Out of the cage

Chapter 1099 Chapter 2321 (Part 1) Pioneering, Returning

Chapter 1099 Chapter 23.21 (Part 1) Pioneering, Returning

In the ancient pan, with the 134 nodes where the congenital treasures are located as the main body, and 67,780 sub-nodes as the branches, the injection of "life consciousness" into the entire energy area is completed. This surge from the outside to the inside In the middle of the movement, there is a "giant ax" that goes out with a "clang".

The halo began to shrink inward, and in the process of engulfing the Xiuxian Continent in the state of star sea debris, when a piece of continent saw the arrival of the halo and was swallowed again, it would not be completed instantly, but hundreds of years.

On the Xiuxian Continent covered by the area where the halo arrived, Wei Keng was born one by one, and then practiced. The collective quickly reached the God Transformation on the mainland, and then began to work as an "engineering team". After deploying the control formation of this continent, they began to move further inward. soar.

A hundred days to build the foundation, a thousand days for the golden elixir, ten years for the nascent soul, and twenty years for the transformation of the gods. This is the normal state of Wei Keng individuals in these immortal worlds.

Regarding the assistance of the "halo" he created, Wei Keng said modestly: In short, when the wind comes, pigs have to take off. What I am particularly fond of is the posture of a middle-aged man, so naturally he can go straight to the sky.

These Wei Keng who have landed in Xiuxian Continent one by one do not need to join the sect, nor do they need to wait for a chance.

Wei Keng's landing individual only needs to wave lightly to obtain spirit stones out of thin air, and then deploy formations according to the stars, and the cultivation level can be comparable to the sky spirit root, increasing by dozens of times.

Wei Keng didn't have to go against his natural instinct: he waited for the elders of the sect to give him a crappy evaluation of "this son's character is xx, this son's aptitude is xx". To practice life and life, what one cultivates is one who does not bow his head for fate, and does not change his nature for the sake of the world!

...Wei Keng: I am not the proud son of heaven, nor am I a foreign species, and I am not in your definition, but at this moment you are not as good as me. …

In the Xinghai plane covered by the great turbulence, Wei Keng quickly reached the pinnacle on a continent of comprehension. He has no teacher, no friends, and no entanglement with any fairies. These relationships! Wei Keng had a relationship with the same comrades and ordinary people in the mortal stage. Why should "friendship" be performed on the "high platform"? (Just like in ancient times, as a person with a rich life, why bother to build tastes on Weibo?)

After quickly reaching the stage of becoming a god, Wei Keng made adjustments to the aura shock nodes that Da Chao had locked on the continent for a long time. In an instant, the auras of all the sects' formations were evacuated in an instant. The mainland fell into a state of absolute vacuum.

At this point, it seems that a long time ago, Wei Keng felt that he had operated a "high-energy celestial body system" of similar difficulty. (The mind plane that Wei Keng has no memory of so far is a wave of high-energy strikes by gamma rays, and then the vanguard fight in a low-energy state.)

On these comprehension continents, Wei Keng, who had finished his work with Hengjian, finally flew away in the eyes of many comprehension practitioners.

As Wei Keng soars, the tide will also pass, and the spiritual veins of this world will be drained, and in the next thousand years, it will fall into a land of absolute spirits. Even if the interstellar location here should not belong to the "Ending Dharma" era.

Wei Keng's aura as an "axe and axe" drained the "negative entropy" of the material area where he went like a tide.

After the halo of Wei Keng's "Axe" swept away, those sects also ushered in complete decline. Due to the decline in aura, the mountain guards of the immortal sects could no longer maintain them. The mountain gate began to fall into the ground along with the spirit vein hidden deep in the ground, and it took thousands of years before it could take off.

During this period of "law of heaven and earth" mutation, the follow-up fleet of the Gupan civilization area will rush here to start using industrial mining to obtain "spiritual energy" resources, and "cultivation of immortals" will be established on the premise of the country. It is no longer a personal transcendent activity.

The angle of view kept up with the tide, and it took only a thousand years for the "axe" to surge from the outside to the inside. In the year 10344 of the ancient pan calendar, the blade had already been connected to the spirit world!

In the spirit world, small worlds were wiped out! All the ancient monks disappeared with the destruction of the world bubble.

The Ascension of the Upper Realm, which was sought after by the Lower Realm thousands of years ago, has now become a desperate situation. A large number of powerful monks hastily reincarnated into the Lower Realm, leaving the venue for this final battle to "Prove the Tao with Strength" and "Innate True Spirit" They fight.

…The aura rules of the spirit world have been completely gridded, and the standard domains are scattered throughout the entire spirit world like a grid...

When Wei Keng was approaching the center of the quasar, he confirmed the situation in the fairy world, where the gravity is extremely strong, and multiple timelines can be observed at the same time.

Of course, as I pushed forward, most of the timeline, the wave function collapsed and became invisible. And every wave function collapse represents a complete contraction of an "innate spirit"!

Of course, after it shrinks, behind it becomes a cosmic world with independent laws.

It can be said that, each of these independent law worlds is the independent timeline of the big bang of matter soup. ——These innate true spirits who have always represented the directions of the universe have been hammered and hammered, and finally got the result, which is completely in line with the physical development of these timelines.

Of course, after joining the Dao, traces were left in the end. It has become the future normal universe, the treasure that breeds the so-called "independent law".

In short, the original high-energy life of these quasars, after being cut off, the immobile corpses will become "prehistoric treasures" in many future big world systems.

But right now, I am using my strength to prove the ancient civilization of the ancient pan, and looking at these past powerhouses who have been stereotyped by the "collapse of functions", most of them sighed and shook their heads: "You want to live forever, so that all living beings stay in the stubborn night, I want Split the dawn."

Wei Keng is the "axe" of the ancient pan. As a "axe", it has deeply touched the essence.

In the quasar vacuum zone, Wei Keng has achieved the goal of "returning".

I can be sure of myself who traveled through the black hole. Dozens of these timelines are precisely the popular "economic" planes of the main world.

At this time, Wei Keng not only opened up his way back to the dark world, but also penetrated directly to the next door!

Quietly watching the massive traversers projected from multiple dimensions in the main world there, they are building a "prosperous" world of cultivating immortals.

Since then, Wei Keng also knows that the main world is moving towards multiple dimensions, and a large amount of consciousness is migrating from different planes and different timelines, filling the world of cultivating immortals.

When Wei Keng was staring at the next dimension, the "space-time response mechanism" in the next dimension also saw Wei Keng staring.

Soon, an acquaintance responded in the dimension: "Brother Keng, is that you?"

According to the history of the 33rd century, in the frontier era, before the "Wanyuan" plate was merged into the "Heaven System", two veteran traversers from the pastoral era completed the touch in the dimension...

At this time, Qin Tianfang, as the "core person in charge" of the Zhutian Regional Project of the Master World Space-Time Administration, is starting the "Zhutian" initiation meeting.

This is one of the most important historical meetings of the time-space management department of the main world!

But in the middle of the meeting, Qin Tianfang, who was the core host, suddenly left mysteriously for a while. This short while away, before the end of this era of the heavens, is a historical puzzle.

Qin Tianfang said to his assistant He Chongyun through the projection screen: Take charge of the work for me.

He Chongyun is discussing with "He Qiuye" from the Saturn area, the top-level traveler of the "Life Evolution System" in the dimension, the ownership of the interests of the "Life System" in the dimensional territory.

In the dimension, this (female) Shangqing who developed the "Gaia system" is currently the most vocal representative of the "life evolution" branch in the dimension, but He Chongyun feels that Qin Tianfang doesn't seem to want to see the leader of the "life system" By.

He Chongyun was taken aback when he heard that his teacher Qin Tianfang left suddenly.

Qin Tian's authority in the dimension has been stable for three hundred years, and other people dare not question it at will. As Qin Tianfang's assistant, He Chongyun can ask why most of the time. But this time, Qin Tianfang didn't tell He Chongyun clearly.

Qin Tianfang looked at the dimension. On the border of the dimension in the direction of the North Pole, the gushing starlight (this is the phenomenon of the surge of consciousness in the dimension) is whispering something.

But He Chongyun only heard Qin Tianfang say to himself: I will find you an errand.

He Chongyun was baffled at the beginning, until the arrival of the future generation, he suddenly realized.

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