Out of the cage

Chapter 1177 Chapter 2505 (Part 1) Source Energy Combination

Origin energy, mysterious power, power from another world.

Master Wei, a college student, flipped through the ancient books in the school’s underground library, and took a crystal pen to record on the paper projected by the system. The handwriting on the pen tip was just an outline. , to further import.

Wei Keng's information: According to the earliest record in the world, in the alchemy furnace of the Eastern Qin and Han Dynasties, when the high temperature appeared in a state of perfection, there would be a probability of the "source" of another world appearing. At that time, the oriental warlock who borrowed the power of the different plane walked in the world. on.

In the occult records outside the East, the sun sacrifices recorded on the stone slabs of the Mayan civilization used thousands of natural crystals to focus hundreds of square meters of light on the sacrificial altar, and burned the willing sacrificers to death. It is also possible to open up the source power of another world, store it in the crystal, and use "miracles" to spread faith.

In medieval Europe, the vortex of civilization, the grassland civilization in northern Asia, the Mesopotamian civilization on the Arabian Peninsula, and the Viking civilization all fought in the arena of Europe.

"Magic" and "magic" collide here.

For example, there are not only the natural druids of the Rhine condensed life gems, but also the "divine blood" crystals condensed in southern Europe.

Wei Keng turned to ancient books to describe the castle era: it was finally a thousand years ago, with the rise of the power of the Pope.

The priests of the Western temple condensed a standard "source" through special tempering, silver, gold and other precious metals.

The mass production of these Christian holy vessels allowed the Holy to expand powerfully on the Western Continent, and the wings of the holy angels were scorching hot, burning all traces of the old "heretics".

At this time, Wei Keng's own system in the library popped up other notes.

Remarks: Relatively speaking, the output of oriental charms is also very large, several times that of holy artifacts, but they are easily consumed and burned. When the holy artifact is fighting against evil, it is also very resistant to fragmentation and fracture.

In the famous Taoist temples in the east, the worshipers are "treasures" level Taoist artifacts, which are not comparable to the consumables of paper spells. It is known that there are "demon mirrors" and "gang thunder swords". Appeared in the catastrophe.

Whether it is a Western "sacred object" or an Eastern "treasure", the "source" is sealed, and the source is connected to another type of regular plane.

Wei Keng wrote: All "sacred objects" are traversing coordinates, which can be located to the original planes of other heavenly lords.

These remarks are from Wei Keng's summary in other timelines.

By the way, recently Wei Keng no longer uses the informal nomenclature of "dumplings", "liangpi" and "ice powder". Those old names depend on Wei Keng's masterpieces of snack bars on various planes. Now start to use "A, B, C, D..." and "Zichou Yinmao..." to name them.

...Professional naming means that Wei Keng has carried out standardized surveying and mapping in the dimension, and the split has been unfolded on the timeline...

Wei Keng closed the ancient history book. These "historical materials" are just the historical projection of the topological plane. It seems that these "pasts" are taken for granted, but as long as there are "abnormal plots" now, new ones will emerge from the past at any time. cause and effect. And - eat books.

The so-called "law of cause and effect" is like this. Now that a super plot occurs, the protagonist will "discover" the corresponding "cause" in the past by chance.

It is worth mentioning: those sons of the planes of local consciousness in the heavens will think that the "plot world" they are in is the main world .

Little do they know that this so-called "master world" is the reflection of the current dimensional rules of the major territories, and anyone can infiltrate it.

The system of the heavens, the "children of the planes" from the artificial planes, claims to be the "central", but it is actually a transitional buffer zone for the major "natural planes" (the major stable territories).

Wei Keng commented on Son of the Plane: Just because you have received a gift package for dimension invasion from outside, it does not mean that you are the "savior". It is more likely that you are just the guide of the plane from which this "power" originates.

If you want to use a metaphor, this plane in the initial state, where various rules are still stable, is equivalent to the "Great Qing", with guns and artillery made in various countries. A hundred years later, Ukraine has Western arms and Eastern civilian drones. All major powers are waiting. But in fact, this belongs to the sphere of influence of various countries.

The modern world that Wei Keng is currently staying in is equivalent to the modern world of the ancient times and belongs to the "public plane".

This public plane seems to be compatible with the "power" under the constants of various natural planes, but in fact, due to the physical "constant" and unstable foundation, it is impossible to exert this power system. The key to those core planes powerful.

For example, the original plane of "Pandora's plane" can develop into a "carbon-based mothership". But the 'origin energy' that invaded this plane can only make people look like "regenerating broken limbs" and "drawing vitality from other vegetation".

These man-made "sub-planes" of the heavens have all kinds of strange abilities, just like "made by all nations".

Those territories that have been developed in the dimension, like the old developed countries, have advanced to the point where the technology (power application) under various "rules" has been advanced beyond any means. For invading these "sub-planes", it is enough to mobilize some methods of use.

Just like developed countries can transfer one or two artillery pieces and a few missiles to small countries. have a great deterrent effect.

It is impossible for these "sub-planes" to rely on these "methods" to overtake them. This is like a second-rate country that only imports a single tank and aircraft, but the logistics support of the tank armor cluster of the superpower, the communication chain, and the sky-earth radar. The networking system has been developed for many years.

Wei Keng: In this modern earth environment world, it seems that there are many kinds of "source energy" and all kinds of capable people and strange people.

These extraordinary people exist in families, underground worlds, and government secret systems all over the world, but from the perspective of those high-level planes (well-developed natural planes, such as Pandora), these "transcendents" in low-level planes ", the power system you have is just an entry-level.

These traversers who come to this plot want to further their power under this plane system, they have to promote the protagonist of the plane as a chess piece, let their source energy expand, and promote the promotion of the plane.

For example, in the plane where Wei Keng is currently, if he wants to cultivate immortality, he can go to a specific place in Kunlun Mountains to meet fate. After "Dan Dao", activate the law, and then enter.

In the same way, if you want to become an angel, you need to promote the progress of the plane and let the saints guide miracles.

At this time, Wei Keng, who came out of the library, walked to the roof of the university, took a prism-shaped device and began to measure the spectrum to confirm the "constant beating" around him, and then check his "source energy" seeds.

In the current system of the heavens, third-rate traversers run plots, second-rate traversers study power systems, and first-rate traversers collect world gates from different territories.

And those top-level traversers who really have their own plane boundaries are in charge of "cause and effect", that is, changing the plot line of the subworld.

...The world of the sons of heaven is in full swing, where is the end? …

Two years later, Wei Keng graduated from Qihai and came to Kunshan, Suzhou. Taking the green bus every day turns into a red bus.

In the rented room, Master Wei looked at the white light of energy floating in the palm of his hand.

This is the source energy, a condensed electric system energy, according to the Taoists, this is the palm thunder supernatural power that needs a year of hard work to condense.

Wei Keng took out a small light bulb, oh, it was a civilian product sold in the hardware store next door.

The "white light" Taoist true thunder energy is stored in the filament, and with Wei Keng rubbing it, the light bulb without any live wires or neutral wires emits a shining light.

If it is placed normally like this, the light bulb will be on for more than ten days.

Wei Keng: The power of a big light bulb is 30 watts. The small light bulb is four watts, which condenses a palm thunder. If it is started smoothly, the light bulb can be turned on for dozens of days without battery wires, which is about 0.7 kWh.

Wei Keng adjusted it, the light bulb dimmed, the power no longer lost sharply, and the magnetic force increased sharply.

The light bulb flew up into the air, and under Wei Keng's control, it flew into the iron box lined with sponge. An iron box can store four palm mines.

Wei Keng's system provides information: Normal palm mines are stored with jade charms, and a jade charm can store more than 20 palm mines. Jade plaques can be stored stably for hundreds of years.

But jade talismans are really too expensive. Jade with a slightly better texture costs thousands of dollars. And carving is very troublesome.

Therefore, Wei Keng found civilian products from the hardware store to burn runes on the glass shell of the light bulb instead. The Thunderfire storage life is five months, but that's enough.

Hey, the manufacturing precision of industrial products is very high, and the argon gas filled inside can also block the diffusion of electricity very well, except for a little larger volume, there is nothing wrong with it.

Wei Keng said to himself calmly: "I'm just a snack seller, and I don't do the work of exorcising ghosts and evil spirits. I just keep a few palm thunders and do some extra work."

Wei Keng shook the thunder ball in his palm, and the thunder arc also shook and flickered. The cabinet is densely packed with all kinds of boxes, one row of which is full of light bulbs. And other little everyday things.

This is the first time Master Wei has come to such an "economic plane", and his curious nature is now being let loose.

A lighter wrapped with special patterned aluminum foil, this is an improved "Thunderbolt".

There are also some glass marbles that condense the power of wind inside. Once they approach people, they will explode into layers of shell-like glass fragments.

In the stationery box that Wei Keng carried with him, there were pencil sharpeners worth fifty cents. These pencil sharpeners were equipped with sharpness techniques. Once the pencil sharpeners were opened, the blades would dissolve in the air and become sharp.

...The system complained: This is a serious violation of the essentials of Daoist spells, Wei Keng: Daoist? …

The governments of various countries currently have strict controls on people with supernatural powers.

In the underground world, even the most common oriental charm costs tens of thousands of yuan, which is higher than the price of a high-precision firearm.

Because the charm is completely handmade, and very few people know it, similar to the "precious mechanical watch" in the ancient times of the main world.

Moreover, such unusual items are just needed for big shots who are often prone to surprises.

Ordinary people in this world may not encounter mysterious powers at all.

Those with resources in society don't need this kind of tactics to deal with ordinary people. The oppression of power and money is enough.

And this kind of "alchemy" cannot be broken by criminal investigation, so it belongs to "lawless" and uncontrollable things.

Not to mention the political family, even in the mutual calculations between the main family and the offshoots of the business family, this kind of sorcery often occurs.

Therefore, the country's court government is very strict in cracking down on this kind of business. Any source of energy, even the "Cold Air and Frost Talisman" that can only freeze a glass of water, is prohibited from being bought or sold - Wei Keng, who personally made so many contraband items, deeply agrees with this.

Analogous to the East in ancient times, the kinetic energy of projectiles launched by tubes exceeds 1.6 joules, which seems ridiculous across the board. But it's actually necessary, because you never know how far someone can find a loophole.

If the kinetic energy of the projectile is relaxed to tens of joules, then it can be replaced with spikes and quenched with some chemicals, and soon the gangsters on the street can change their equipment, and the cost of identification and law enforcement will suddenly increase.

Mysterious items in this world are also in a state that is difficult to control. All kinds of mysterious items are small and exquisite, which does not conform to the norm, and poses a serious threat to the big shots.

So whether it is "Thunder Talisman" or "Fire Bomb".

If the government catches illegal transactions, they will be punished immediately, and what awaits the prisoner is punishment such as exile.

…The sound of the Didi police siren outside the window made Mr. Wei look up, and began to appreciate the scenery outside, and opened the window to breathe...

At this time, Master Wei made "dangerous objects" that are extremely confusing. If it is traded, it will definitely be attacked by the official.

Ding dong, the doorbell rang, Wei Keng quickly put away all his things, went out to check, it turned out to be the landlord.

Wei Keng apologized to the landlord after handing over the electricity bill that exceeded the standard this month. Then remind yourself, don't make runes at home next time.

"Tracing to the source" can only break out when you are dying, but even if you are not in a life-and-death crisis, it is full of variables. In short, people who make troubles make troubles.

As a "hidden npc", Master Wei seems to be motionless in various planes, but in fact, thousands of sources of energy have been surveyed and mapped on various timelines.

In the multiple plots of different causal lines unfolding in the middle and lower reaches of the heavens, Wei Keng and the others are not strong compared with those who are about to produce the Son of Destiny. But if you really want to conflict, it is definitely the most diverse means. Light bulbs, lighters, and pencil sharpeners can all be swords.

After the police car left, Wei Keng looked up at the sky, feeling a little regretful. Whispered: Another day with nothing to do. Go ahead and get ready.

Wei Keng, who is seeking stability, is exploring the diversity of the world of the heavens in "small steps". Wei Keng: Let's see whether the types of the worlds of the heavens are infinite, or I am infinitely adaptable.

In the Haotu system, "exclusive evolution" is now popular. The last emperor (Qin Tianfang) who suppressed the heavens is already old, and now he can't suppress the evolution system of all dimensions. At present, the territory has been divided into eight cultural areas, which is a compromise with these "kings" who have exclusively evolved.

And these, the kings who prefer their own superior evolution system, try their best to make the "new sub-plane" develop in the future and promote towards their own system in the system of the heavens.

That's right, contemporary traversers in the heavens system only pursue a single power system.

…Wei Keng: I have to understand a little about the appearance of a human being. …

Wei Keng rented the next street, in the gym.

On the parallel bars, Wei Keng stretched his arms and began to use force, his body rose slowly, his waist, shoulders and legs moved in a straight line.

The "Yi Jin Jing" that Wei Keng consulted in detail is the system of the boundary plane where the "Martial Arts System" is located.

According to the content of this database, activate the physical rules of "closed-loop energy storage in protein" to strengthen the body. From Wei Keng's point of view, the lines in the body represent internal energy lights up, and the percentage values ​​on each of these light spots represent that the acupuncture points are about to generate internal force indicators.

According to Wei Keng's dimensional axis determination, the direction of this dimensional invasion comes from the Guwu plane.

The ancient martial arts system may not be the strongest power system in the "economic plane", but it is definitely the most versatile.

At this time, Wei Keng was operating according to the Yi Jin Jing mode modified by the fixed body technique, and soon sensed the immersion of the corresponding dimensional rules.

Inner Qi lingers in the muscles and bones of the body, and these energies make the toughness of the muscles and bones surpass that of traditional organic materials.

The system opened up a series of values ​​for the muscles and bones on Wei Keng's body: the source energy can make the muscle tissue in the body reach the strength of special polymer materials in terms of microscopic chemical structure strength, and the explosive force in the muscles can provide the powerful force for pushing cars .

Ten minutes later, Gu Wu's inner qi gradually appeared in the calibration meridians. Judging by the aptitude of this plane, Wei Keng has transparent bones and first-class aptitude.

Wei Keng picked up a glass of water in his hand, and the glass of water automatically vortexed under the action of internal force. ——Master Wei's concept of internal energy is "Tai Chi is stirred in a big tank".

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