hard, but the demon army is so powerful that the minister has no choice but to retreat to the Yueshan City area first. Waiting for the opportunity to fight.

However, Wei Keng was sure that Zhaowu was definitely not retreating from a fight, he voluntarily gave up this checkpoint. System: His meow is the same as saying to my parents after I failed the exam: I tried my best.

When the Zhaowu Department was evacuating, there were still 240,000 monks in the army, and among them, there were more than 30,000 foundation-level monks who had experienced battles, and at least one-fiftieth of them had the possibility of advancing to alchemy. In addition, the giant spirit boat under Zhaowu's command, the battle array and other supplies are also there.

...From the overall situation, Zhao Wu should never have done this! But too many moths and beetles are emptying the beams and pillars under the "big picture"...

In the eyes of General Zhaowu's staff, he (they) cannot be blamed for doing so.

In an emergency at Tongmoguan, Zhaowu repeatedly urged the imperial court to ask for military pay. The imperial court always said "for the common people of the world", but the military supplies needed for the war never arrived as promised.

Even the fierce fighting between the party and the lords within the imperial court spread to Zhaowu. The "Liming faction" and "Jishi faction" in the imperial court even asked Zhaowu to stand in line during this battle. .

This led to another three months of delay in military pay. Ordinary people need food and grass when they fight, but monks need spirit stones when they fight. Such self-inflicted crimes naturally make the leading generals in the frontline unable to recover.

Tongmo Pass is closed, the banner of demons is raised, and chariots of chariots piled up with white bones are pushed by the little demons, passing through this once-human pass, the big gilded characters on the city gate are no longer majestic, but mottled. It's like a ghost capital.

Millions of demon soldiers poured into the Hezheng area of ​​the Great Liang Dynasty. A few years ago, this place was the quintessential area of ​​the human race where singing and dancing was peaceful, but now it has suddenly become an area where catastrophes are raging.

And the aristocratic families here, in the past few years, still hated the refugees in the Guanyuan area in every possible way, and selected Qingmen from various brothels to take advantage of the fire to rob them, and exchanged a few taels of silver for one and a half big mushrooms.

In Hezheng Nei, whether it is a wealthy family enjoying peace or a poor family who are proud of themselves, they are obsessed with "metaphysics" and talk about how they and their families can avoid disasters in this catastrophe.

Those who haven't reacted now realize that amidst the earth-shattering changes, the catastrophe will be their turn all of a sudden.

For a time, he was defeated in a single battle on the periphery of multiple cities. And some cities that tried to resist were also besieged by monsters for several months, and the painted skins of the peaceful and prosperous age were torn to pieces, and they were infested by monsters and ghosts.

In the Hezheng area, among the besieged cities, the homes of dignitaries and dignitaries have hoarded enough food, and Lingshi doesn't care about the people in the same city at all. As a result, the inside of the Zhumen still stinks of wine and meat, and the outside of the Zhumen is full of hunger. The spies in the city who were instigated by demons and ghosts were originally these starving ghosts outside the wealthy gate.

As the saying goes, "It is easy to share adversity, but it is difficult to share wealth and honor", but now, it is "in times of adversity, one is not willing to be rich and honored".

Confucianism and Taoism ruled the country for thousands of years, and gradually turned into Confucianism. They have become anesthetized and believe that "sage articles" can quell all evil spirits, and that a beautiful article can infinitely mobilize the hearts of the people and attack the enemy.

"Righteousness" is originally a public weapon, but it is regarded as "brocade clothes" by Confucian scholars.

Confucian disciples have forgotten their responsibilities in this peaceful and prosperous age. Indulging in the way of "gathering and dispersing" the hearts of the world.

Six months after Tongmo Pass was breached, a chain reaction came, and smoke rose one after another in Human Race Pass.

In the Hezheng area, demons descended on thirty-six cities in a row.

The huge cities in the Hezheng area are not "destroyed without loss of integrity" as Confucianism cultivators thought.

When the Yaozu was attacking, they also learned how to encircle three and one missing, and the frightened city guards ran for their lives in a hurry.

Leave this ruined city to the officials who are still playing the piano and reciting poems in the mansion to deal with it.

Wei Keng sighed: When people with "righteousness in their mouths" continue to attribute the name of "righteousness" to themselves, and keep fighting against dissidents, when such disciples form "all righteousness and prosperity", the world will rot instantly when there is a storm...

After the demons poured into the city, the lanterns hung on the gates of the city were extinguished one by one.

And some lanterns were splashed with scarlet blood and turned into red lanterns.

The ghost spit out by the belch, holding a white bone and iron gong, walked around the street instead of the watchman.

The once-prosperous buildings with cornices burst into flames. The demons tore down the beams and pillars of the houses and made a fire. With Confucian classics and zithers as salaries, they selected the delicate disciples of the aristocratic families to roast on the fire. eat.

...He Fanniao gathers thorns, and bears his son's love? The younger brother is promiscuous and endangers the younger brother. …

In the ninth year of Zhide, in the Hezheng area, a large number of cities were lost.

The Capital of the Son of Heaven was also broken under the skeleton cart of the demons, and the emperor of the Liang Dynasty fled the ghosts in a hurry, and handed over the capital of the emperor, which was once the best in the world, to the demons.

And within a stick of incense after the emperor escaped, demons entered the city.

Like peeling a banana, the demon began to peel and dismantle the human race who stayed here, dig out their lungs, and roast their hearts! While doing it, let Miyaki dance by the fire.

With regard to this tragic scene, Wei Keng can only say that if the sky does evil, he can still live, but if he does evil himself, he cannot live.

System translation: Weakness is not an obstacle to survival, arrogance is.

Confucianism and Taoism have ruled the world for thousands of years, and one family is the only one with no rivals, so it is natural to condense arrogance. So it's not that Wei Keng didn't want to save them, but he went there with good intentions, and they would laugh at them as "the righteousness of Confucianism and Taoism influence" and take it as they should.

Therefore, they can’t keep their heads down, and it’s useless to save them. If someone rescues you, not only will you not be grateful, but you will be considered as having fulfilled your duty of loyalty, and you will continue to be stubborn and continue to neglect the “heat” on the land.

The entire Great Liang Dynasty deserved this catastrophe for Confucianism and Taoism!

Wei Keng couldn't help but think of the martial arts sect that he had passed down now, maybe after thousands of years, he would be like this!

…History is reincarnation, derived from the replacement of things. …

Qiongdi, in these years of demon chaos, this place is a rare piece of pure land.

This made the disciples of Confucianism who escaped from Hezheng, Guanyuan, in disbelief unbelievable. Of course, being penniless at this time, they don't have the arrogance of the Hezheng and Guanyuan areas. If they put on airs as scholars, they will be ridiculed by the people in Qiongdi City.

Such an insulting term like "a lost dog" is used by Qiongdi to describe those Confucianists who have abandoned their festivals and left their hometowns.

The people in the market humiliated the Confucianism, but they were not reprimanded. Wei Tongzi: Because I don't want to be pointed at by moral bitches, I have to expose their faces!

The dome is surrounded by mountains and fields, surrounded by monsters.

In the eyes of the aristocratic families who were at the Great Brightness Meeting in the old days: when there is a conflict between the human race and the monster race, this place must be the first to bear the brunt. But in the end, they fled to Qiongdi, and saw the harmony of Qiongdi!

The Confucian old master couldn't understand this "outrageous thing".

And the young people of Confucianism began to find fault: because no one could count, the monster races around Qiongdi began to practice spiritually.

Humans and demons are traded, and the mountain people even drive chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep up the mountain.

Since there were not so many half-human demons in the mountains and forests after spiritual cultivation, the blood food required for the territory of the Vaulted Demon Clan was greatly reduced, and the spirits relied on the spirit grass to swallow the essence of the sun and the moon.

Huan Menghong and Taihezong signed a decree, dividing the area where the human race and the demon race meet in Qiongdi into 365 areas.

When any piece of land, the demon cultivator devours the human race, the human race can subdue the demon and eliminate the demon,

In the same way, the monks of the human race steal the spirit grass of the monster race, and the monster race has the right to seal off the mountains and expel mortals from the mountains and rivers of the monster race.

After the signing of this order, although there were still frictions, the demon cultivators who devoured the human race were all killed, and the monks who stole the demon cultivator's spiritual grass were often arrested and brought to justice by both human and demon races. And give compensation to the trolls.

It cannot be said that the barriers between humans and demons have completely disappeared, but it is not the same as in the past.

Of course, not without, outside forces, trying to break this embarrassing situation for them.

At the end of the eighth year of Zhide, after the demons of the North land captured Guanyuan, some alchemy demons tried to coerce tens of thousands of little demon bandits to invade this dome. But these monsters were blocked by the Zhuxian formation set up by the human Wuxiu in the sword pass.

In that battle, the human monks stood on the cliff, and the magnetism of the earth attracted the group of demons to the bottom of the mountain, unable to fly to the sky or escape from the ground. Forty big demons were cut off their demon cores in the cold light of the sun and the moon reversing!

Since then, all parties have confirmed that Qiongdi can temporarily stick to one side in this catastrophe.

Today a spirit ship came here, and a female cultivator dressed in plain clothes looked at this paradise-like place with her brows furrowed.

She is Princess Youheng of the Great Liang Dynasty, and she is worshiping the mountain at this time, neither armor nor boa robe.

For Taihe Mountain, she did not come to recruit soldiers, nor did she come to enter the dome as a royal family.

The system deduced: Oh, it should be "Corporal Lixian" who came to seek real benefits.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Wei Keng watched some untrained disciples on Taihe Mountain being drawn in, and he was very happy: no matter what, her move can be regarded as throwing away the halo of the royal family. This kind of "corporate of courtesy and virtuousness" will become more and more ineffective as the aura becomes increasingly dim.

Let’s change it to 6:00 pm in the future. It’s really not good in the morning. I’ve been running after work and I don’t have time to send

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