Out of the cage

Chapter 1069 Chapter 2308 (Part 2) What is longevity? What is salvation?

Chapter 1069 Chapter 23.08 (Part 2) What is Longevity? What is salvation?

In the Sifang Continent, as Jiang Mingle sent cooperation information from the high-energy area as an "advanced life" and the civilization rulers on the fleet, the original Gupan plan that the leaders of the Supreme Council Hall insisted on in the Sifang civilization began to appear. Offset.

Causal influence. In other words, in the "human robbery", the ancient pan has begun to bear the force.

The "Interstellar Federation Government" of the Sifang Continent was involved in uprisings again and again by Wei Keng, and the social structure of "proving the Tao" shaped by the revolution, because the upper-level structure began to cast its perspective on longevity. "The big wheel started to shake due to the steering wheel shaking."

Wei Keng, as a member of the people here, still participates in planning the path of scientific development in the "unchanged slogan".

The outer space space exploration project is developing according to inertia.

The energy needed for this outer space project no longer depends on the aura of the earth veins. On the mainland, the mass-energy radiation system is directly activated to ignite the lights of thousands of families.

In life sciences, the "string wave" of storage consciousness has been found. In this world of material soup, the microcosm of the consciousness of all creatures is recorded by the "string wave" system. In an uncultivated state of an ordinary human race, there are at least 16 billion sets of "string waves" in their consciousness, which is similar to the dna of life evolution in the main world, and belongs to the code of life.

In the traditional sense, the road to longevity is to integrate these "string waves" into a small number of large groups of stable structures. Now, in this terrific place, science has advanced, and it is beginning to allow some knowledgeable people to live forever.

Of course, at the end of a long life, it is reincarnation. When the "string" of consciousness finally collapses, many small "strings" will be formed and the memory will be broken.

But, in theory, "consciousness" is always entangled with matter in the quasar universe.

"Out of the cage calendar" 323 years. The Gangfeng Belt of the entire Sifang Continent has been breached countless times once.

More and more space warships with billions of tons take off from the land airport, reach the edge of the wind layer, and start to dock with the outer system of the wind layer. The focusing system in the outer layer forms a funnel for the star gang, and the engineering fleet of the four-square world begins to communicate with the funnel. Docking, with the help of extraterrestrial energy. An industrial chain has been formed.

The high-energy (sturdy wind) flowing out from the edge of the entire continent has been decreasing year by year. This behavior of pulling wool has already weakened the strong wind at some parts of the bottle body, forming a thin cavity.

As a result, the Sifang Continent no longer has smooth weather, the development of scientific and technological civilization has broken the sky, and the stars are shaking back and forth.

Big cities must open the city shield when the weather changes to prevent thunderstorms from destroying the city.

In the turmoil of the world, the people of Sifang Continent in this era have lost the arrogance of digging into the sky in the past-many people began to shrink back in the face of unpredictable changes.

Therefore, the concept of environmental protection prevails. ——Many urban civilians in the Sifang Continent frequently spoke on the latest media forums, "Continue to destroy Tiangang"

The basis of this "environmental protection" concept is that some young people in Sifang Continent feel that their "resources to enjoy in the future" are being exhausted ahead of time.

Just like in this world, "the purpose of longevity is to live forever", the "environmental protection" of many young people in the "Ding Break" era of the Sifang Continent means that when the world lasts in their hands, they can still "keep the years quiet and good".

Wei Keng: Then, under the conditions of "longevity" and "environmental protection", what is the goal I pursue?

The memory of the third plane war has been fully recovered, "Some people travel to maintain their existence in the world of crossing, but they don't know what the goal should be for the future?"

Most of the society where there is a lack of "goals", which makes Wei Keng, who is "the figure of a middle-aged man", very hesitant in such a social environment

In the Sifang Continent, in many cities with space elevators, on the projection advertisements of the buildings, the questioning mantra of "how dare you" by an unattractive girl is played repeatedly.

Once upon a time, the Xiantian Lingbao had a playful attitude towards the ants inside him. How could he think that one day, he would be considered "protected" by the ants.

Wei Keng knew that the rise of "environmentalism" was caused by the spirit of Sifang Ding entering the "mortal world"

In the 353rd year of the birth calendar, the coalition government has made a pact that in order to protect the common homeland of the "human race" in the Sifang Continent, it will no longer collect wind energy from the "marginal sea" of the Sifang Continent.

Even so, this innate treasure is still inevitably developing in the direction of wear and tear.

Wei Keng of the Dingnei Science Space Station used projection communication and the federal government to report: So, the human races in the Sifang Continent decided to find other homes to survive before their homeland collapsed.

Speaking of exploring other interstellar worlds, Wei Keng blinked at the Minister of Environmental Protection (female). Master Wei knew that she had a spirit consciousness.

The artifact spirit inside this innate treasure has approached Wei Keng several times to protest this bullying.

After the resistance was ineffective, this tool spirit even took up the legal weapon of Sifang Continent and filed a lawsuit against Wei Keng.

Wei Keng was a little surprised by such a "litigation", but then responded: "The law is to protect the individual rights and interests of service civilization, and you have always wanted to rebel, so your "political rights" cannot be said to be deprived for life, but at least Also frozen?"

In the past, the spirit of the Sifang tripod was the heaven of the people in the Sifang continent, God, and only mortals were allowed to bow down.

Civilization has reached such a high level that the spirit of the four-square tripod, which once covered the sky with one hand, began to timidly try to use the law to defend its rights and interests.

The civilization of the Sifang Continent has penetrated into the universe. The space spans 27 astronomical units (the distance of one leap of Huashen's ascension) with millions of surveillance satellites and thousands of heavy artillery warships. Start building the colony. At present, the colonies are established in the "stable zone", that is, the land of the dead.

Because this extremely spiritual area is a "ring" around the entire quasar, which is like a plate with a gold rim, it is named "ancient plate".

In the 455th year of the release calendar, with the start of large-scale immigration from outer space, civilization has entered the "Ancient Pan Calendar Era".

…In the evolutionary history of the earth, microorganisms are often the ones that can really shake the great changes in the entire natural world…

Oh, this extremely spiritual area is a suitable area for the development of civilization, but for the monks in the Xuanqi area and the Lingqi area, the continents in this area with insufficient "negative entropy" are all "Dharma-ending" realms.

In the endless astronomical time in the past, moving from the aura area or the profound energy area to the debris continent in this ring, the practitioners on it are like suffocating people watching the oxygen gradually decrease, watching the heaven and earth aura (xuanqi) decline.

In the Dharma-ending period, all the cultivation stunts on the mainland, "strange power and chaotic gods" have become legends.

Of course, in these extremely spiritual worlds, some cultivators still appear repeatedly in the small tides that alternate between aura and profound energy. Of course, the upper limit is at most the qi training period and the congenital period. These are geniuses who are cultivated once in a hundred years in the Absolute Spirit Realm

Only when the mainland is completely deflected and enters the "high-energy zone", and the spiritual energy and profound energy are recovered, will the cultivation culture reappear.

This period of thousands of years of waiting is "eternal like a long night" for cultivating civilizations

Now, these worlds anchored by the spaceships of the Sifang Continent will usher in another kind of development.

When the dynasties of the Spirit Continent look up at the "spaceships" descending from the sky, the "magic" concepts such as mechas, colonization equipment, and star energy transformation will push the human dynasty and the city here along the train of the times. drive forward.

The space explorers of the Sifang Continent are very happy to see that there are "human races" in all the worlds they explore. These colonial fleet generals have inserted eagles of cultural conquest one by one on the ring belt called "Ancient Pan".

At this time, Sifang Continent only thinks that "the ring it occupies" can develop a high degree of civilization.

The commander of the First Expeditionary Fleet in the 467th year of the release calendar said: This place just straddles the middle zone between two completely different physical environments, and the accumulation of civilization in basic science is very comprehensive.

However, Wei Keng understands: This is the reason for "the advantage is mine" for those who cannot pursue a strong and immortal life.

Wei Keng looked at Gu Pan's unique spiritual belt, and felt that he had provoked countless karma chains: Even if a great master in the world of cultivating immortals ran over, he would have to hang around here, because it is impossible for his cultivation to break through the golden core. To fight back against the system, you have to be honest.

"Come here, ah!" Master Wei raised his middle finger towards the powerful people in the fairy world and the mysterious world.

Of course, "human robbery" will educate all the arrogant attitudes of "responsible robbers".

Narrator: In the exploration of Gupan, Master Wei has already fought against those gods in this game. Without exception, these gods from the upper world belonged to the pit, and were counterattacked by the troublemakers with full experience and lessons of social struggle.

However, not everyone in civilization is as "axis" as Wei Keng. Qiongqi and Wei Keng had a contest of authenticity back then, and next will be Wei Keng and all the "supreme powers" of the entire quasar to compete for authenticity. fight".

A very sad fact, with the top of the Quartet civilization coming into contact with "Longevity", the civilization will be shaken.

The temptation to become a "master" in the area of ​​spiritual energy and profound energy has always existed. After entering the ancient pan era, many upper-level civilizations still ran towards it after contacting the world of cultivation, and began to firmly believe that that was the right place.

Wei Keng, who has acquired the latest memories, expressed his feelings about the earth-traveling culture in the 30th century: "Just like the main world, when did the culture among travelers change from equality to monarchs and ministers?"

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