Out of the cage

Chapter 1100 Chapter 2321 (Part 2) Contradictions of Dao and Xing

Chapter 1100 Chapter 23.21 (Part 2) Contradictions of Dao and Xing

When Wei Keng returned to the quasar plane, the main force was to return to the dark plane, but the flank still accidentally detected the main world economic zone next door, especially to Wei Keng's awe, as soon as he showed his head, Qin Tianfang immediately sensed it. Own.

After being "pacified" by Qin Tianfang (Master Wei thought it was a threat), the Wei Keng who met Qin Tianfang muttered: "This kid is so terrifying." Of course, Qin Tianfang heard this sentence.

Qin Tianfang dug out the information on the Dark Plane, and said calmly but with something to say: You f*ck, now the time flow of the entire Dark Plane has suddenly stopped for eighty earth years. You have completed the protection of the entire plane with your own strength.

Narrator: Qin Tianfang's current system of the heavens has already connected the various territories in the dimension on a large scale. The unification of the planes has been completed, but Wei Keng has completed a substantive separatism here. This kind of separatism is not a "subjective confrontation", but Wei Keng is now causing a huge time stagnation when the consciousness of the Kaitian area returns. A "terrain cliff" is formed above.

The road to Shu on the earth is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky, but if there are huge waves in time and space, the same is true.

In the past few centuries, Qin Tian has suppressed the entire territory with an iron fist, and divided the dimensional evolution system into eight categories, which is almost an achievement of the same text and the same track. In the whole process, it was almost a direct tough annexation.

But it is precisely here in Wei Keng, if anyone in the main world sees it, they will be surprised to find that Qin Tianfang is in Huairou.

This kind of tenderness is not just due to Wei Keng being a veteran time traveler, nor is it related to Qin Xiaohan. It was Qin Tianfang who saw the "time pause" in the plane after Wei Keng's consciousness returned, and sensed something.

In the 33rd century, Wei Keng and Qin Tianfang temporarily reached a series of "peace" cooperation agreements. Wei Keng gave Qin Tianfang the development materials related to the "Gupan" plane, and Qin Tianfang promised Wei Keng: Next, There is your seat.

In Qin Tianfang's personal office of the Time and Space Administration, Wei Keng flipped through the materials of "The Heavens System" and asked, "What, what seat."

Qin Tianfang: The eight main kings, the seat of the evolution department of "Life" is for you.

Wei Keng, who had no vision, waved his hand: Your Majesty? Farewell, the seat is too high, I am not used to sitting.

Qin Tianfang stared at Wei Keng: You can choose others, but you cannot refuse!

Qin Tianfang's words at this time were no longer angry and pretentious. If other people in the Space-Time Administration Bureau understood Qin Tianfang's displeasure at this time, but Tu Kang hadn't really worked with Qin Tianfang before. The impression still stays at the time when Wei Qiang pushed him back.

And for so many years, Wei Keng's own "axis" has not changed at all.

Wei Keng looked at Qin Tianfang, like a stone being thrown into a quagmire, he broke the atmosphere and said, "I didn't vote for the king back then."

The atmosphere suddenly turned cold, Qin Tianfang stared at Wei Keng, and Wei Keng was stunned at first, but he saw Lao Qin staring at him, leaning directly on the sofa, looking up at Qin Tianfang on the boss chair .

…The angle of view comes to the interface between the quasar and black hole dimensions, and Wei Keng’s main force in the quasar plane is breaking through the dimensional membrane...

Many gods and demons in the center of the quasar began to work together to block the "clang" attack, but it was of no avail at this time. The vacuum has been split in time and matter, and the general trend of opening the sky has been irreversible.

Wei Keng witnessed the construction of the main world next door to the plane layer: the layering of planes is a natural phenomenon caused by different thrusts during the entanglement of life and matter, space, and time. Alas, not every plane can usher in "solution".

When the diversity of particles cannot reach a certain level, this layer of space-time will be extremely empty, and the history of the universe will be very short.

Only when the diversity of particles is sufficient to allow consciousness to settle down and life to evolve, the flow of time and space in the universe will slow down.

Wei Keng locks into the quasar, the innate gods and demons occupying the three thousand avenues, these are true spirits, or the Taoists of the mysterious world, but the ultimate heel comes from other planes.

It can even be said that all the consciousness of the entire quasar comes from other planes,

In this "vacuum" plane, before the endless time and space, it spontaneously waited for the consciousness to flow in. Before Wei Keng's arrival, the consciousness that came here was the best among them.

Those who can't get along with the Dao are those who reincarnate in the spirit world for a long time, become immortals again and again, or lose the consciousness of debris and become ordinary people in the mortal world. Drifting with the tide, everything interferes, entangles with each other,

Wei Keng: "Since you didn't think about going out, now that I appear, you should be beheaded."

At this time, the innate gods and demons naturally reprimanded Gu Pan for "cutting" as: "going against the sky\

,"But "Tian Dao" is not what the top majority can represent!

Such bastards who occupy the right to speak at the top and talk about "order", Wei Keng hacked once in the multidimensional plane. (Fate, knowledge, all the following gods and traversers in the Mediterranean cultural circle are still in the pit, and it will take about two or three hundred years before the remaining consciousness will crawl out)

Starting from "proving the Tao with strength", Wei Keng invested in the "True Fruits" one by one, and seized all the avenues of the "true spirit" in an all-round way.

Under Wei Keng's continuous efforts, the future rules of the universe have been determined one by one.

The physical laws of "quality", "light" and "heat exchange" are stable, which means that the true spirits have been cut off one by one.

From the arrogance of the gods and demons at the beginning, they sneered at Wei Keng for a little setback, and then they yelled and scolded each other. In the end, they broke up and fled.

After another five hundred years, Gu Pan seemed exhausted and had stopped swinging his axe (radiating towards the center of the quasar),

Gupan civilization began to determine the separation of time streams, and began to establish gaps in massive celestial bodies to prevent the inconsistent worlds of various "physical constants" from penetrating along the massive point of "super stars", re-chaosing the universe, that is, resisting the opened sky, Let each physical rule universe operate independently.

Since the Gupan civilization has emitted all of Wei Keng's consciousness without a drop, another wave of wisdom stationed in the massive world has also been exhausted in the process of supporting the sky.

Looking back at the perspective, the center of the quasar, after Wei Keng penetrated the singularity of the quasar.

The central area of ​​the quasar seems to be splashing out "water splashes". The splashed water splashes are getting bigger and bigger, and start to become abrupt strips. This strip will extend more and more in the future, just like cracks on the screen of a mobile phone. In countless years in the future, it will become a galaxy cantilever.

In the end, the ancient pan will be completely divided into multiple parts by this cantilever. The consciousness on it has been insisted on developing, and will be scattered into various time and space in the future, and various interstellar worlds.

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