Out of the cage

Chapter 1176 Chapter 2504 Economic plane, casual gameplay

In 3254, the Wei Keng group finally started his "long-planned" trip to the heavens. This was the first time Master Wei went to the economic plane.

Compared with the "original ecological plane", it must be highly cultivated, so that the time flow rate can be reduced to a minimum, so that the main world can travel through the coordinates and be stable for a long time.

Under the system of the heavens, by creating a large number of "artificial planes" and allowing them to merge into the main world to set up "high-value plane universes" over the past few hundred years, it is possible to make the time flow of these universes "variable".

For example, let a universe of silicon-based omnics discovered by Qin Tianfang in 2983 continuously merge into (travel through) the earth in plots such as "Transformers" and "Terminator" in various timelines. The universal time of the basic universe will slow down because of enough changes.

Ying Yunyi (Qin Yiyun): "This process allows a large number of ordinary consciousness to join through, without the need for deep cultivation of higher consciousness."

Wei Keng nodded, while arguing in his heart: sweatshops can allow a large number of child labor to participate, without the need for senior engineers. Can create brilliant economic achievements.

Wei Keng asked Ying Yunyi very politely in reality: "The "planes of the heavens" has an economic advantage over the original plane in absorbing traversers, but compared with the original plane, the dimension rules of the planes of the heavens are unstable. , need more maintenance, right?"

Ying Yunyi paused for a moment: "Well, we just need to sort out the timeline. As the planes of the heavens develop to a certain level, they will naturally be "promoted".

Wei Keng was stunned, and immediately asked a sharp question: "Plane promotion is what we say, for people in that world, it would be a doomsday disaster!" - the Wei Keng split body that is still in the carbon-based body, The thinking is still very simple, with a "people-oriented" formula.

Qin Yiyun harbored disdain for Wei Keng who had never seen the world, but explained with a smile on his face: "In the topological timeline of the heavens, although every ordinary person has a complete memory, but the internal reflection consciousness Not as good as one ten-thousandth of the original plane! To die in topology, for the original plane body, it may be a "stimulating" dream in a dream."

Wei Keng choked up, and didn't know how to respond, her indifferent attitude towards the collapse of a whole world of hundreds of millions of human beings in the topological world. Maybe—this is a game world? I am too sensitive.

At this time, Wei Keng's own personal dimension system quickly helped him review his point of view of "myself in the dark plane".

Then Wei Keng had a bottom line in his heart: If the consciousness of ordinary people in these planes of the sons of heaven cannot flicker in the will of the "traceability system", then as she said, this is a "game world", and all human thinking bodies It is a high-end NPC, but if I verify that plane consciousness can grow through "tracing the source", then it means that there are "people" in this (subworld). This "arena" is contrary to the spirit of modern civilization.

An hour later, accompanied by Ying Yunyi, Wei Keng came to the center of the earth shuttle hall.

There are tens of thousands of travelers who are ready to shuttle here. They don't have any sentimental feelings in the face of this dazzling "economic plane", but talk about what kind of "apocalyptic world" they want to do with enthusiasm.

In the bustling environment, Wei Keng couldn't help being stunned. He muttered to himself, "Are everyone's values ​​so narrow now?"

Wei Keng's dimensional value is that human beings enter the dimension as the life of the universe, and it should be surveying and mapping different physical worlds, surveying and mapping the physical view of dimensions to be unified, and at the same time understand the evolution of life wisdom in dimensions in those planes where life evolves and civilization develops for more than 100 million years trace.

"Traveling", this is a very serious goal, at least that's how it was in the pastoral period. And modern is too entertaining.

Wei Keng patted himself on the forehead: "Is there something wrong!? Am I being too old-fashioned?"

Wei Keng quickly followed the team, but a pair of eyes were quietly watching Wei Keng and Ying Yunyi.

Qin Xiaohan looked at Wei Keng and was waiting quietly. Wei Keng chose the plane.

Wei Keng pointed to the plane in front of him, muttering, and began to choose the plane.

Facing a series of timelines, Wei Keng: dot, first name, dot, last name, dot, to, who, who, just~~…

In the space-time dimension of the main world in 3254, the Wei Keng individual code-named "Outpost" arrived at a target plane in the heavens area as a seed.

In the process of traveling, Wei Keng saw the traces of the light of consciousness traveling in dimensions in this era.

Compared with what we saw in the 27th century, when hundreds of millions of light points formed a galaxy and led to each target plane, this galaxy is not a light point, but a long drizzle.

According to the introduction of the planes of the heavens: in contemporary standards, the longer the light traces that the consciousness quickly passes through, the higher the level of the light of consciousness.

but! Wei Keng's light of consciousness is a solid point of light.

Dududu, in this magical capital that is equivalent to the era of the first half of the 21st century, Wei Keng is a college student from Jindi, and now he is carrying big bags and small bags, standing in front of the subway station and looking at the billboards in this world on the subway route sign.

Wei Keng moved his fingers on the map, and after confirming his target station, he let out a breath. Of course, when Wei Keng's finger slid, it seemed to be for lighting. The characters on the platform were automatically illuminated. When Wei Keng's finger left, the characters returned to normal.

As the name of the source energy world suggests, in this world, when a certain type of matter accumulates to a certain extent in the "causal quantity", there will be a dimensional depression, and the dimensional rules of other planes will be introduced to invade! ——For example, if there is a robot awakening, it is the omnic plane that is conducive to the consciousness of the silicon crystal, and the goose rules are invaded on the chip.

This is a bit like the situation of "multiple planes", but it's just that everything can be stored and left behind the reflection of quantum information, and the planes of the heavens are the world's various essences that can be tampered with at will!

Wei Keng carried the "exploration system" with him: under the system of the heavens, the man-made plane is more rogue than the multi-dimensional plane. Compared with the source energy plane, the multi-dimensional plane is still stable.

Wei Keng looked at the ignorant people on the bustling street and murmured, "If this plane is not maintained frequently, it will collapse in a few decades."

The exploration system affirmed: Yes, all the peaceful pasts in the heavens were fabricated by "causal forces". When the traversers arrived, they would inevitably go to destruction like the collapse of the wave function. This world itself has accumulated a large number of "causes" of destruction, just waiting for the traversers to trigger the "effects".

Narrator: Just like the Hollywood Marvel world, each episode has a reason for "destroying the world", and every superhero blocks a factor of world destruction to achieve world stability.

Right now, the historical background of Wei Keng's arrival in this world is the ancient city of Guhai.

In the afternoon, Wei Keng checked in with big bags and small bags and nodded his greetings to the landlord: "Hello, Lennon." Then he looked at his watch: "I want to cut some salad tonight, so I'll cut it."

Under the instruction of the landlord's unique "Nong" language, Wei Keng promises that the house will be clean when handing over the house. I will cherish the old solid wood furniture in the house for decades.

After seeing off the landlord, Wei Keng finally sat in his room.

Wei Keng turned on his laptop, opened the webpage, searched for various keywords, and looked up various trends in the world.

At this time, the Baidu search engine interface, which is unique to the 21st century, appeared. Wei Keng paused slightly, picked up the mouse and started searching, and a series of supernatural and supernatural materials rumored on the Internet popped up in the search engine.

Wei Keng watched these mysterious events with great interest.

In the world of the heavens, all natural phenomena on planes of other dimensions can be projected into this plane through the dimension of "origin energy". Formation of "tiny" regional physical constant distortions.

For example, when Wei Keng pointed his finger at the newspaper, a "distortion of the rules" appeared. The material in the newspaper is no longer the original "chemical material that can be oxidized and reduced" but a paper substance with "phlogiston". As Wei Keng extracts phlogiston and burns, the newspaper It turned into a flame font, and after it was displayed, it turned into white ashes.

Of course, excessive use of rule-distorting power will eventually lead to becoming the source of "another dimension rule" invasion.

So: The power system of a superhero is a blessing in disguise!

When a child of the plane is selected and starts to abuse his power, the disaster of plane destruction may also follow.

Right now, Wei Keng is under the desk lamp, picking up a pen, and recording the occurrence times of various abnormal events in the search engine.

Various crises are brewing in this world. Once a certain crisis reaches a certain level. The "causal effect" will be activated, and the seemingly peaceful world will suddenly become a disaster.

Future destruction and disasters are uncertain. There are many "causes" now, but there is only one "effect" on a timeline-because when a certain dimension completely invades a plane of the heavens, other dimensions cannot be invaded.

Wei Keng flipped through the system and found the first "close-range world disaster". At this time, in the room, Wei Keng's pupils had a whirlpool of light. For this world, this is the "big prophecy" technique.

Of course, this ability is not assigned by the main world to newcomer traversers, but Wei Keng's "dimension technology" comes with it, and he starts to calculate the cause and effect of the world related to him.

The first disaster is that in a timeline that will happen in the future, the world will experience a "zombie frenzy" twenty years later.

When he saw the "effect" of prophecy, Wei Keng began to look for the "cause".

"Deducing effect from cause" is difficult, but "proving cause from effect" according to the future timeline is much simpler.

Soon, Wei Keng clicked on a piece of news published by the Northern Lucia Meteorological Station this year. The headline of the news was "continuing global events may lead to catastrophe."

Wei Keng looked at the green arctic circle that was about to become a prairie in the news pictures, with a serious expression. The finger pressed the mouse and clicked the associated search - a group of pictures of local creatures appeared.

Or polar bears gnaw their companions, sea fish devour garbage, and so on "hungry painting"

Wei Keng began to call up the "Subworld World Line Prediction" tool developed by the plane elevator system that he carried with him.

...The first crisis event was the zombie crisis after the permafrost melted in Siberia...

As the permafrost in the Arctic circle degrades, the hard permafrost turns into swamps, and large amounts of methane are released from the swamps.

This kind of methane matter will not enter into the dynamic cycle of the sub-world in other timelines, so the amount of evolution information, um, that is, the amount of causality is very small.

But, in this timeline, it is stimulated by human activities, and constantly disturbed by the actions of human consciousness, and the accumulation of a lot of developmental causes and effects, also produces a kind of “source” (the intrusion of the rules of other dimensions).

This "source" is attached to carbon dioxide and has secondary oxidation properties. When this carbonic acid is contaminated with organic matter, it can speed up the oxidation of organic matter by four to eight times. And this carbonic acid enters the organism? There has been a cascade of effects.

...a dividing line thousands of miles away...

Right now is 2245 in the Qin Tongli calendar, and the perspective comes to the Arctic wasteland.

With the arrival of spring, some plants began to grow, and these plants grew very lushly. At this time, on a grassland, some deer were strolling happily, trying to find food here, but some stags in the herd were a little mad. They Using the antlers to dig out the roots from the underground mud, suddenly, the deer's teeth bit a mouse, and the deer swallowed it.

A few minutes later, the male deer's eyes became red, and the hair on his body fell off. When he saw a living thing, he poked at the doe with sharp antlers.

The deer were frightened and fled in a hurry, and the buck finally rushed into the swamp and sank.

As a result, the deer have a memory and never come here for food again.

Large mammals such as deer and horses have a certain memory and brain.

But the small animals did not. Some rodents were looking for food here, and soon turned into crazy species with red eyes, and then small creatures like the arctic fox devoured the things here and became extremely ferocious.

Such small changes began to slowly spread across Siberia.

When this world of the emperors is still at world peace, the disaster has actually erupted on a small scale, but it has been contained by the world's powerful forces.

Just a few days after Wei Keng checked it.

...the dividing line unknown to the world...

On March 21, a group of Lucia airships with double-headed crowns and black carving patterns arrived over this area.

A group of soldiers with golden cross breastplates on their chests, modern military uniforms, and gas masks on their faces came to this dead grassland with guns in their hands.

When they landed, they were immediately stared at by red eyes with a radius of several kilometers.

Then these glowing red eyes turned into a tide, flocking to the fresh and raw meat that landed here.

The oxidative radicals in the zombified organisms on the ice sheet stimulate primitive desires, and must capture these reducing organic compounds that have not been infected by carbonic acid.

Engulfed by the large number of flies and insects, a wave of animal corpses, as well as unidentifiable mutated beasts ran over.

However, these breastplate warriors picked up their bursting shotguns, clusters of sparks jumped out of the guns, and immediately formed a fire net within 50 meters in front of them.

And in the center of this group of fighters, a priest in a white mech held high the ultraviolet radiation device with the inscription on the cross. The natural enemy left.

The ultraviolet rays on these crosses also belong to "origin energy", that is, the rules of connecting to another plane are not ordinary but extraordinary. The sacred power in the light can cause damage to abnormal life forms.

The world ruled by the divine power is similar to the divine power of 'Diablo'.

...Wei Keng from the South is studying in the library by himself at the university...

Wei Keng recorded in his notebook: Where all disasters on the planes of the heavens have not "started", every substance in the world may undergo regular changes, that is, "origin energy".

This kind of rule variation is only concentrated on a very small amount of substances at the beginning. If it is artificially spread to similar substances—for example, a small amount of source energy holders at the beginning, for the sake of power, continue to search for more power in the corresponding environment.

In this case, as the intrusion of the dimensional rules of this kind of matter becomes stronger and stronger, it is possible to drag this kind of "21st Century Peaceful World" into the last days, and the various laws of the last days will be in harmony with the corresponding nature. The plane is getting stronger and stronger. In the end, as the "plane rules evolve and improve", the plane is promoted, that is, the whole world travels to the corresponding plane.

Wei Keng leaned against the window of the library and looked at the tall buildings and the planes flying high in the sky. And the couple downstairs who are holding milk tea.

...peace is over, continue to the scene of the firefight...

On the plains of Siberia, Lucia's organization is refraining from possible destruction in its own territory.

Soldiers wearing helmets held large-caliber guns and sprayed bullets to shoot at the infected bodies, while the priests drove and killed those small individuals with "radioactive" holy light.

After the armed forces clean up the large mutant

In the team, the jeeps built a temporary camp, and the scientists in white chemical protective suits took out instruments to collect water and soil in the glass cover, and at the same time, they also used tweezers to hold some active insects, birds, etc. The samples were packed into bright white boxes with skull logos and shipped away.

When everything was collected, the helicopter carried the personnel and jeeps to evacuate and fly away.

Before the jeep was pressed out, the rut was filled with water from the swamp. Several large propeller bombers arrived in the sky with a bang.

The mechanical cabin door of the aircraft was opened, and hundreds of cylinders weighing several tons fell on the sky above these fields. With a bang, they exploded to form clouds of mist, and then in the blink of an eye, these mist ignited, and the flames The storm swept over everything, and the risk of this heterogeneous spread disappeared like this.

However, in this world, there are many, many crises that can destroy world peace. Contemporary human beings are sitting on the powder keg, but they are still in the movie theater, feeling that life is boring.

...boring dividing lines...

The protagonist in the heavens who knows the end of the world has already started hoarding supplies and fortresses to buy people's hearts, but someone? At this? ...began to make soy sauce.

Five months later, Wei Keng, who had been in this world for a while, was on the street, wearing a tall white hat and mask, looking at the sky leisurely.

Wei Keng is not the only traveler who came to this world this time, some of them are already flying with swords in the big cities of New York, some of them have acquired the inheritance of Tantric Buddhism in the Tianshan Mountains, and some are in ancient castles in Europe Gained the power of the "bloodborne" virus. Compared with these new generations who are actively "playing house", Wei Keng does nothing.

At this time, someone came in front of Wei Keng. Seeing that he was a new customer, Wei Keng hurriedly said, "Sea cakes, five yuan each."

Customer: "Your price is a little expensive?" Master Wei: "I have enough materials!"

Wei Keng opened the lid of the oven, baked the scallion pancakes that were charred on the outside and fleshy on the inside, and filled the inside with thickened meat and vegetable juice. There were also several kinds of vegetables. Wei Keng opened several stainless steel pot lids Finally, after the aroma was revealed, the guests stopped immediately and were willing to pay for a taste.

The first taste, diced squid, seaweed, a pot of hot seafood sauce with shallots.

The second taste is "Russian-style one-pot cooking" after two hours of simmering diced beef and potatoes.

The third taste, the braised pork is cooled, cut into cubes, mixed with diced tofu, and heated with braised sauce.

In the life of modern times, Wei Keng calculated the working hours of office workers and the time when they passed by in their free time after work, and designed the dishes. For example, the large piece of braised pork "sedentary party" must feel boring, but after cutting it into small pieces, it is just Well, it tastes very rich and fragrant.

There were people coming and going in front of the station, and Wei Keng's business was very good, and he was always able to dismantle the stall before the city management personnel called. This is the "God's Perspective" assistance provided by the main world, and one can see everything within 600 meters around - it must be said that the idea of ​​using the hanger in this aspect is very clear.

Wei Keng: I have plenty of time and my hands are not stupid. ——Confucius: Food and sex are also.

Master Wei, the person in charge of the inspection who traveled through this time, felt what her mother felt back then. …

Right now, before the plot of the timeline is separated, Wei Keng is the only traverser. For other traversers who are ready to cooperate to grab resources from this world, Wei Keng's idleness is obviously dazzling.

Several rounds of traversers have approached Wei Keng and asked Wei Keng what kind of energy he was going to collect. After learning that Wei Keng was unprepared, he left in a huff.

In the East China Sea, on a huge submarine warship, the captain of the Zhongzhou team who traveled this time, after reading the "source energy" obtained by all the team members, Wei Keng was no longer on the list.

Yes, they are no longer prepared to take Wei Keng away in the next round of plot development and world bifurcation.

As for Wei Keng, at this time it was a bit like a spring outing in the park when he was a teenager. Others were still playing in the park.

As for the haste of other young traversers, Wei Keng is currently very out of group.

Wei Keng doesn't care: there is nothing to accumulate in this unstable world. Since it is an economic plane, it takes the leisure route. You don't care what I do, such a world that is about to be destroyed at every turn, I don't want to spend too much effort on it.

Six months later, the traveler team left. Wei Keng watched in astonishment as they left without saying hello or calling him. After thinking about it, he couldn't help laughing. Then I reflected: "Oh, this is why most children don't want to play with adults."

Master Wei reflected: Because, ah, it was the adults who first showed no interest in the things the children played. That's why children feel that adults are not fun.

Wei Keng, who was thrown away by the new generation of traversers in this era, touched his chin and muttered, "Oh, it seems that I'm being a little perfunctory?"

In the supervisor's space, Qin Yiyun had already shrunk the screen of Master Wei's world line to the minimum and hung it aside, because she felt that "there is no need to monitor"...

...the dividing line of "the way is different, the insufficiency of the vertical and the conspiracy"...

After washing the pot at night, Wei Keng raised his hand, and a gem-like plane crystal appeared in his palm, which currently contained various future "origin energy" (seeds of future power) stored in it.

In this plane, Wei Keng has now activated the level of the traceability system according to the current "origin energy" rules. At present, there is no first-order Wei Keng here, and he is still in the dormant stage.

Tracing the source is still valid on this plane. In this unstable plane, Wei Keng's too strong consciousness can invade the line along the "source energy" dimension, and exist simultaneously on other timelines.

That's right, Wei Keng's timeline has not been single for a long time.

Although Master Wei's "traceability" technology did not allow him to reach the first level in any plane, the dimension technology subconsciously crossed multiple dimensions of the economic plane. Become an "npc" that exists in every plane.

The children stopped playing with the adults and went to the side, but the children didn't know it, they didn't know that they didn't escape the adult's perspective.

Wei Keng's backhand locked onto the new plane that these "abandoned themselves" traversers arrived at. Well, their team split up and went to several parallel timelines, one of which is the world of martial arts in the 22nd century. And another cyber planetary colony with the largest number of people.

Master Wei is there, as an NPC.

In that world of martial arts, Master Wei opened a breakfast shop, specializing in selling dumplings, siu mai, and adding ground shrimp powder to make it fresher, and then steaming it on a steamer.

In the cyber planetary world, Wei Keng opened a beef restaurant. He couldn't buy fat and thin beef, only frozen meat. Wei Keng is to break up the fat and thin meat separately, boil it and cut it into jelly, artificially complete the fat and thin, put it on a plate, and serve it with peanut butter noodles.

Oh, the biological plane of the third natural frenzy, Wei Keng makes first-hand marinated eggs, boiled eggs first, then put them in the refrigerator to freeze the porcelain, and then thawed, watching the skin wrinkled like fried tiger skin , After brushing with oil and roasting for a while, put it in the marinade and cook.

Due to the cost of opening a store in each world, Wei Keng can only focus on one ingredient. (It takes several hours to process one type of food, and there is no time to process multiple ingredients at the same time. The efficiency is insufficient.)

For these traversers, in fact, if they want to taste all Master Wei's craftsmanship, they have to travel to many planes.

Master Wei's evil taste, once they pass through his shops in twenty different planes, he will give big rewards and give this lucky person a plane elevator channel. (end of this chapter)

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