Out of the cage

Chapter 1030 Chapter 2233 (Part 1) Evolution

Chapter 1030 Chapter 22.33 (Part 1) Evolution

Princess Youheng came to Qiongdi to borrow troops. After the land of Hezheng was breached, the dynasty's tripod was overthrown.

The Great Ming Dynasty has existed in name only, and although the glory of the dynasty is still shining on the royal banners in front of government offices in various places, each city has gone its own way.

In Dome, it was the first state to begin to downplay the influence of the dynasty.

Taihezong directly grasped the Confucian county magistrates from "governance power, legal power, and financial power" to only "legal power" for adjudicating cases. It was handed over to the president of the "Escort Guild" who was in charge of traffic. Behind the Qiongdi Escort are martial arts sects.

Although Confucianism has deteriorated into Confucianism, the moderate Master Wei will not completely reject a school because of its accumulation.

The history of the mortal world here is very long. If one faction is lost today, the other faction will not be lost in a thousand years. Then there is no inheritance and accumulation.

Judging from the long history, today's martial arts are only occupying the "new" advantages, and the backbone of martial arts personnel are yearning for the future, so the disadvantages have not yet emerged.

The magistrates of the county in the sky are now only in charge of public judgments in the county government, such as civil litigation and criminal litigation.

In the dome, there is a subtle change from the imperial feudal system to modernization.

In the mortal world, it was the guild that spanned the entire sky that suppressed the local tyrants.

This guild includes all three religions and nine streams, and it organizes all the young and middle-aged people in the local area. Oh, similar to Pao Ge Hui.

Wei Keng has traveled through the pastoral era, and how the ancient Eastern dynasties engaged in the "evolution of capitalism" is completely supported by databases.

Of course, this Brother Pao Club is not collecting money from small vendors. The main business of Brother Pao Club is business.

The low end collects money from peddlers, because in the history of development, the upper-level capital of the Paoge Club has not found reasonable investment projects like Western commercial colonial groups, and has not yet been able to feed back the grassroots to establish a grassroots structure, and even has limited control over the middle.

The Eastern Pagoda Club in the main world is the only civil class organization that can be regarded as similar to the West.

However, due to the strong repression of the central dynasty, long-term malnutrition and insufficient capital, this social organization failed to develop.

Wei Keng: During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Paoge Club was the upper class, and the income of the club was from city shops and docks. This organization could not be maintained entirely by collecting poll taxes.

A considerable part of the reason for collecting money from members at the lower level is due to insufficient capital and lack of management, which leads to no future for the development of the organization, and the internal personnel are mixed.

If there is an industry in Paoge that brings a large amount of capital accumulation like ocean trade, it will absolutely strengthen middle-level management, try to win over manpower, and invest in more promising trade industries.

(System) Wei Keng checked his own system information. His predecessors such as Luo Hongxing's generation (Who is this? Wei Keng muttered?) have proved that the development of Paoge will promote the industrial revolution for capitalist organizations, far more than doing The "Wise Emperor" reform has more potential for development!

Walking in the east, around the emperor of the imperial route, the feudal class is likely to form resistance to reform when the industry develops to the end of the steam stage. But the bourgeois pagoda society class can definitely support the development to the electric age.

However, if the Gepao Society in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River is developed towards a modern capitalist group, its system can fully support the information age.

Wei Keng was surprised when he saw this information from the system: So in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the game of "proclaiming the emperor" was already a very "bad" game, and was it despised by the mainstream traversers on the system side?

Wei Keng in the system did not discuss this topic further with himself with "amnesia".

Wei Keng in the system began to reflect: It can be seen that after the end of the second plane war, Qin Tianfang's generation created the level of "king" and after the third plane war, it really became a system of allegiance. That belongs to reversing the car and going back.

...Wei Keng just lost his memory, and he still maintains a constant attitude towards social evolution...

Regarding the situation in the vault, Master Wei is working hard to adjust the humanities!

In Wei's Chamber of Commerce, because Wei Keng, who pretends to be a mortal, is old and childless, his property is controlled by the "Yizihui".

And because Wei Kengfan still recognized his "adopted son" when he was old, he simply formed a system of "absorbing new blood\

,"Before "Ben Lei Shou" passed away, it was confirmed that each member could not accept adopted sons privately, and could only recruit brothers to join the club. And so it became the "Solidarity".

When Wei Keng was around, he only let the adoptive sons take care of his brothers, and didn't allow them to recognize the adopted sons, because once the generations were separated, it would become a feudal patriarchal model. Relatively speaking, brothers are peers, and feudal influence is less. In the dome, these chambers of commerce controlled steel smelting, dock operation, and farmland storage to acquire many rights.

The grain requisition order of the Ming court, the requisition order, and corvée, these were originally the powers of the county government, government officials and lords, but now the Qiongdi is taken over by the business association, and the business in the business is only benefit cooperation, no Confucian blood relatives Patriarchal morality, the implementation of various regulations can be followed by legalists. Those who have merit will be rewarded, and those who have made mistakes will be punished.

The Confucian scholars in the county government also no longer perform endless conscripting tasks for the imperial court, and the government soldiers here are also controlled by the Pao Gehui. Soldiers are stuffed in by Brother Pao, food and pork are also distributed by Brother Pao, even the generals, their sons and nephews are also learning art on Mount Taihe!

That's right, for mortal-level matters, Brother Pao will withstand the confrontation. As for the matters of cultivating immortals, it is the monks who will stand up.

The mortals in the entire dome know that the monks of Taihe Mountain are in the dome now and the Confucians in the Great Liang Dynasty are on a different path.

Confucianism has been controlling the mortal world with the kingly way for a long time, and the Taihe Mountain School opposes the mortal world for not obeying the "sages" to govern the world, let alone the "royal family" that has been appointed since ancient times.

The imperial power "sovereign power" of the Great Liang Dynasty came from "divine grant", that is, bestowed by Huashen. Now Master Wei is in the God Transformation Realm.

Princess Youheng came to Mount Taihe, and looked at the gate of Taihezong, the road leading to the peak of Qianzhang Mountain, which was like the "Samadhi True Furnace" of the temple.

At the foot of the Samadhi Zhenlu Mountain, it is the residence of the disciples of the outer sect.

Standing on a high place, I looked at the field outside the outer gate building. Groups of strong young men were practicing martial arts with stone blocks in the rocky school field. The "heheha" in the mouths of these outer disciples was full of youthful vigor.

Right now, many disciples in the outer sect are refining their strength to the extreme, and the white air that grows out of their mouths has reached two or three feet long, like a steam boiler releasing pressure, which obviously has condensed a breath of innate air.

On Mount Taihe, the reason why Xiantian is so easy is that Yinqi San, a pill for martial arts, has already begun to be refined into a standard form.

Wei Keng: In Zhengzhou, Leiyun and other worlds of cultivating immortals, it is too easy for cultivators to pull a warrior into innate, just add a little spiritual energy to the elixir. It's just that Faxiu doesn't want to put his heart into it

And the Dharma Cultivators of the Great Liang Dynasty only cultivate warriors when they need to deal with sundries. And the elixir for refining strength is given after the martial master is thirty or forty years old, and he has already missed the best time for martial arts.

Princess Youheng recognized the accents of these teenagers, many of them were from the Guanyuan area, that is, during the fourth to seventh years of Zhide, they were rescued by martial arts practitioners from the chaos. Of course, those who can stay are those who can pass the test within three years.

When they are twenty to twenty-five years old, if they can enter the entrance of Mount Taihe, that thousand-foot high melting pot, and reach the top on the road of Samadhi, the innate qi will be transformed into true energy, which will grow stronger in the morning and dew in the daily life, and at the same time Zang Xinggang meets the enemy in the real yuan and fights.

Of course, the step of "refining the mind" cannot be replaced by pills, and it does not depend on the aptitude of the spiritual root.

The monks beside Youheng have seen two key messages:

First: There are too many people practicing martial arts in Qiongdi. Because of the entry-level refining essence, regardless of qualifications, theoretically all middle-income families can afford to support them. In recent years, Qiongdi has used organ puppetry in production. Many rich families were born.

Second: Wuxiu's cultivation speed is faster than Faxiu's. Both are in the foundation-building stage, and foundation-building at the age of 50 is often middle-class, and Wuxiu's foundation-building is before the age of 30!

Princess Youheng looked at these martial arts monks at the outer gate of Taihe Mountain, and she had roughly calculated how many troops Taihezong had gathered outside the control of the dynasty!

She did not walk on the main road guided by monks from Taihe Mountain, but directly walked into the road of refining her mind.

…On the steps of white jade, the magnification of every inch of thought in the heart is reflected.

After a stick of incense, she silently appeared in the Taihe Mountain. Relying on her Golden Core Qi cultivation, she forcibly suppressed her inner demons, but the possibility outlined by the way of refining her heart still made her heart shudder.

She saw that one day the Great Liang Dynasty betrayed her soldiers who were fighting at the front line and handed her over to the demons! The so-called mind-refining path is the thing that scares the most in my heart. What happens when the beliefs I rely on in my heart collapse.

Mr. Wei, a troublemaker, has nothing to rely on, only the possibility of "disgust". Hu Menghong sketched all kinds of pictures that Wei Keng didn't want to see back then, and Wei Keng didn't have the slightest weakness.

Princess Youheng came to Taihe Mountain. She saw the vast area and let out a deep breath. A huge magic circle was deployed in the sky on this mountain range. This magic circle gathers thousands of kilometers of morning glow every day. On the mountain peak, they come to supply the martial arts monks with food once a day.

For a martial artist in the True Yuan Realm, with all his blood, if he relied on eating whole grains, ordinary people in the world would not be able to support hundreds of acres of land. Moreover, after eating the whole grains, they would have to expel turbid air from the excrement orifice.

Only by laying out an array of tens of miles around and absorbing the morning dew, can the blood of Wuxiu at this stage be pure.

There are now as many as 4,000 official disciples on Mount Taihe. In addition to the people in the Vault of Heaven, there are also people from all over the current Daliang Dynasty. Selected children with good roots, smart and tough minds.

These Foundation Establishment disciples already numbered four thousand, no less than a large sect.

As for the Quenching Realm disciples who are equivalent to the alchemy stage, there are twenty-one. Now they are on the morning glow mountain peak, and they can swallow the morning glow dew for three or four miles at once. These Quenching Realm warriors are all sons of profound luck in this troubled world.

From the 4th to the 7th year of Zhide, these martial arts monks who went down the mountain more or less understood their meaning of martial arts in successive battles!

Wu Yi is not something that can be sold to the emperor's family by "learning well". It is not about competing for the prestigious No. 1 in the world, but about "why fight". The disciples taught by Wei Keng personally had brown faces and had done various jobs, such as porters and butchers.

Whether the martial arts is strong or not has nothing to do with the "meaning of princes and generals" in the eyes of ordinary people.

Of course, at this time, the princess of the Great Liang Dynasty couldn't think of this.

Princess Youheng looked at the tumbling morning glow: These Quenching Realm Martial Arts monks absorb the morning glow dew, are they practicing?

There are also some martial arts monks in the realm of true energy under her command, but those martial arts monks under his command are obviously different from the martial arts monks in Taihe Mountain. This is the difference in "artistic conception".

Similar to the armies of the East that have undergone bloody battles and ideological baptism in the 21st century, and those in South Asia, Africa, and Latin America, those armies that have not gone through hard struggles and are only independent countries that have been favored by the suzerain are different in spirit. An army has It can be seen from the mental outlook that he has not lowered his head too much, and whether his blood has been suppressed by unreasonable levels of dignity.

Taihe Mountain did not prohibit martial arts monks from serving other forces. In the early years, when Taihe Mountain was weak, especially when Wei Keng sent out those low-class magic weapons full of Jianghu atmosphere, fortune-telling, shopkeepers' various dress requirements, ruined the heroic dreams of many disciples who worshiped under Taihe's sect. , Many people quit and switch to others.

However, in recent years, Taihe Mountain has made very good arrangements for the development of martial arts practitioners, and Taihe Mountain martial arts practitioners have been promoted to Quenching Realm one after another, which makes martial arts practitioners who work elsewhere look stupid.

Princess Youheng looked to the south of Mount Taihe, where the energy of sharp gold and the energy of Lihuo blended together, obviously it was the place where martial arts practitioners forged armor. She has also seen the armor of martial arts practitioners, relying on the stimulation of essence and blood energy, it is unique to fight close to the body.

Seeing the financial resources and wealth of the place, some of the princess's staff were excited and said that the soldiers and horses could be reorganized here, while the other part was worried that it would take careful planning to seize the vault from the hands of the prefect here.

She raised her hand, and the metal in her palm was slightly squeezed, thinking in her heart: "It must be used for me."

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