Out of the cage

Chapter 1068 Chapter 2308 (Part 1) Luck and Destiny

Chapter 1068 Chapter 23.08 (Part 1) Luck and Destiny

The use of the traditional recovering innate spirit treasure requires successive sacrifices!

When Wei Keng saw Jiang Mingle using his blood to sacrifice the Sifang Ding, arousing his ghost, he was stunned. ——This ghost emerges from the Baihui acupoint on the top of the head like a candle

Then Wei Keng watched him bite his finger and drip blood, and finally reacted and asked: "Aren't you going to confirm the communication code with the civilization of the world inside (Sifang Continent)?"

Jiang Mingle, who was covering the wound on Suo's finger, was also taken aback for a moment: "Is there something wrong with my method of sacrifice?"

Wei Keng also asked back in a daze, "Sacrifice?"

The system immediately added: "We are brute force deciphering. You should explain to him that this is not a magic weapon, but a double-passing door."

The original "artifact spirit system" of the innate magic weapon is the core of the wind array that binds the Sifang Continent

This slender bottleneck gangfeng has left a control node in the "space coordinate" convergence system of the tripod, which can fit the spirit of the treasure owner.

This is similar to a mobile phone, which falls into the buyer, and the buyer enters the switch password and the fingerprint encryption system. ,

Master Wei flicked his hand cheaply, Jiang Mingle's bit his finger, and the latter withdrew his hand suddenly, looking at Wei Keng's cheap expression, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Sifang Ding's original "treasure master" controlled the mainland with one hand covering the sky.

Qiongqi was able to adjust the vitality and aura of the heaven and earth back then, so that the energy on this continent would be abundant, and he could also adjust the shape of the wind layer of the mortals in the Sifang Continent, and could create various natural disasters.

In short, sacrifice to the master of Sifang Ding. This is really treating the entire continent as a world in a bottle, where thunder, rain and dew are all God's grace! Billions of living beings are all ants.

However, now, the Sifang Ding's system in which the Lord of Lingbao controls the sky and the earth from "outside the tripod" has been dismantled by the civilization promoted by Wei Keng with an evolution time of 10,000 years.

The civilization within the tripod determines everything in the Sifang Continent. The "Tiandao" space station of the advanced civilization of the Sifang Continent has symmetrical spires. (The system consulted the information: found out the space station "Ten Absolute Formation" of the empty twisting plane.)

Control the vortex belt in the sky. The Jiuyou underground platform in the center of the mainland controls the material stability of the mainland.

The highest "administrator authority" of the internal operating platform of these two platforms. There are ten in total.

So the current Sifang Continent cannot be controlled unilaterally, but must be contacted with the base station personnel there.

Back to the conversation between Wei Keng and Ming Le at this time.

Wei Keng patted his chest arrogantly and promised: "Whatever you want, over there (Sifang Continent) will make it for you, and some ordinary ores from your here can be sent over there (Sifang Continent) for processing to form advanced materials. Double piercing doors, the fun of time and space merchants, is not much better than the nominal innate treasure."

After Ming Le looked at Wei Keng, then as if his mind had been broken, he nodded and said, "Well, it's pretty good."

Wei Keng let out a breath, as if coaxing his girlfriend, and said to him: "Well, we will divide into two groups, you go your way, and I will do construction."

Ming Le asked after a while: "Do you have no plans for the road to eternal life?"

This sentence is the point of the question.

Wei Keng looked up into the quasar, and said silently: "Longevity? Is it worth pursuing tirelessly." ——The high-energy area that Wei Keng looked at is the ultimate goal of becoming a fairy and ancestor in the eyes of immortals. But Wei Keng remembered that he "falled" from there.

In this modern conference hall, Wei Keng, standing on the left side, looked at the huge silver disk-shaped quasar model in front of him, and said solemnly: "Although I die, there will be a future; after I am born again, the firewood Inheritance is infinitely scarce, but if the mountain does not increase, why bother with injustice.”

Ming Le seemed to understand something, but he didn't seem to understand. He left and started his own path of becoming a dragon, while Wei Keng continued to push himself in the dirt.

...In the process of practicing in each life, surpassing your peers again and again will consume your luck...

Ming Le didn't know that every time he saved himself from danger on the road to split the sky, he was consuming something somewhere. In the end there is a limit.

Just like, when a Newton's pendulum clock is swung in front of you by someone, it will not hit that person's face when it is swung back.

Now Ming Le is the pendulum clock that has been swung to the other side, and the Daozu Jiang surnamed Jiang who cut off his obsession in Quasar is the one who let the huge pendulum go away smoothly from his side. Even though Jiang Mingle will "swing" all the way back aggressively one day (upgrading all the way to become a fairy and become the ancestor), but the closer he gets to the end, the more he will run out of energy, and in the end it is impossible to exceed the amount that the Taoist ancestor let go at the beginning.

And Wei Keng is unwilling to be the doomed pendulum clock in this "Way of Heaven".

Weakly accumulating power in a mortal place, as a variable, accumulating along with the trend in each swing, each time surpassing the original fixed number. In the end, it can be proved that "the accumulation of power and potential" can be proved.

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